private pragmatic | stalking, sable



જ➶ When the moon graces her presence upon the night sky and the lands much of Riverclan is asleep. The woman finds herself awake though, deciding to be up tonight. Wake up her Shadowclanner roots. Slipping quietly and easily from the warrior den she stretches and arches her back. Her children should be awake as well given that she has asked them to meet her here near the outskirts of the camp. Really she wants to catch up on what they have been doing. How their training is going, are they fitting in nicely. Really she doesn't know why she needs to ask because she thinks that they are. She has seen it herself. Frowning the woman settles within the reeds, her body tense but her eyes wide as she hears the first shifting of movement. Rustling against the reeds ans she smiles as their scents come to her. "Sablepaw, Stalkingpaw, how are the both of you? I hear that training has been going well." Her voice is casual as she lays her head down on her paws. Really she can not wait for them to get their warrior names. The proudest moment of her life to have been able to watch them grow.

In every situation you give me peace
Ebony paws lead the ivory striped apprentice toward the meeting place Boneripple spoke of. Not too far behind was Stalkingpaw and she turns to glance at her sibling before breaking through the reeds. The sound of pebbles nary makes a sound as she treads upon the lumpy medium, perhaps a shadowclan trait inherited from her parents. Stealth came to her as easily as breathing, it wasn't something she had to think about, it just happened. The glint of her mother's smile in the low moonlight prompted a smile of her own as she drew close to gently butt her head against the older molly's in greeting. "It has...I think Cindershade is pleased with my progress. Especially after my rocky start." Her training had not always been smooth sailing, but it was coming along nicely now. Periwinkle eyes shift to Stalkingpaw momentarily before falling back to their mother. "How about you mom?" It was quite the loaded question and she briefly wondered if Boneripple with unveil how she felt after Cicadastar's irritated display during the former meeting. Regardless, Sablepaw lowers herself to the ground, crossing one paw over the other.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

stalkingpaw & 09 moons & polygender & any pronouns & riverclan apprentice

White fur all but glows in the moonlight, and stalkingpaw beams - she's always loved the nighttime sky, likes to think she was born of it with her colors. But for once she is quiet as she follows along, dainty figure treading lightly, though she is not nearly so good at stealth as her mother, as her sibling. She has to much energy for that - too little filter, always speaking and acting before she thinks. But she's trying tonight, if only to spend some time peacefully, quietly - alone, with her family.

Emerald eyes soften with fodnness when they arrive, all but throwing herself down in an attempt to squish as close to her mother as possible where they lay. Voice is quite and breathless when she finally speaks, though she certainly doesn't speak any slower than usual - paws and head moving wildly about. "I've been doing really good! I caught my first fish the other day, it wasn't anywhere as impressive as sablepaws, but it was still really fun. I still like hunting in the territory better though - it's hard to catch the fish, even if the water's reeeaaally nice when it's hot,"

It's only partially the truth - she adores the water, turly how could she not, but any who have been present to see her swimming knows she is terrible at it - flailing about and scaring away any prey in the area. It's simply easier for her to keep all four paws upon the ground when hunting, darting through the undergrowth as she basks in the thrill of the chase, no matter how nice the water feels on her pelt.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a beautiful white furred apprentice with a black face and stripe down her back, and starlike freckles upon her cheeks. emerald eyes are wide and expressive, by far her most stunning feature. stalkingpaw is an emotional feline, quick to act and react before she really thinks, but you know that whatever she says and does is always honest and well intentioned.

    physically easy && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=crimson]action here[/color][/b] and tag account