post mortem | relearning


New member
Nov 14, 2023
જ➶ "I don't know if this is such a good idea anymore. I doubt I'll be picking up on it as fast as I did before." The feeling that she has is clear anxiety, a nervous that makes her heart pound and her paws twist. Since losing her leg she has not tried to do anything. Hunt, stalk, swim. None of it. Not even fighting. Everything is different and the weight of her own body even more so. Her gaze flicks over to Pikesplash then as she attempts to calm herself. Seeking his familiarity before she looks away. She has also asked @Snakeblink to accompany them as she can not leave camp without the lead warrior in tow. Taking in a soft breath the dark furred woman keeps walking forward, her steps uneven at best. But her creeping silence remains. The white leather around her neck is just as quiet, not adorned with a bell like most kittypet collars are. "Perhaps we should start with hunting? I fear it may be to cold to swim right now. Unless you think otherwise?" It's a question to determine her fate. Even when she glances to him her eyes don't linger. As if she is afraid to look anyone in the eye. Afraid to gain attention and the ire of others. The territory is just as beautiful as she remembers the last time she was here in leafbare. Her ears can pick up the moving ice of the river and she hops her way to it.

Pausing she looks down at her own reflection in the shifting ice and she quickly looks away. She doesn't like who stares back at her. Mangled creature. Instead she eyes the tall reeds nearby before tilting her head up in a slight nod. "There could be something in there. I smell a vole close by."

"That doesn't matter! I, uhm, will make sure you'll be okay. E-even if it takes dozens of moons." His voice is anything but encouraging. Or maybe it's the fact that it's him saying it considering he's not... Let's just say he doesn't scream confidence or reliability compared to others. However, he is honest when he says that he'll make sure that Boneripple will be okay. Even though time has brought many changes between the pair, she is still a clanmate and someone he wanted to know more. Snakeblink's company is not unwelcome, in fact the more the merrier. It would also do some good to have another cat around in case something goes wrong.

She is much more wary and it's a little unsettling. The Boneripple he knew was silent but carried herself with a certain grace. The one now is skittish and unsure. They're more similar now than they had ever been before. He can't help himself from chuckling, "the w-water's always cold." It is colder in Leaf-bare though... While he does laugh and has dragged her to try her paw at swimming again, he isn't forceful. He hasn't even nudged her into the river. She suggests hunting which is fine as well, even though that was the complete opposite of what they were trying to do.

There is a vole. He can make it out, but he decides to draw near Boneripple and whisper only for her to hear, "Are you afraid?"
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
જ➶ A small frown pulls at her muzzle, a feelokg twisting in her gut as he says that. For a moment she is silent as she observed the reeds, herself lost in thought before she slowly shakes her head. "I wouldn't waste your time like that." Her words are tight and controlled but she means what she says. If it is pointless than why bother? Still she can appreciate that he means well but she wouldn't want him to give up thar amount of time for a nobody. Her paws press against the frozen ground before her ears pull back against her skull. His whispered words make her heart twisted with that sudden fear, the idea of it along making more thoughts of her failures pulse through her mind. With a swallow she dips her head and her maw scrunches up. It would be dumb of her to even think to lie at the moment because right now she has a lot of things on her mind to be afraid of.

"More than you know, Pikesplash. I'm going to mess this up, I don't feel comfortable in my own body." She's fallen plenty of times. Scared to leap, to jump. To attempt anything that she used to because she doesn't know how she should step. How her body will give and take. Before it was as easy as breathing. Now she lacks that certainty she was born with. Her eyes cut to him briefly before she flicks her heated eyes to the reeds. They rustle again and she lowers her head but makes no move to get closer.
Iciclefang watches the silver tabby and skunk-pelted duo with a dubious expression. There is little love lost between the young lead warrior and Boneripple; she’d spent her apprenticeship blatantly and openly distrustful of both the former ShadowClan medicine cat and Hyacinthbreath. She’d been born to a mother who called herself a RiverClan queen, to a father who’d pledged himself to Cicadastar amidst the reeds circling their camp. Outsiders were seen as untrustworthy, shadowy creatures with weak constitutions, especially those who would so easily abandon one Clan for another; she’d mimicked the bulk of her peers and superiors, in truth, and Iciclefang had never been one for subtleties.

The tortoiseshell’s opinion of ShadowClanners has since improved since returning from the mountains, but she still watches Boneripple with a pale, watchful ice-blue gaze. After all, Boneripple had abandoned the Clan she’d vowed to serve. What honor remains? Iciclefang can’t repress a ripple of pity as she sees guarded uncertainty in the injured warrior’s orange eyes, but she does nothing but tighten her mouth slightly as she listens to Pikesplash murmur into her ear.

The vole will get away if you don’t act fast,” she says quietly. Pity or not, prey is apaw. “It’s leafbare, and we have a Clan to feed. If you won’t try, then let one of us do it.” She levels Boneripple with an unreadably blank stare, one devoid of rebuke and friendliness alike.

, ”

Sablemist was one of Ferngill's closest friends, though- he had not much of an opinion on her mother. Once upon a time they'd all ardently believed she'd abandoned RiverClan just as she had ShadowClan. To see her back so soon was jarring- it was difficult to paint over the impression of her he'd gotten. However, Ferngill could not find it in his heart to be unreasonably upset with her. She'd suffered a horrible injury, and wouldn't he be a hypocrite to look at her with disdain for being slow to get used to it? His own experience with that matter was clearly streaked across the marred skin on his handsome face, the red uselessness of his eye.

Prey in leafbare was scarcer, especially land prey- Iciclefang was as cool and stern as ever, though she was giving Boneripple a chance. And she was right... the vole wouldn't wait forever. Ferngill set Boneripple with a smile-curved look, encouragement aglow in meadow-green depths. "You'll never know if you don't try, Boneripple," he encouraged quietly. "Even if you fail, you still did it, and the failure'll help you improve." He spoke quickly, in a whisper, but with certainty too. She needed to make her decision, really... his nose twitched to scent that vole, again.
penned by pin
Looking at @coyotecreek, Otterpaw waited (what a shock!) for the older toms approval before jumping in to join Boneripple and the others. They were hunting, he gathered from the bits he overheard. A vole... leafbare... have to feed everyone. Yeah, all the usual stuff he heard lately. The tom parted his jaws in his usual (though pointless, in his opinion) attempt to detect anything himself. Land prey was not something he focused on and hardly even attempted out of pure stubbornness. He was a RiverClanner. He would only ever eat and hunt from it.

But to his surprise he does catch something- the vole they speak of. Otterpaw turned his head to look at his mentor with self righteous pride. "I can scent it too. It's... earthy. Like dirt. Do they taste like dirt?"