pafp prerequisite && asking for advice

Ravenpaw was perfect. Nearly so, a model apprentice. Always groomed to perfection, her presence just the right amount of warm and demanding. Not necessarily the authoritative kind, no, but demanding attention; impossible to ignore. That weight on her shoulders is perfectly balanced, the lilt of her head just right. She always seemed to know what to do, stayed prim, tucked within the good graces of shadowclan, even if she wasn't a pushover. She could judge others with a gaze that actually seemed deserving of respect, not with claws and teeth and muscle and blood...

Sharppaw creeps towards her. To ask– to ask what exactly? He doesn't even know. How she knows what to show on her face, how she knows what to say, what to do, gracious, seemingly with every breath. How she does it all, all of it. Where could he possibly start, otherwise?

And doesn't he just feel like the lowest of the low. Writhing maggot in the dirt, bottomfeeder, an earthworm who's done nothing but fail to achieve all that she wants to. She has to look upward for scraps. Not to her mentor, oh no, she would laugh. Not to a senior warrior, the deputy, the leader. It's here she finds herself, at Ravenpaw's side. A fellow apprentice. And if she could achieve what she already has, what was stopping Sharppaw from being there too? If nothing else but... incompetence.

Maybe, she would be kind to her. A bond from one apprentice to another. Soft pity. Soft something at least. "U-um, Ravenpaw?" Already, the jump in her voice was embarassing. But maybe that'd be good, maybe she'd be more willing... or something... maybe. "Can I? Uh– This might not make sense, but um– m-maybe..." dark paws shift against the earth. How to word, how to say? His cheeks puff in familiar frustration, the scrunch of his nose. "How do you b-be... like... uh, a... good apprentice?"

[ Please wait for @ravenpaw !! ]
Two sharp yellow eyes found Sharppaw as he addressed their owner. Ravenpaw didn't cut in as he stammered and stuttered, she simply stared expectantly. Though with each passing word, her eyes narrowed with the slight frustration that he hadn't just spit it out already. Once he finally did though, she blinked.

Slowly, a self satisfied smile grew on her.

"Weeeeell." Ravenpaw began, drawing out the word to become it's own sentence. "I am a bit of a loss for advice, I'm afraid. It is not really something I actively do, it simply comes naturally to me. I was just fortunate enough to be born with a talent for it." She punctuated the statement with a shrug. In her private opinion, it was a bit more than fortune. It ran in the family. Most of it, at least. "Though..."

The midnight black molly began to circle around the other apprentice, examining her closely. Yes, yes, she could work with this. Sharppaw was nothing special, not yet at least, but he was meek, malleable. Perhaps a bit too eager to please. A perfect little pet project for her to take under her wing. Ravenpaw thought she might just be able to make something of her. Even if not, it would at least be a little fun to try. She had never had such an opportunity just lay itself at her paws before.

"I find the best way to learn is by example. Perhaps you would find it helpful to train together, peer to peer? You may be able to pick up some things by watching me and I may be able to offer better advice once I see you in action. How about it?"

Magpiekit was not an apprentice, as evidence by his name of course. The way these older cats seemed to hold themselves mystified him; a thin line between confident and dejected-maybe they only truly ever understood themselves and the world upon becoming the age a warrior was made. A naming ceremony some kind of magical ritual meant to transfer onto a cat the will and power to carry forward. Maybe. His gaze moves from Ravenpaw's predatory circling of the pointed furred Sharppaw (aptly named) and drifts off to just next to them where his pupils dialate and then compress into slits as if seeing something just beyond where the two were currently situated. The black and white kitten cants his head to the side, curious, ear twitching, before righting himself back upright to stand with a nod; seemingly in agreement with something unsaid and unseen.

With jittery, wobbling steps he wanders over to the two apprentices, each paw placed deliberately so his wiggling was caught and braced and he did not go smashing his nose into the ground for the second time that day.
"They said you should teach me too. I want to learn. I want to practice before I'm also gifted." It was scary, because his eyes continued to wander and trace each of the two present with a wild and unerving state; neither of them had a single spot. Stark black, sleek, peppered in darker grays in places-specifically Sharppaw's hindquarters were seemingly covered in a blanket of fire burn smoke and then-oh.

Magpiekit catches the faintest flash of white, what he thought was snow caught and lain across the gendered apprentice's tail was actually a single ring of white like a halo. A spot. Sharppaw had one. Immediately he twisted his head around to look at her, Ravenpaw was ignored with a swiftness and he plodded his awkward steps over to throw himself over the tail in delight.

"I changed my mind, they said you are not good enough and Sharppaw is." The kitten's short black tail twitched as he glanced back at the briar tangled daughter.


It is a mistake on Sharppaw's part to ask another apprentice for advice. It is also a mistake for her to seek counsel from one of Briarstar's spawn. There are many things wrong with that family tree, but an inherent sense of self-importance bothers him the most. He does not trust Ravenpaw to provide the guidance which her clanmate sought after, and thus the warrior ambles over on stubborn paws, heeding both apprentices through an unenthusiastic expression.

"The best way to learn is by keeping quiet," he says curtly, digits digging into the chilly powder beneath his feet. "Listen to what your mentor has to say, and familiarise yourself with what they're teaching you. You should be considering your lessons even when you aren't being trained." His frankness does not come from a place of discourtesy towards Sharppaw, because all things considered, the scruffy apprentice is among the few children he could actually tolerate in this clan. But, she's still an apprentice at the end of the day, and he isn't going to learn anything worthwhile from her peers.

