pafp Pray that this match will prosper | frog fishing


A clan is like a family in that even while every cat depends on the rest for food, shelter, protection, and companionship, they have very little say in who the others are: one no more chooses their clanmates than they do their relatives. It is a structure of love by necessity — nothing else would be strong enough to keep cats so disparate together. Even when they do not like each other, even when tensions run high and clanmates stare at one another in suspicion and anger, there must still be love — else they are lost.

Unlike a family, the ties that bind, be they of respect or duty, are rarely strengthened by blood. One may forgive much from their family before it becomes too much, but few are so permissive of fellow warriors with whom they share nothing but a territory and a leader. A deliberate effort must be made to soothe stung prides and comfort deep yearnings. Unchecked, conflicts sour and dissent takes deep roots. Cats may slip out in the dark of night, becoming loners or traitors; but what of those who stand to lose too much by leaving? What may they do to right perceived wrongs and satisfy their displeasure?

As a lead warrior, it’s Snakeblink’s duty to deal with such situations — to anticipate and mitigate conflict, and to serve as guidance and counselor to clanmates in need. He is not necessarily very well-suited to the latter part, but he is nosy enough to make up for a lack of natural charisma and warmth: if others will not come to him with their troubles, he’ll simply have to go to them instead.

(That’s at least how he rationalizes it to himself. The truth is simpler. Snakeblink loves his clanmates like family: deeply, unwisely, unthinkingly. He desperately wants them to live well. Caring comes easy to him as a result; letting go when he must... not so much.)

But he has been remiss in his duty. A common source of whispered criticism and suspicion, the exiles Riverclan has taken in should by all rights be the first target of his affectionate meddling; yet, he has spent little time with either. After Hyacinthbreath’s banishment he cannot help but feel like some of it is his fault: if only she had felt more like a Riverclanner, to herself and to others—

What ifs will get him nowhere. With them weighing heavy on his mind, he instead turns to a more practical target. Boneripple already has blood tying her to the clan, kits born and raised in the river; but recent events being as they are, he would reassure her of her place among the clan. Just in case.

His plan was simple. Boneripple and him share a liking for the taste of frog. Though not a common Riverclan fare, they are found in the river, and what could be more Riverclan than wading into water to search for a tasty snack? Ergo, he invited her along to come fish for frogs in the shallow waters of the river, hoping the personal attention would be reassurance enough of her place in the clan. Stars forbid he actually has to use his words: he’s more likely to accidentally chase her out than convince her she is welcome here.

And he believes this plan would work, too — if only he could find any damn frog. Snakeblink peers through the reeds, thoroughly miffed: he’s found plenty of snails, but no other slimy prey has graced his presence so far.

”Have you any luck?” He calls out softly to Boneripple, glancing briefly at the monochromatic molly. ”I cannot seem to—”

Then, as if to prove him wrong: a flash of dark green as a frog, spooked by the sound of his voice, comes out of hiding and makes for the river. He pounces, but the damn thing jumps right through his paws and he only gets a splash of water in the face for his troubles as it dives under. He can see its squat body darting underwater, away from him… and towards Boneripple. A good swipe of her paw could fish the frog out as easy as any fish. ”There, quick— catch it!”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

જ➶ Really, she is not sure if she is surprised or not that she has been offered to come along with Snakeblink in an effort to hunt down frogs. As it were she has seen many stick their noses up at the prey item, calling it Shadowclan food. But to her prey is prey. The frogs that claimed the swamplands and those of the river are the same. She hunts what she can to survive and unlike the fatter Riverclanners she knows better than to pass over any sort of meal. Knowing starvation has done this too her. The mindset sunken in and she hopes dearly that this is a lesson in life she has passed on to her kits. Still being here and being within the reeds and water is a comfort. Her paws covered in both mud and vegetation had churnned the earth up, muddied the waves. She is trying to agitate the frogs if there are any into movement. But so far she has yet to pick up on any in the vicinity. It is a souring note honestly but she is sure that they can find at least one or two before they have to return to camp. So she starts to slip her way into the waters, swimming with ease and comfort. She is about to dive when she turns slightly at Snake's words, jaws parting to answer.

But then their prey seems to appear. It manages to escape one cat but she is quick to heed Snake's call. "I got it!" With a breath in she dives, submerging and teeth bared. She can taste the muck but she cares little as she snaps up the leg of the frog. With a sudden push towards the surface she throws the frog toward Snakeblink in the hopes he will grab it as she makes way for the shoreline. Shadow stained body shakes water off as she smiles with a measure of guarded humor. "Well, that was a bit exciting for just one frog."
Moving through the brush as a panther tracking prey, it was not the frogs of her clan-mate's attention that she sought too. Instead, the dusty-furred cat opted to listen to their minimal conversation with ears angled forward to pick up whatever words they might share. Boneripple moved so easily through the rippling water and for a moment, Lichentail wondered if she really had lived in ShadowClan... much less as a medicine cat. Her skills rivaled that of a native RiverClan cat... and her bite was nothing to scoff at. It nagged at the corner of her mind that so many still ostracized her... the skepticism had only risen so dramatically after Hyacinthbreath's unexpected departure.

The voice of a colleague made her skin crawl, ever more frustrated by the cowardly tabby the more he spoke. Though her lips curled back in a snarl of disgust... the fur settled on her spine as she tried to rationalize that he wasn't entirely useless. At the very least the mangy man could hunt and provide something of value.

Slinking through the brush as a mask of indifference fell upon her face, a warm gaze was sent towards the black and white molly that joked about the effort expended to catch that single frog. "I could try to help- a little bird once told me I might be able to sneak up on a frog now."