potato in a jacket - toys in the attic 🀎bats

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Muddypaw's gaze was not often directed upward, most of the time he looked down to make sure he wasn't tripping over anything while out hunting; any stray stick or noise would ruin his chances of catching something and he was in the process of trying to creep up on a lizard when it darted suddenly despite the wind not shifting to betray him. The brown apprentice's head raised up in annoyance, the shadow of something above moving rapidly had startled his prey and with a tilt he directed both dark blue eyes to the sky to find the source. At first he thought they were birds, but they moved too erratically and darted with a frantic speed he did not often see in birds who normally moved gracefully. Whatever it was whizzed about aimless and insanely, spiraling and uttering the faintest of squeaking sounds he could just barely make out from down in the marshes.
"What're those?" He finds himself asking, ears twitching in recognition to a clanmate's soft pawsteps approaching his side though he did not turn to look at them; far too fascinated with these odd not-birds above them to pay anyone much mind. He'd miss that lizard...it would have been his first proper catch and it was ruined but these things were neat to watch. So it made up for it a little!

  • PROMPT - A new type of prey has begun to flutter and dart about the skies, bats seem to have started flocking into the area more often and even getting into the camp itself!

  • 73808710_6RrS0PMPdXKgQrY.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Apprentice of ShadowClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… He/Him
    β€”βŠ°β‹… LH Chocolate w/low White & Blue eyes


Ribbitleap's own prey had scurried off at the sudden shadows above, an annoyance that left the brown tabby heaving a heavy sigh. Soon the marshes would be frozen over, and their luck with prey would diminish further than what this night has dealt to them - they can't afford to be missing out on prey, these days.

He's not the only one, either, he sees, as he moves to return to the patrol's meeting spot - Muddypaw is left empty-pawed, his gaze lifted up to the sky, as if the apprentice's catch had flown away. A swamp-hued gaze lifts to follow the brown apprentice's, sight catching hold of stuttering wings above, sharp and un-birdlike, and - oh, maybe that's what caused their failed patrol.

"Ah, those are bats. You don't see those too often, " he says to the questioning apprentice, trying to think back to the last time he'd seen them. Perhaps when he was still an apprentice? He isn't too certain. "They really only show up at night - they're kind of cool, though, aren't they?" He watches for a moment longer, wondering if their patrol should shift gears; should try to catch the bats instead.

Nettlepaw had only infrequently seen shadows flitting in the sky- enything flighty was a darting thing, back-and-forth, bouncing between invisible walls set up in the skies. Glimmering blue set upon the loamy pelts of Muddypaw and Ribbitleap before settling to the shadows in the skies- creatures Ribbitleap confirmed were bats. Nettlepaw had hear of them, sure, but if he'd ever seen one it clearly hadn't made much of an impact on him.

"I heard if ten congregate in the same place, you'll be afflicted with bad luck for the next ten moons!" A lie, of course- unless that cat he'd heard it from was himself, ten seconds ago, when he had made it up. Still, Nettlepaw's snowy features were dressed with an easy smile, a matter-of-factness a-glimmer in eyes of blue.
penned by pin β™‘
☾. . ° ✦ Mirepurr's attention had been taken and drawn towards the bats, mirroring Muddypaw as they shot their gaze up towards the sky. With how dark it was, making out the exact form of these winged animals was not quite an easy task - but a ShadowClanner should have no issue, their eyes used to the familiar darkness thanks to moons upon moons of training.

"Really?" They asked Nettlepaw without looking down. Their voice was kept light, and although they understood this was either a baseless rumor or a trick made up by kits or apprentices, Mirepurr decided to humor him anyway. What'd be the harm? "That's a shame. They're so rare to see like this. If it means being unlucky, so be it!"
TO BE NORMAL IN A WAY I COULDN'T BE β€” Much like the rest of the cats present, they had lost their own catch due to the shadowy figures that flew through the air and whiskers twitch momentarily before finding the rest of the group gawking at the bats that were overhead. Nightswarm listens to Nettlepaw saying something about bad luck for ten moons and they can't help but roll their eyes slightly at their apprentice, at least, they're partially amused by it only to shake their head saying with their own deadpan voice "Your ears will grow rounder with each fib you make." A soft hum as they finish with a curt nod, "And your front fangs will fall out in place for rat teeth."

Nightswarm's eyes focused on the small flying mammals above them and wondering if they carried any diseases like rats do, the thought of it is enough to make him feel the fur along his neck prickle slightly in discomfort.

  • your_word.png
    ✧ longhaired black feline with fiery amber eyes
    ✧ afab; goes by he/they pronouns
    ✧ 34 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    ✧ asexual demiromantic ; not interested in anyone
    ✧ child of briarstar and amber
    ✧ sibling to to chittertongue, pitchstar, skunktail, lilacfur, and starlingheart
    ✧ currently mentoring nettlepaw
    ✧ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed