Mar 4, 2024
Stretching along Twolegplace's border, prey scent wafts toward him. A blessing, certainly, as the continues to sink into frostbite. Hunger does not quite gnaw at his belly yet, but it was an inevitability was it not? Candorpaw stalks forward, a motion he could be confident in, by now. He cannot make out any rustling in the grass, though... All seems silent, aside from the distant shuffling of his own patrolmates. He follows his nose and his nose alone, and though what he smells is undeniably prey, with closeness, so too does the smell of blood shine through.

He does not right himself just yet. No... were the case one of little concern— a squirrel that's grazed its paw whilst rooting for seeds, perhaps... it'd be rather devastating to lose out on it. His tail is raised just above the ground, a verdant gaze is hard in concentration, and yet there is this undeniable truth to the scent that gives him pause... He straightens at last as his nose brings him to quite the sight: buried prey. Though, perhaps to say it was buried would be quite the overstatement. Haphazardly tossed aside, more like, dirt kicked over it as if it were an afterthought... The earth itself is darkened with blood, nearly soaked through. ...No wonder the scent had been as strong as it was.

Warily, he prods at it, uncovering the little bit of earth that it had been buried beneath. He'd considered the possibility... sniffed for any signs of clanmates outside of this very patrol. Perhaps as he thought this, a young apprentice's first outing has commenced... Or perhaps not a young apprentice, but a lazy one... Twice the surprise, though, is the condition of the squirrel. His tail flicks. A steadfast voice sounds in mild alarm. " Twitchbolt! Friends- glimpse this, won't you? "

The kill is brutal, a far cry from the quick snap of the neck any apprentice would be taught on their first outing. Dried blood crusts nearly the entirety of the skull. embedded in it are wolfish bites, as if an attempt had been made to eat it alive, but no... It is merely speared, not eaten. Flayed and left behind... " It is... sloppily done. " A contemplative frown tugs at a pale mask of a face... Who would've done this?, he wonders.

OOC: I'm sleepy and forgot to say the scene likely smells faintly of kittypet :3c Mentor tag: @TWITCHBOLT
  • Nervous
Reactions: Florabreeze

It's not uncommon for the common scents of twolegplace to linger around the border it shares with SkyClan. Twolegs, Kittypets, Rogues, even the fumes that exude from monsters across the thunderpath travel to the border. It's a pollution, one that she's used to due to her daylighter position. That being said, the faint smell of kittypet on the squirrel that Candorpaw has found is troubling. That shouldn't be on this side of the border, much less mangled in such a manner. She dips her head down, taking in the sight of it with a scrutinizing gaze. "And you found it... Right here? You haven't moved it at all?" She doubts he would have, not intentionally anyways.

Deciding that she has seen more than enough Florabreeze shuffles away from the prey- rather the corpse. It's difficult to imagine this creature as once living and breathing, thriving even, under these conditions. It can't have been an apprentice, even the new ones would know better than to treat prey like this. She is hopeful for that at least, maybe she's wrong. Instead she turns to look at Twitchbolt, hopefully someone more experienced may have seen something as strange as this before.

There is concern that he hasn't though, so there is desire to seek him out both as friend and deputy. Someone who can guide, who can advise what their next steps should be. "I could... Keep an eye out for anyone who looks like they would eat sloppily on the way home tonight?" Her tone is light, a phantom of a chuckle on her breath. Her eyes show no mirth, only concern.

  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her || Daylight Lead Warrior of SkyClan || 37 moons
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw & Sfogliatella
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}