pafp PRESS ON THESE TANNINS ✧ discipline

It’s still hard to believe Lilybloom has left them to join StarClan. Sometimes she looks at the little gray-pelted kits she’d left behind with something like awe, and often, she forgets to disguise the sorrow burning blue in her lingering gaze. Lakemoon is a present parent, thank the stars, and often takes the lead when it comes to discipline or teaching them right from wrong, but Lakemoon is a warrior with warrior duties, and for the frustrating time being, Iciclefang is locked in the nursery with a nest teeming with squirming, swiveling little bodies. Whereas her own kits are what she likes to consider well-mannered, she has trouble with Lilybloom’s at times.

It’s not that they’re bad kits—far from it! Graykit tends toward the sullen, and Snowkit the fantastical, but the two of them are still obviously her kin, and she loves them fiercely. Iciclefang finds herself more protective of those two than she does her own children—perhaps she doubts their ability to thrive in quite the same way. They’d had such an unfortunate start to life, and though they’re still young and resilient, their aunt worries for them on a deep and contemplative level.

Today, they are rowdy. She did not see the initial altercation, but suddenly one of them is crying and another one is sulking, and claws are out, and Iciclefang’s scowl is quick to appear. She pads toward Graykit and delivers a gentle bop to the top of his head. Just in case she isn’t being fair, she makes sure to bop Snowkit across her head, too. “You two, explain yourselves, now. What just happened?” Her voice is stern and taut.

  • ooc: please wait for @GRAYKIT and @snowkit !!! also please note, icy did not smack them or hit them hard. just a little boop. <3
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Everything happens so fast. Suddenly, Snowkit is crying over something stupid (because of course she is) and he just wants to make her stop but he doesn't know how. Frustration makes claws unsheathe themselves and he wasn't going to actually do anything, he swears! But her claws had also come out so he supposes it's too late to back down now. If he did he would be a coward right? But then, right before anything real can happen a paw connects with the top of his head, breaking him out of his fury and earning his new attacker a sharp hiss of surprise. "Hey!" he cries out only to turn and be greeted by the face of a less than thrilled Iciclefang.

Her features suggest that she is not happy and her voice equally so. She demands to know what happened but just thinking of the whole altercation is making the fur on his neck stand on edge. "She started it!" he cries out, pointing one alabaster tipped paw in his littermates direction, unwilling to accept that blame should be placed entirely upon his shoulders. "You shouldn't start fights you can't finish Stink-kit" his words are immediately followed up by a gesture in which he sticks his tongue out at his sister, taunting, daring her to come and get him in front of Iciclefang.

  • 5RlyhZs.jpeg

  • KXcjaby.png
    A plush coated kitten with a pelt marbled in varying shades of gray and white. He has dull green eyes and a tall stature. Most of his personality can be described as carefree though some also say that unmotivated is a more than apt term. His trust and love is easily won through praise but he will do little work to receive it.
    easy in battle + no formal training
-`♡´- Snowkit had been practicing her pounce, and she was getting really really really good at it, like super good at it. She had been crouched before a feather, a wispy little thing that twitched tantalizingly in the breeze and was bound for liftoff at any moment... and Snowkit was going to be ready. That was... until Graykit came bumbling over, stomping around with his big'ole paws and completely oblivious to the intense concentration she needed to uphold to pull off her spectacular stunt.

He was distracted for only a second, dark eyes flitting over to his brother to see what he was up to, and it was too late. The feather, light as it was, flitted upward into the wind and Snowkit could only watch as it soared away into oblivion (too high for her to reach), and so she began to cry. Her dream was crushed. Her successful pounce... bringing the feather back to Iciclefang to show off... everyone telling her how great of a job she did... all ruined by... "Graykit! You RUINER!" she cries, fluffing up and unsheathing prickly claws through tears.

Suddenly a paw taps the top of Graykit's head, and then hers soon after, and she is forced to confront her auntie's worst frowny face. Tears keep falling as she laments the loss of Iciclefang's smiley face upon her, and Graykit is quick to toss the blame upon her. "Nuh-uh! He started it!" Snowkit protests with gusto, despite the tears soaking his face and between sniffles. "I- I- was gonna pounce! On a feather and-hic! Was gonna bring it -hic- to you but Gray-hic-kit bumped into me! And-hic- now its gone for-forever!" He explains with a sob that seems more indicative of an overdue nap than anything else.

And there goes her brother again, calling her 'Stink-kit' and sticking his tongue out at her, and Snowkit's childish temper is focused once more on Graykit. She doesn't cast a thought toward their aunt at all as she leaps again toward Graykit, attempting to angrily bap an alabaster paw at her brother's sulky face.

  • OOC:
  • u4cshb.png
  • snowkit, kitten of riverclan!
    — he/him & she/her. OK w gendered terms! 2 moons old!
    lilybloom x lakemoon. graykit's littermate !
    — a fluffy blue tortie w white & warm brown eyes
    — a happy, boisterous kitten with a big imagination
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by jay , pfp by lovette, funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy

//tw on paragraph 3 for vague mentions of past abuse

Scuffles between kittens were not too uncommon. Even with her own, who her shining stars of polite from mimicking her own mannerisms, did have their uglier moments of finding their feelings too big for little bodies. Shellkit was perhaps the most common factor in little spats, correcting the littler kits when she thought they were being naughty. Or even her older brothers, when she wasn't up to mischief with them.

