private Pray before you twist a knife ♥ Chicorybite


Petalnose was instructed to hold a spar with someone. She was excited about it, although she was uncomfortable of asking someone. Lack of sociability was her worst trait and she swore they set her up to work on that weakness of hers. She looked around, pressing her thoughts on who she should invite. Her eyes then landed on a warrior she had seen before. Battle scarred, he seemed like he had a good amount of experience. Petalnose knew she most likely had been through a lot of experience as well. Knowing her character, she was always looking for something to dig her claws in or get that thrill. Although, She didn't have a single visible mark on her body. Maybe it was because she was skilled or maybe her pelt knew how to properly grow over them or heal fast. It made her question the fact. She was always challenging things that she probably couldn't finish, why didn't she have visible scars?

She made her way over in her casual long strides, "I was instructed to spar with someone outside camp. Would you like to join me?" She meowed, her tone monotoned and showing no emotion except confidence in her posture. As much as socializing wasn't her strong suit, it didn't scare her. The warrior was just awful at small talk and socializing drained her battery quite quickly. So, the tall Molly didn't say anything else. She merely calmly looked upon the other warrior with expectation of a response.

// @Chicorybite.
