The sky today is full of clouds, gray, foreboding. They threaten rain, a torrential downpour that could soak them at a moments notice. She had seen it before, though she herself had never gotten stuck in a storm before, she had given a sympathetic grooming to a den mate who had. Despite the gloomy weather, cats still needed to go about their business. The Clan needed prey and, in the case of Starlingpaw and her newfound mentor, they aslo needed herbs. She fluffs up her fur as best as she can against the biting cold and follows Bonejaw back to the camp on a leg that is still uncertain, still healing from the injury that had made her move into the medicine cats den in the first place, though back then she had not known it was permanent. In her mouth, she holds a small bundle of cobwebs, for dressing wounds, her aunt had said. It was important to always have some around, warriors were always getting injured. Her mind flashes to Granitepaw and his insistant need to always pick a fight. She's almost certain she would be using a lot of these on they gray furred tom. If only he wasnt always so hot headed..

Before she knows it they are back to the camp, back in their den. Her injured leg aches but she can feel it getting stronger every day. She will be able to use it fully again before leaf-bare hits. Shes certain of it. When they make it back to their den in the rocks she nearly falls over from exertion. The small she cat sticks her bad leg out to the side, placing the cobwebs in front of her as she turns to give the leg a couple of good licks before turning her attention to the wall littered with holes, covered in ferns. The place herbs are kept.

A while ago, Bonejaw had taken all her herbs, shredded them, denounced Star Clan, denounced her title. Starlingpaw did not know what had possesed her to do such a thing, not when even she could tell how fragile their herb stocks were, how desperately they needed them. She thinks of Pitchstar and his mood swings, his anger. She still cannot fault any of her family for it though, not even if she tried to. They had lost so much. She thinks of her mother, her sudden death and wishes she hadn't. Desperate to distract herself she forces herself to stand, to make her way to the herb storage with her wad of cobwebs. "Wh-where-where-w-whe wheereee do t-the-theese g-g-go" She asks. Usually, around her aunt, her stutter is not as bad but thoughts of her mother, specifically thoughts of how she had died, always bring it back in force.

Each day is straining and she is hoping that Starclan will give them some reprieve. Leafbare is not a time that suites them and she hopes that they can find enough prey to at least make it through. Her molten hues shift as she lips into the den, holding moss and glancing to her apprentice. She feels in her bones that this is the path meant for her and regardless of her friendship with Granitepaw she will hope that she does her best. Thinks rationally. There is worry that she tried to attack a possum and she wants tk ask about it but not now. Perhaps it is also none of her business and she shakes her head before putting down what she carries to answer her about where the cobwebs go. "I put the cobwebs down here in this crevice so I can reach them quicker. It's better to have easy access to them in case someone is bleeding profusely." Her tail motions and she picks up the moss to place it beside the crevice where the cobwebs are. After that she makes a soft sound in thought before she turns back to Starling.

"First thing we should get you started on is knowing Marigold and dandelion. They noth help with infections. They look like this." She reaches up and pulls down the two plants with ease to show the younger molly. The golden yellow flowers are prominant still and she pushes them closer so that Startling can smell them.