private press rewind; little wolf

Aug 14, 2022

Hollow Tree had been doing her best to keep an eye out for Little Wolf since Morningpaw passed. But she hadn’t really been there for her sister. The warrior knew she was in a weird stage of distance but close with her family. Often watching from afar and caught up in her head. She was working on changing that. To be more present. For her own kits, for her clan, for her family, and for herself. Starting with Little Wolf. She had been thinking of their own kit-hood a lot. The late nights they stayed up whispering to each other. The days spent running around and playing. Their youth was so different from the current youth of Thunderclan.

“Little Wolf?” she calls out softly to the familiar inky figure. The camp had been rather quiet since the blizzard. Her own paws still ached from trying to dig out of the camp. Everyone was either staying in the warm dens or off in their own corner of the camp. Basically, it was a rare chance to have a private moment. Hollow Tree gives her littermate a small nod in greetings. “How are you?” she asks, feeling awkward about the question. How were any of them feeling?
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]


Having the day off from patrols today was both a blessing and a curse. On one paw, she had the warrior's den all to herself right now, on the other, it left her so much time to think. She lays in her nest with her head on her paws, eyes only half open as she watches the entrance. She wishes things were different, wishes Blaze had joined the marsh group when he first came to the forest, wishes she had insisted on mentoring her daughter, wishes she had gone out with her mother that morning. She wishes so much was different knowing it's impossible.

Her head lifts as her sister walks into the den. Another thing she wishes was different was their relationship, which since the death of their father felt strangled and distant. She had once been close with the brown tabby but time and things she did not understand had opened a rift between them. She is prepared to close her eyes again, to go back to her half-dozing state but her sister's voice startles her. She asks how she is and for a second she only blinks in response. "Things could be better" she admits softly before scooting over a little bit in her nest, gesturing with her tail to the empty space "Care to join me over here?" Sharing a nest and gossiping, just like they used to, it could be nice.

She feels a little bad that she may be interrupting their nap. But Little Wolf seems welcoming of her presents. It reminds her of Howling Wind. The two had always seemed so naturally comforting. Her sister’s response cracks at her heart. “Yeah. Things could be better.” Hollow Tree also admits, her eyes casting downwards towards the floor of the den. Almost missing the invite to join them. Swallowing hard, the warrior accepts the place beside Little Wolf.

Neatly tucking her paws underneath she releases a gentle sigh. Relaxing beside Little Wolf as if they were kits in the nursery again. Those days were blurry but she remembered the feeling. Home. Hollow Tree goes silent for a few moments. Drifting off into thought but she isn’t lost this time. Simply looking for the right words to start. Something she had been meaning to say for a long time but was honestly embarrassed by it.

“I-I’m sorry.” her voice is low but she makes sure to say it loud enough for her littermate to hear. Did they know? Did they know the guilt that ate at her for being present but never really there? Did they know she wanted to change for her clan and family? The brown feline is stiff. Tears build up but she blinks them away. Hollow Tree rarely cried. And the guilt and feelings over the past moons threatened to spill over. “For being distant. For- For everything. I never meant for this rift to build. I just- after dad and all the fighting that happened around us. I just became lost.” she confesses. Her ears flatten as embarrassment floods on top of the intense emotions. Did Little understand what she was trying to say?
[ you fall through the trees . tags ]