private Pretending to be ⸙ Bluefrost


Theme week: Hisuian Sneasel
Apr 8, 2024

Respect was something Brackenpaw didn’t have a grasp on, she never held any towards her mother in the nursery nor the other queens, depending on the situation she would learn to pretend that there was. Pretending to have respect didn’t extend further than the nursery though, these days they were tired. She could pretend to have respect for Bluefrost sometimes, but even when they couldn’t pretend she still had to carry on as an apprentice; Bluefrost didn’t seem to waste any time. Was she supposed to? Life carries on after all and the tunne- lead warrior still had a duty to fulfil. Yet Brackenpaw was tired all the same, they had gotten used to the tunnels a little bit more at least. She was starting to register how the wind changes with her whiskers, it felt weird at first and it frustrated them endlessly but they had started to pick it up all the same.

Scenting in there had been a learning curve as well, yet it was a slow process. They had ventured into the tunnels earlier today, when the sun had started to rise in the sky. When they left she had noticed that it was close to mid-day, her eyes had started sting at the bright light. It was strange, how they were slowly getting used to the dark of the tunnels, even stranger how they had started to not hate it. Yet she was looking forward to resting today, maybe they’d get dragged to go do some chores for a bit of time but they could deal with it.

She found herself resting underneath the little shadow the moors can offer at camp, when an unfortunately familiar shadow casted on them. Dancing along with the cooling shade of camp “what do you want?” they groan, glaring up at Bluefrost. Tortoiseshell tail flicking against the warm dirt beneath them, they could already tell some unfortunate news was going to be delivered to ruin her day. Unfortunately Brackenpaw was right, they were informed that she was going to have to travel down to the tunnels again today, more training she thinks? The apprentice had tuned it out.

They rise to her paws to gain a better look at her mentor but they shake their head all the same. “No, what else is there to learn today? We already went down there.” she refuses to be dragged back down there again today no matter how much they were getting used to it. The tunneler apprentice was often defiant but it was rare for her to flat out say no, usually there was a harsh comment and a reluctance but it was still carried out.

  • ooc. @BLUEFROST ignore that I got this up later than when I said I would
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 8 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater

Bluefrost has been met with moderate defiance from Brackenpaw before, but even with their snide remarks and eye rolls, they tend to do as ordered. Now, though, the tortoiseshell sprawls in the shade, amber eyes gleaming with anger. "What do you want?" is not the greeting the tunneler expects. "What do you think I want? Your company?" Her voice is edged with thick, ragged ice. "You and I are going into the tunnels today. I would like to show you the tunnel to RiverClan that we finished and practice your hunting skills." Perhaps they'd be lucky enough to bring some prey back, too.

But Brackenpaw shifts her gaze to Bluefrost with outright defiance. "No," she says, and the warrior freezes. Her eyes narrow into sharp-edged shards of glass. "I am sorry. Were you under the impression I was asking you a favor? You will go into the tunnels with me, or I will make you regret it." It slips out before she can catch it, her mother's voice, all snarls and precision, acid and bite. She glares furiously at Brackenpaw, not moving a mouselength, waiting for her response.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.


Brackenpaw's scowl manages to twist further, biting back the urge to bare teeth as their annoyance deepens in the face of the frosty attitude that they can only assume earned her mentor that name. The idea of spending the rest of their day in the tunnel that connected them to RiverClan sounded torturous, would that fish smell carry down in the tunnels? Where it already reeked of dust and a mixture of scents, they knew that she would have that smell cling to her pelt for days after. It only furthered her reasoning to be defiant, to say no to her. They had a feeling that she wouldn't be pleased to hear that, especially with the attitude that the apprentice normally carries being attached to it.

Despite the heat of the day beaming down on them she could swear that there's a chill that crawls up their spine. She wouldn't lose her nerve but being the subject of such a piercing gaze did a lot to try and rattle them. No matter the circumstance they've never heard Bluefrost's tone carry that venom, it was ruthless and unbudging. She couldn't compare it to her mothers as Sootstars reign came to a close by the time she was able to speak so to them she stood solitary. A lone pillar of bile and ferocity like a predator in wait for them to bear their neck, well that wasn't going to happen.

"You can't make me regret anything, I'm not going." there was a pause as she deliberated making a better argument for their cause. "It will be there tomorrow, I'm tired and if I'm supposed to practice my hunting skills or whatever shouldn't I be alert?" Their tone was indignant, never carrying respect with them. Even now in the face of something- of someone unknown to them she would still uphold that lack of respect. No matter how much progress had been made in their relationship with Bluefrost, she wasn't one to compromise in this youthfully arrogant stage of their life.

  • ooc.
    they/she, tunneler apprentice of Windclan, 8 moons (ages on the 22nd)
    a lithe and fragile looking calico that looks like they still need to grow into her ears
    Speech, thoughts, attacking
    NPC x NPC, mentored by Bluefrost
    easy to befriend other kits, gradually harder to befriend every rank after that
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
    All opinions are IC!! Bracken is a little hater