His muddy gaze flicks to Ravenpaw. "Don't mistake arrogance for talent, Sharppaw," insists Smogmaw. While it lies beyond his power to prevent the black molly's intervention, discouraging it serves as the best alternative. "Rainshade'll teach you more than Ravenpaw ever could. There are better ways to spend your time."

He does his best to omit the enigmatic existence of Magpiekit.

With her words, Sharppaw takes a breath, and he doesn't quite let it go. It comes naturally to her, of course it did. Some were just predisposed for greatness, weren't they? Briarstar's family certainly was. Pitch black, the very blood of Shadowclan. Ideal, even if it wasn't... great. Fortunate enough... sure. Dully, Sharppaw nods. He figures he's beyond help. His time and hers thoroughly wasted on his presence. A thanks sits plainly on his tongue. It's what Ravenpaw deserves, though he can hardly find it in himself to thank her for confirming what he'd already known.

But– hope, in the way she continues. Worry, in the way that he begins to circle her like a predator stalking prey. And the dynamic was already there. Only made that much more obvious by her stalking. Sharppaw swallows the bile in his throat, tries not to look like he's as terrified as he is . A frantic glance to the likes of Smogmaw on the edge of her vision. He was hardly a role model, but, ever-present and ever-willing to commentate, she often found herself looking to him, anyways.

Ravenpaw is speaking again, and in an instant, his eyes are on her. Relieved that she's no longer being stalked, Sharppaw releases her held breath. Train together? Owlishly, she blinks.

And Magpiekit– suddenly he's here, all gangly limbs and nonsense words. Chirping about them again, some mysterious force... He believes himself to be gifted, and so, should train with them? She blinks, and only then does it occur that he said before he's also gifted. What? "B-before– what–?" he balks. He's staring at them, too. Staring at them, until, no– he's staring at her. He expects– should anticipate something, shouldn't she? So she does, of course she does, but she doesn't expect him to– to–.

His part in a silent scream. "Um–!" is punched out, pitched high. Frozen in place, she can only gawk. Not at Magpiekit– Ravenpaw demanded her attention, it wouldn't be fair to look away. Her replacement was a grimace. Onset frown, confused. What could she possibly be better at than Ravenpaw? "I- I don't– I don't think that!" The they wasn't her, surely, but she blurts it out anyways, in fear that Ravenpaw would think it's a quote from her.

Maybe he could ignore him. Maybe? A fearful blink is spared in Smogmaw's direction. No longer a face in the crowd, but an active input, regarded with a downtrodden gaze. She does keep quiet. She's always thought so. She's done all of those things, and still, her crouch is lackluster and she's slow on her feet. ...Lukewarm. Both his skills and his demeanor. He doesn't think the ladder is something Rainshade could teach him. He ducks his head, avoiding Smogmaw's gaze. Though apathetic, she saw it all the same.

Arrogance was good sometimes, wasn't it? Cats followed leaders who know what they're doing. "J-just for a little bit. Maybe I could try?" She glances to Ravenpaw. If the offer still stands, that is. A dull reiteration, quieter this time. His paws shuffle on the marshy ground. "M-maybe I could try..."

[ IDK why this ended up so long o my goodness ]
Ravenpaw's ear flicked as Magpiekit wandered up to her, and unwelcome interruption to her work. If he were not a kit the nonsense he spouted at her would be unforgivable. His mother needed to keep a better eye on him, in her opinion. Still, it did annoy her that he dared claim she wasn't good enough. Even for a kit, that was perhaps too great a slight.

"Shouldn't you get back to the nursery?" she asked, her tone cold as ice. Even had he wanted to, she would not have taken him under her wing. A mere child was of no use to her.

Another voice cut in, and Ravenpaw couldn't hide her irritation. This was a golden opportunity for her to have a bit of fun and the whole clan seemed keen to ruin it for her. They all needed to learn to mind their own business.

At least it wasn't a kit jumping into the conversation this time. She was as least willing to pretend to listen to what Smogmaw had to say. A whole bunch of nothing advice about keeping quiet and listening to your mentor and considering your lessons carefully and blah blah blah. It was as boring as it was inoffensive.

Ravenpaw was about to thank him for his input and return to her fun, but the old man didn't shut up.

Smogmaw's gaze found her as he warned Shappaw not to mistake arrogance for talent. Right in front of her face he claimed that there were better ways to spend time. Ravenpaw's eyes narrowed. Oh, she would remember this. In time she would get back at him for meddling in her affairs and insulting her. For now though. she would hold her tongue.

Ravenpaw's protege-to-be, to her delight, was behaving perfectly. She didn't even bother looking at the Magpiekit, keeping all his attention focused on what was really important. Even rushed to assure her that he didn't think she was better than her. Cute. Even Smogmaw's interference needn't have worried her, as Sharppaw seemed still eager to learn under her wing. It was everything she could have hoped for and more.

Only a few more words and she'd have everything she wanted.

"I think that's a great idea!" Ravenpaw practically purred, touching her tail to the other apprentice's side in a brief, fleeting show of affection. "I think even Smogmaw would agree that if you have been having trouble, it would be wise to try something new." She spared him a glance as she spoke his name. In truth, it didn't really matter to her if he agreed or not. "And if it doesn't work out, well..."

Two intense yellow eyes fell upon Sharppaw. "Then I'll take his advice and find a better way to spend my time."

How easily his words were twisted to her benefit.

Ravenpaw really was a genius, she thought.
  • Wow