private predisposed to friendship // brave + doe

Sunshinespot cannot wait. Their nest has been prepared for weeks now, he likes to think - though admittedly the tom has only spent the last few hours meticulously plucking old clumps of moss out of it and lining it with some newer feathers. Nonetheless he is excited, not only to have his friends share a den with him once again, but to finally hold to his promise with Doepath. It's... the start of their new lives as warriors, he realizes. And he's decided not to live his until the cats he loves are beside him.

He takes the time to sit and eat with Doepath first, in the morning. A little too chipper, he seems, as the dawn daylight filters through the trees and blots them with warm rays. Braveheart looked keen on getting some rest in prior to a meal, which Sunshinespot doesn't think as odd. Each cat to their own, after all. Eventually he and Doepath are done with their prey, and Sunshinespot eagerly (but still with his slow, lumbering gait,) leads the golden eyed molly to the warrior's den...

... Where he sees Braveheart snoring away right in the center of his special-made nest. Not an unkind creature, Sunshinespot only released a held breath, his nerves settling almost immediately with the comedic nature of his early-graduate friend. "Well," he says, nudging Doepath lightly with his nose, "That, was s'pposed t'be ours. D'ya think he should keep it?" He jests, but it does hurt to think of another nest of his thieved away. "He looks awfully comfy..."

@doepath ࿔ @braveheart : ̗̀➛