twolegplace Possibly in Michigan [vibe check]


Second Chance
Nov 29, 2023
The air was chilly and she fluffed out her long coat against the breeze. Hues of cream and white writhed against her skin as her back shivered again. The stone beneath her paws no longer ached with each pawstep as she made way down the path. With careful movements she threaded through seams of twolegs, who shuffled about in their colorful large pelts, hardly sparing her a glance. She wasn't surprised, it was freezing, much too cold for anyone to be concerned with anyone but themselves. Finally she broke through the small crowd, the smell of warm food overwhelming the previous smells of exhaust and smoke.

Directly in front of her, in a small parking was a small rectangular building, red lights almost blinding her from where she stood at the edge of the parking lot. With a small sigh, she'd pad into the parking lot, past the sleeping monsters, grunting as a careless paw lands in a slushy puddle. The smell in the area was intoxicating and she licked her chops as she made way 'round the side of the building to a small square structure. The wide metallic gate was wide open and two metal bins, lay ahead of her. The odor of garbage was thick but she wasn't deterred in the slightest as she stepped inside the little area.

Dirty snow lay all around her but she was too focused on one of the smooth white pelts that lay up against the cans to care. With a single paw swipe, she ripped a single bag open and several styrofoam containers fell out. Their odors were immaculate, meat and several long stems bathed in a sweet smelling liquid revealed themselves as their prisons open and she shivered again. Even though she was cold, she'd at least not be hungry.

With that thought, she'd dig into the meat hungrily.


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- It was not uncommon for Persephone to roam the Twolegplace, primarily out of curiosity and yearning for something new. Though she'd never eat kittypet food, she'd often stop to let a passing Twoleg reach down and stroke its long, skinny paw along her spine, before the feline and Twoleg both moved their separate ways. Unfriendly ones were met with a fierce hiss and sharp claws, before the calico inevitably darted. That was as far as she ever went with the strange creatures.

Her attention was drawn to a nearby alleyway as she heard soft footsteps and a soft tear of some kind of Twoleg pelt. Persephone's whiskers twitched, intrigued, as she turned into the alleyway, leaping up on the thin grey bins that lined the edges of each Twoleg nest, to get a higher ground and see what the commotion was. Ignoring the odor for a moment, the lilac calico stretched forward and lay herself down on one of the bins near Polynesia, letting one of her forepaws hang down casually. She was observing an orange loner, or perhaps a kittypet, snacking on some leftover Twoleg food. She couldn't imagine how cold and stiff that meat was, not to mention the stench that must be drowning her senses; how could she taste anything?

As to hopefully not startle the she-cat, Persephone cleared her throat before speaking. "What'cha got there?" mused her silky voice, sing-songy in nature. With another thoughtful hum, she added, "Twoleg leftovers? Wouldn't you prefer something.. fresh?"

  • perse-2.png
  • perse-pixel.png
    PERSEPHONE she/her, loner, fourteen moons.
    a kind-hearted yet stern lilac calico molly with amber eyes.
    mate to no one. mother to no one.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

a knife ? are you flirting with me ?
The brown tabby padded through the endless rows of houses and buildings alike, alone this time around, but Kavan wasn’t complaining all that much even if it made his skin prickle with paranoia. Shaking his helm, Kavan tilted his helm to peer up at the sky with a slow flick of his tail, grinning cheekily. Yet another chilly day, huh? If Yuhwa—The scarred tom breathed out a sigh, smiling warmly despite his downcast hues. Ah, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it? He hummed.

Kavan paused, helm tilted with a swirl of curiosity at the low thrum of voices paired with the smell of twoleg food wafting through the air, overpowering the rancid smell of gasoline. “Difficult to find something fresh.” He hummed, making himself known with a carefree grin settled on a scarred face, golden hues crinkling. “Name’s Kavan! Happen to be passin’ by and I couldn’t help but come say hello.” He rumbled, tone dripping like honey paired with a slow curl of a charismatic grin.

Cautious as he always was, Kavan played it well, watching the two mollies with a curious twitch of his brow. His gaze flickering to the leftover food with a tilt of his helm, glancing at Polynesia. “Taste good?” He rumbled curiously.
thought speech
Wearily she lifts her head from her meal, pelt bristling as she gazes over the other she-cat. Her words are friendly enough but she's still startled by the presence of the other. It's been a long time since she'd encountered friendly cats and the recently scarred marks on her muzzle are proof. For a moment she considers bolting but she lowers her hackles, suddenly confused.

"What could be fresher than this?" Polynesia would ask, her eyes widening in curiosity. The meat she'd been eating was still warm even. "It's even still warm."

She supposed she didn't really know if it was warm from being in the garbage or if the warmth came from having been inside the foodplace. Her stomach roiled slightly but she ignored it and the nausea soon passed. "You mean, hunting?" She'd query at last, looking around the area in a pointed manner. Snow, all she could see and feel was snow. Even under her thick pelt she was shivering, pelt pulled tight against her bones from moons of living on the streets.

Soon another voice greets her and at this point she's just happy that her food isn't being threatened this time. His voice is friendly and she finds that she likes the sound of it. As far as she could tell he had honest intentions and she nods in answer to his question.

"My mother called me Polynesia." The words making it as though she hadn't introduced herself to others in some time.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Persephone was once more grateful for her long fur, shielding her from the chill in the air. Leaf-bare would be coming soon, of that she was certain. The approach of another cat didn't seem to bother her much; in all her time around the territories, she's come to discern malicious footsteps from relaxed. She offered a smile towards the stranger, dipping her head in greeting and acknowledgement of his name.

Difficult to find something fresh, says the tom-cat, to which Persephone's whiskers twitch in amusement. "Around these parts, sure," she replied. "'Twolegs scare 'em all away." Of course, the 'them' was referring to prey, just as Polynesia suspected. Perhaps the ginger she-cat was a kittypet after all? She turned towards Polynesia with a small chuckle. All in good intent, of course; she always found the naivety of kittypets.. amusing. "Yes, I mean hunting. The freshness of your old Twoleg food is nothing compared to the freshness of prey." She salivated at the thought of sinking her teeth into a nice, plump mouse. Perhaps it was about time to go hunting, herself.

Then came the name of the she-cat she was originally conversating with. Polynesia and Kavan - how interesting! "Persephone. Pleasure's mine," the calico replied.

  • perse-pixel.png
    PERSEPHONE she/her, loner, fourteen moons.
    a kind-hearted yet stern chocolate calico molly with amber eyes.
    mate to no one. mother to no one.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

There was a slight although probably unintentional condescending nature to the molly's words and Polynesia found herself slightly apprehensive. Her mother hadn't really been around long enough to teach her how to hunt. Thinking on it now though, it came to her attention that she'd never really seen her mother eating fresh-prey either.

"Mother wasn't around long enough to teach me." She'd admit in a perhaps foolish admittance of weakness. Their time together felt like a million moons ago and with the cold sweeping in so briskly hopelessness was easy enough to feel. Although her pelt was long and silky, there was not enough meat on her bones to keep her warm and she continued to shiver.

"I'm glad to meet you." She'd mew somewhat awkwardly, so hungry that she mostly just wanted to return to her meal. That was a selfish thought and she knew it, however. These were the first friendly cats she'd encountered in a long time and she realized then that it was nice to have company again.