
always the fool with the slowest heart
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 Starwortpaw was not the type to enjoy too much attention.
Hence, for almost the entirety of their youth, they've kept themselves to the sidelines. Timidity and skittishness were the main facets of her personality, born entirely from happenstance and worsened by the recent events that had probably marred many cats' confidence.

"...and of course I understand why we came back, s'not like we can just up and abandon our home..." A quiet whisper breached the cricket song beneath the starlight, hushed voice implying a strong desire to not wake anyone...but a talkative kid is still a talkative kid. "and I didn't much like hanging out with the other clans. I'm sure you've seen everyone's good sides over the moons so you probably know them as friends, too, but I just can't do it. I wish I could just stand in one place forever and have cats like me for it, like you! Um...if that's not offensive to say" she chats in an open area of camp, carefully chosen to be far away from any den entrances lest she wake anyone. No, her goal isn't to speak to another drowsy-eyed cat, but to someone who wouldn't mind (hopefully) her company late into the night. "But I sorta hoped that, with everyone coming together, even for a moment, that maybe tensions would ease? It's scary having four whole other clans all around you, never knowing when they might..." she shivered, rounded ears flattening as she thought about the rumors from the most recent gathering. Looking up for comfort, she searches the moon's light for any form of sympathy, "You're real lucky you don't have to worry about this kinda stuff...though I s'ppose it isn't easy trying to figure out your own problems with the sun, huh?"

The girl smiles up at their conversation partner - the moon itself, it's glimmering silver hue tying her nearly white pelt almost the same shade. Starwortpaw had always been a bit of an odd clover - a kitten that enjoyed babbling, but never quite with the members of her own species. She liked talking to flowers, to the brambles that lined her dens, to the distant trees and furious winds. She liked coming up with stories about what sorts of personalities these children of nature would have, what responses she wished she might somehow get back in return for her constant story-telling and problem-sharing. Mostly, she just liked that they weren't troubled by her need to be heard.

Pawing at the ground, she shivers against the night's cold as she happily chatters on, "But you gotta be patient. Remember, he just wants his boundaries, and you can't exactly expect him to be pleased if you keep taking space in the sky when it's s'posed to be his time. But I'm sure he'll forgive you eventually. Friends always do" She giggles to herself, rolling onto her back to better comfortably gaze at her mute friend, " Wow, one of our most productive conversations, huh? Thanks for not hiding behind the clouds tonight. Maybe we can do this tomorrow?"

Starwortpaw was not the type to enjoy attention. But openly babbling to the moon in the middle of the night may not do her any favors...


    DFAB— She/They — Bisexual
    7 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    NPC x NPC
    Thunderclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #ebd071
    injuries: None currently

Mousenose sneaks from their nest, paws crunching the last of the leaves the oaks had chosen to discard. Her whiskers droop, and her ears are nearly flat against her skull as she slips from the warrior’s den and into the moonlit expanse of camp. She had wanted to be alone—but she can hear a faint murmuring and just make out a silver-lit shape. Starwortpaw, normally quiet and inoffensive, just happens to have ruined her plans of stargazing alone, and her ire tastes like mousebile. Mousenose’s green gaze holds a vindictive glimmer as she pads closer to the younger cat.

You sure are talkative out here for being the only person in camp,” she mutters, flicking her gaze dramatically about. After a heartbeat, she asks, “…Who exactly are you yapping to? The rest of us are trying to sleep, you know.” She ignores the fact that she was most certainly not trying to sleep.

, ”

Berryheart's nest was well-travelled. Plush, as perfectly-constructed as ever, and moveable- and being the medicine cat, he was his own boss, so to speak. Even before the conception of the Clans, Berryheart was prisoner to his own sleeping-whims; he allowed his mind to settle on whatever seemed pleasant, and tonight it had been a refreshing nap in the frigid air before returning to the herb-scent-stuffed warmth of his den.

Chattering, though low, weaved its way into his dreams though... the words danced alongside the darkness, rendering him on the cusp of falling asleep, but not-quite-there. From where he lay, Berryheart could hear the gossip the apprentice was telling herself, reverie and imagination sprawling out from her mouth and painting images in his mind, leaving an impression she might be talking to another cat... perhaps. A cat who had problems with the sun? Apparently...

