There were a lot of cats Fernpaw was going to miss. That reality was beginning to settle in, clashing like warrior stormclouds in his mind. One storm was passionate and thrilled, energised and electric- the other one was swollen with malaise and welling with predestined tears.

Flowers were a good gift, he'd learned it from Sablepaw. His friend had a great eye for what went well with certain pelts- had recommended green for him, a hue of which there were no flowers but there were clovers and crenate leaves. But- but he didn't want to just give away a bunch of leaves. It was a stupid idea they weren't really outwardly pretty enough, not as a gift for a pretty molly who deserved them. And anyway- did she even like flowers?

A slightly frown-touched gaze lifted to find Honeyjaw lingering nearby. Immediately Fernpaw found his smile, always easily grasped, and he greeted the older tom with a wave of his silken tail. "You're wise," he noted, a flick of the paw. It was a very genuine observation, and guileless green looked to him with admiration masked poorly. "Are flowers... always a good gift?" He knew Sablepaw liked them... but different Clans had different opinions. He'd learned that well enough over time.

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It hadn't really needed to settle in for Honeyjaw. Not for a good long while, at least. He'd been so– certain, once, that their ragtag group would remain as such. They would sit in their little bundles of same-scented pelts and stay that way until they made it back. When had things begun to change? Was it with the tumbling rockslide, slamming the breath from their lungs? Or the river before that, the others scrambling to help them across? The mountains is what really set it in for him. These cats were important. They were heroes. And all too soon, he would have to say goodbye. It's sobering. Agonizing, really. The more that he thinks about it the less he wants to go through with it, but that's a thought for another night. One that would come all too soon, he's sure.

"Wise?" he laughs lightly, expression equal parts confusion and pride. That wasn't a word many used to describe him. Certainly not those who knew him, was good to hear, anyway. "I don't know if I would say that, at least not when it comes to gifts." It'd been too long since he'd given one. The chocolate tom's head tilts slightly, scrutinizing the younger tom. Bright and vibrant and a little hopeful with the way that he asks. "I suppose it depends on the cat. And your intentions. Sometimes flowers are just right. Sometimes it's a stone, or bones, or even Are you thinking of flowers for....someone in particular...?"

  • OOC.
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"

Honeyjaw seemed baffled, but Fernpaw looked at him with no sense that he was kidding. Maybe it was just ever-sustained inadequacy within him that lead him to admire, in some way, anyone who was better than him at anything. And most cats were better than him at one thing, at the very least. Still, he hoped the earthy tom would see what he'd said as a compliment, a souvenir of the conversation he'd look back upon. Maybe that verdict would gleam like seaglass in the sun when looked back upon.

A stone. Yeah, he'd given a stone before. Beautiful and brimming with luck, for Sablepaw- or matte-black and given to encourage, for Ravensong. His best friends- he'd been giddy only hours ago at the thought that he would see them soon. Taking the advice much-too-seriously, Fernpaw nodded his head. Then- placed under questioning, he cracked a sheepish smile. Hushing his tone, he leaned in a little closer.

"Figfeather," he said. He didn't want to ruin the surprise. "I wanted to say, like, thanks- to her. For being nice to me the whole time. She's been a really good friend." Maybe that wasn't just it, but- there wasn't time for it to be anything more than that.
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