She can't recall there being any true harm done, thankfully. Claws were not a common use of force (though tiny kitten teeth rarely hurt) and that may have been an influence of Hazecloud and Lichentail's urgency of using words and being gentle at every opportunity. Iciclefang is different with her kittens, but not in a way she disagrees with of course. The tortoiseshell is a present mother just as she is, and whenever she noticed her struggle in ways she had in the beginning she is kind to offer her own helpful advice.

This, though, has left Hazecloud a bit stunned. She hadn't been watching Graykit and Snowit all that closely, truthfully, she rarely did. However Hazecloud has made an uncomfortable confrontation with a rush of thoughts coming forward. How she and Lichentail had never thought to swat at their young the way Iciclefang (however gently, they hardly reacted), making unsavory connections between their lack of physical correction compared to her parents excessive use of force.

Hazecloud sharply looked away from the pair and forced herself to return to her senses, pulling away from the past and to the present once more.

Snowkit is absolutely distraught by the loss of a feather, and for a brief moment the queen entertained the thought of finding another for her to but, she opted for staying silent, instead. Quietly continuing what she was doing before- resting in a patch of sun.

.·:*¨༺ ☾ ༻¨*:·. Lakemoon’s discipline walked a fine line between stern and tough-love, but her kits were well aware of what the definition of consequences was, Lakemoon had made sure of that when she felt they were ready.
Where on earth her children inherited their pension for mischief and exuberant spark from was unclear, but Lakemoon had a few culprits in mind, Snowkit in particular reminded the silvery tabby of her daughters estranged aunt from across the river, when she was still just Wolf.
Where Lakemoon appreciated Iciclefang letting her take the lead on bringing her kits into line when it was necessary, the willowy warrior is unfazed when the first sight she sees as she slips into camp is the calico queen delivers two swift bops between a sniffling Snowkit and grumbling Graykit’s ears. Iciclefang had earned Lakemoon’s full trust plenty of times over, so when she makes her way over to the trio, it is only to stand firmly behind her.
To her slight dismay, Graykit seems to be determined to continue on with squabbling with Snowkit, the insult that flies from her son’s mouth earning him a warning hiss. However, when Snowkit suddenly lunges, Lakemoon’s forepaw flies forward akin a a snakes attack, though the warrior aims to only scoop her child back with a scalding glare.
”Enough. You two would do well to make-up and move on. Apologize to Iciclefang for the disrespect now, or you can march yourselves right back to your nests for the rest of the day instead of playing.” While her voice does not raise, her words are firm- and not a gentle request. Snowkit and Graykit would have the opportunity to talk it out later, if they so wished, but in the heat of the moment Lakemoon would establish a sense of authority.

  • LAKEMOON she/her, warrior of riverclan, 27 moons.
    lanky blue tabby with low white and navy blue eyes and a slightly twisted right hind leg. A large facial scar stretches from her right brow to her left cheek, and another crosses at her chest and stretches down the length of her stomach.
    daughter of Tempestmoon && Lilypad ࿏ sister to Wolfwind ࿏ mate to Lilybloom & mother to Snowkit, Graykit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

A small snort of air through his nose surely ruins whatever solemnity sat here in this moment. Hound cared little for the area around the nursery, or the parenting of the numerous kits making their way around the place, but he's a habit of getting caught up in it all anyway. Stuck around them. With them. And it's an old memory here, Flint's paw a little harder than that across the back of his head when he was bein' a snot. Mud beneath his paws and up his legs as he whirled to face the older tom and meet his gaze with a defiant fire. One that'd quickly died as cuffing went to scruffing, moving him awkwardly where he'd needed to go even as he bordered on too big for it. By the time he'd truly outgrown it, the kit had learned to behave. Mostly.

These two would as well. Iciclefang's standing in well as a mother, and Lakemoon fills the other space just as well. Lilybloom may not be there for it, but. . . at least neither'f them are alone. Soft-eyed around the edges for just a moment, he remembers when she'd been so young herself. It's an old memory. His stomach twists up and knots; he covers it up like a wound. The tomcat's no queen, and has no intention of ever joining the nursery himself, but he can't silence his tongue fully in between slow strokes grooming his intact foreleg– "Maybe a nap'd do 'em both some good," Houndstride chuckles dryly.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.
Graykit’s response is an immediate cry of, “Hey!” The little slate-pelted kit looks up at her, a frown deepening his features. He insists Snowkit started it, and, with a flare, he calls his littermate Stink-kit. Iciclefang’s mouth twitches, though she does not allow herself to smile. “You shouldn’t make fun of Snowkit,” she admonishes. Snowkit cries that Graykit is a ruiner, that he’d started it, and tears bubble in coppery eyes as he explains why he’s so upset. A feather. Stars, kits are so silly, she thinks, and finally, her expression softens. “I’m sure we can find another feather,” she says, curling her tail neatly around her paws.

Hazecloud lounges nearby, though the queen’s glance is quick to shift away from the scene. Iciclefang hardly pays her any mind—though had she known what the gray-pelted she-cat were thinking, the situation would have escalated. Blue eyes peer up at Lakemoon gratefully as the warrior comes to reinforce her actions. She finally allows herself a tired smile, first directed at the kits’ mother, and then at Houndstride, who tactfully suggests a nap.

That’s a great idea,” she tells her sister’s little gray kits. “Why don’t we take a nap, and then maybe all of us can go look for another feather together?” She bends to touch her nose first to Graykit’s head and then to Snowkit’s, as if to take away the gentle bap of the paw she’d given each of them.

  • ooc:
  • DEuJTnr.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 22 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior & queen. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.