He heard also when Speckles interjected- inquiring aloud what Berryheart wondered, but had not the conviction to creak his eyes open and check for himself. "Mmmmhmmmmm..." A low groan of agreement creaked from his crooked jaw, before a yawn silenced him.
Maplepaw could never sleep properly in her life. She was always tossing and turning, begging the stars to let her have rest. However, her prayers were never answered. The tabbied she tossed and turned in her nest, trying to find that perfect position that would allow her to rest comfortably. However, she heard the voice of Starwortpaw. The fawn caramel tabby had never really spoken much to Starwortpaw, but she always was intrigued by the other. It was almost as if the thought of the fellow apprentice had pulled her to the other. She rose to his paws and padded towards the other.

Hearing Mousenose speak up, Maplepaw nearly turned up her nose at the warrior. The feline wanted to be a bit more harsh than she really could be, considering this warrior was being rude to the dilute tortie. With a soft tone, she spoke to the older feline. "Starwortpaw was quiet enough and was far from the dens for a reason. I don't see why you are being so mean to her." The feline let out a yawn, clearly struggling to stay awake. She wasn't really curious about who the other apprentice had been talking to, rather she was curious about what she was talking about. However, inquiring wasn't her strong suit. She instead sat beside the other apprentice, a few heads over her height, and looked down with a smile. "If you'd like, I can sit here while you talk for a while. I don't sleep very well anyways. So, I'd be happy to stay up and chat with you. Of course, quietly as to not upset more cats."

sleep evades her now more than it ever had. her father? gone. the fear of returning rogues? still lingering at the back of her skull. her life? still questionable in purpose, but she tries not to think of it. especially in times like this, when evergreen eyes stare off towards the patchwork nest she and sunfreckle had woven when he’d moved back from the nursery. it seemed like such a distant memory now, their talk. she thinks of it, is still thinking of it when she sees a familiar shadow lift from their nest. her eyes flick, zeroed in, hawk - like on the rest of her family and certainly her sister — her sister, spitfirey and impulsive. she tells her it’s not paranoia that leads her to her paws, head low to crouch after her. it’s just.. a sisters natural curiosity.

freckleflame approaches, quietly at first — an apprentice sits beneath the stars, murmuring, murmuring. she can’t hear what’s being said, certainly not once mousenose speaks. as if by divine will, another youth approaches, talking about being mean and being far enough away from the den, ” well she wasn’t far enough if she’s wakin’ folks up. “ she aims a semi - playful, correcting cuff at the apprentices ears, tipping her head towards where berryheart mumbles about his nest. it’s gentle, claws safely sheathed and a grin soft, sleepy on her maw. respect your elders, it says, simple. her gaze then turns to the molly in question — the one with moonlit eyes, tireless. her head tilts, cheek fluff swaying in the early leafbare chill. she drops her voice, whiskers of her brow lifted.

“ but what are you yapping about? “

  • i.
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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm had been comfortably curled up in his nest and had been attempting to sleep even if it didn't come to him easily, he had began to doze off until the sound of murmuring made his closed eyes open, he has to gulp down a groan before pushing himself into a sitting position within his nest only to note that Berryheart was missing from his own. It makes him wonder why his mentor would rather sleep out in the cold night than his own nest but it's not his place to question it, his large form emerging from the den to noticing that there were other cats awake in the moonlit camp and spots his mentor whose yawning before focusing his gaze onto the group of younger warriors and apprentices, one in particular having been the culprit to wake others from their slumber. The mountain of plush greys, blues, and snowy fur more amused than irritated at Starwortpaw for talking to... Who was she talking to? It didn't seem to be any of the other cats present, a frown of confusion on his face unable to help the way his head tilts in silent inquiry of who the apprentice's mystery companion could be.

He shakes his coat for a moment as if trying to rid himself of any remaining drowsiness before engaging in potential questions and moonlit chattering with the youth of Thunderclan, both his feathered tipped ears perking forward until he stands a little ways from the group "It must be a lovely night to be out here chatting to..." He begins but pauses not knowing who Starwortpaw had been talking to someone who had problems with the sun or something along those lines. His voice hushed and gentle compared to Mousenose's less friendlier approach, he doesn't want to disturb his mentor further but still can't help but be amused that he hadn't retreated to his nest yet. "Aren't you all chilly?" He decides to ask instead of asking the obvious, he let's out a playful brrrr and sat down relaxing his muscles entirely allowing himself to slouch his shoulders comfortably.

    ✦✦✦✦✦ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✦✦✦✧✧ INFECTIONS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ACHES & PAINS
    ✦✦✧✧✧ ILLNESS
    ✧✧✧✧✧ BROKEN BONES
    ✧✧✧✧✧ KITTING
    ✧✧✧✧✧ POISONS
  • dge7u2t-148923d9-4a3f-4c3f-b8e7-4e97c3a4cb2b.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    peaceful powerplay allowed