
Aug 1, 2022

A S H P A W.

She leans down toward the water, peering at another rock.

Hmm. Pleasantly round. Speckled, which is always a plus. And a little sparkly. It's perfect!

She's been searching for the better part of an hour... combat training this morning, um. Did not go well. And she was kindly given the afternoon off, once they got her dumb little ass safely back to camp. (She's been trying out curse words in her head lately, and she has discovered that they make her feel better about bad things. About shitty things, she corrects herself.)

Anyway, she has the afternoon off and she's put it to good use. The perfect stone was not easy to find but that's what makes this special!

She reaches down into the clear, cold water, shivering when it hits her nose, and takes the little stone in her mouth. Once it's clutched safely between her teeth, Ashpaw wastes no time in making off with the stone, bounding for the apprentices' den.

She finds Fernpaw there, just like she thought she would, and happily sets the stone at his feet.

"Look," she says. "I, I found it for you. It's a present. For your..."

She trails off, unsure how to refer to his... his hoard. His stockpile. His agglomeration. His precariously balanced tower.

"Your collection," she finishes at last. "Um, I hope you like it. It... has speckles."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and emotionally abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend
    - spent a couple months depressed
    - returned to ic/ooc activify

Though Ashpaw tracking him down entirely hinged on being predictable, hung upon the knowledge that he would be in this place and he would be found there, Fernpaw hardly dwelled on it. He was happy, in fact, that he'd been so easy to find- Ashpaw had more time to do her own thing, and she wasn't tired from searching! Bulging eyes found his fellow apprentice, swivelled to meet her; and as she pushed forward a prize, the light of a thousand stars sparked in his abyssal pupils.

"Wow!" he exclaimed, not a hint of irony in his voice. To many this was just a rock, just another rock likely no different from the other rocks or pebbles or stones stacked in his stock. But this rock was different- every single one was, and this was especially so because it had been gifted! Sentiment swelled from it, and he pawed it toward his pile. "It's sooo pretty! I love it, Ashpaw! Thanks- you, so much." Stumble of the words, he didn't care, dressed with a smile. He was so lucky. "Do you want, uh- feather, this feather?" White and tiny, as if fallen from a cherub's wing, he kept it in place with a tiny pebble- a package deal. Surely she would accept a trade- he felt guilty accepting the gift for nothing.
( penned by pin )