camp Pretty red berries || o

Mar 13, 2024

Her sister had given her a very specific task: be helpful around camp today. The warrior also had something to do and needed Peachpaw to be on her best behavior. Easy stuff, so with a promise, the apprentice let her sister go. Huh, she forgot to ask what she was doing. Regardless, she was up early for once, so she left her two legs home and found her usual path leading to camp. The walk was boring; trees shook and rattled, the grass was still crunching under her paws, there were red berries, and the birds made their ugly noise. Wait. Red berries? Peachpaw stopped walking forward and started walking backward, keeping her head in the same direction so she could spot them again.

There they were! Peachpaw bounced over to the dark green bush; unfortunately, there weren't that many little red berries left; most of them seemed scattered on the floor under the bush. While Peachpaw didn't have a reason to go into the medicine den, she knew that they collected many plants and herbs to heal sick cats. And her mentor did tell her to be helpful, deciding to save a patrol trip to find this berry; she'd take it in for them! That would be so nice of her. The leaves poked her paws, but she was determined to make space for her muzzle. She held as many as she could in her mouth and let the bush go. No longer was this apprentice dragging her paws; she had something to do! She ran, jumped, and leaped with passion, so excited.

By the time Peachpaw got to camp, she was exhausted, and her mouth hurt from holding it open awkwardly. She closed her mouth just a bit, small teeth bit into her cherished red possessions. The juice that came from the berries was harsh, and Peachpaw didn't know what to do as she kept trying to make them stay as her body revolved. The taste was too overwhelming; down went a few berries, and the rest came out. "So much for being helpful," Peachpaw said, misterable; she now had only a pawful. Face srunching as her stomach rolls, would it be such a crime just to leave them here? Some cats would definitely take over, right? Ew, she needed something to drink before she gagged.

OOC: it’s holly berries, no death berries here
"Peachpaw, whatever you do, do not touch me." Cherrypaw stares the daylight apprentice, a mixture of revulsion and amusement curdling on her face. She presses a paw to her chest, as though shielding her silken fur from any possible onslaught of berry juice. With so many chances to stain herself in holly juice as a kitten, she actually can't ever recall getting into the stuff, even as she learned to climb on the holly bush's Greenleaf-laden boughs. Who knows whether it would tarnish her lovely coat forever.

Of course a daylight apprentice wouldn't know not to eat them. Her frown deepening, she watches the crimson liquid drip down the girl's pale jaw. (Like rivulets of blood trickling through snow.) A little nastily, she comments, "Did you really have nothing better to do?" Cherrypaw stares for a moment longer, wondering if this was serious enough to herald the medicine cats over. "You better not die from this." She combs a paw through her cheek fur, throwing a glance over her shoulder to see if Dawnglare or Fireflypaw had spotted Peachpaw's predicament anyway. Peachpaw didn't look like she was dying. At the very least, she wasn't dying a death Cherrypaw was familiar with.​

Why would she die? Cats eat all sorts of weird things in that den full of strange plants. And warriors go out with the medicine cats to go find foliage and bring it back."This medicine stuff tastes disgusting,"Peachpaw grumbled. She genuinely had no idea what else these would be used for other than to make a cat throw up. If her stomach was anything to go by, it was the only thing that they were good for. She sagged down to sit, hunching over. Today was already off to a bad start, despite her best efforts. Sigh.

Her gray and white paws tried to clean up the foul liquid on her face but just ended up smearing it all over. "What even is this?" She huffed angrily. Peachpaw tried to take deep breaths and remind herself that she was still a new apprentice. Lesson learned: don't eat anything other than food at her den.

❀‿ "Peachpaw!" comes a gasp from Lupinepaw as she approaches the two, "Do not eat those! Hasn't anyone told you not to eat weird plants?" Her tail twitches anxiously, and though Cherrypaw's comment is blasé at best, Lupinepaw nods along in earnest.

"You can die from eating random stuff!" Her eyes widen, and she is terrified at the prospect of Peachpaw going through her whole life eating whatever leaf or berry or rock she came across. Lupinepaw was given the 'Don't eat anything that isn't freshkill or given to you by a medicine cat' talk as a kitten, and though that rule was mostly employed to keep kittens from swallowing chew-twigs or eating slugs, it probably applied to random berries as well.

She glances between Peachpaw and Cherrypaw nervously for a long moment before deciding she doesn't want to sit around and wait for the young molly to maybe die and turns to scurry toward the medicine den, "I'm getting a medicine cat!"

  • OOC: going to fetch @DAWNGLARE or @Fireflypaw
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 11mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy
*+:。.。 Yikes.
Orchidpaw couldn't help the sympathetic - or was it amused? Maybe bordering a bit on i'm-glad-i'm-not-you - smile that filled his maw as he approached the raucous. One quick sweep of his gaze and he noted that, if this was serious, poor Peachpaw would be doomed with Cherrypaw and Lupinepaw as her witness. He keeps clear for a moment, before tentatively padding closer. If she was fated to die, she'd have croaked by now, surely - at least if it came to simply touching the stuff. So Orchidpaw figured himself safe enough to be in contact with her as he aimed to press himself against her side, aiming to help her stand.
"Did you get those berries for the medicine cats? That's actually pretty sweet of you, Peachpaw. I'm sorry it had to-" end this way felt like too strong of a sentence, so he coughed lightly before changing gears, "I'm sorry you're feeling sick for it. I'm sure Fireflypaw and Dawnglare will appreciate the thought now...can you stand?"

He points his nose in the direction of the elder's den, where the light sparkle betrayed the presence of the stream behind the ferns. " Let's get you something to drink while we wait for the pros" he suggests, flashing the molly his winning smile. Although he couldn't fault Lupinepaw and Cherrypaw for their reasonable reactions, it felt a bit cruel to just leave Peachpaw to suffer in her sickness.

If you accidentally gave yourself a death ticket, would you want to die with kind words and a soft touch?
He wonders if Ashenclaw had.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently


The commotion coming from a group of nearby apprentices didn't go unnoticed by Johnnyflame- and his attention was fully garnered when Lupinepaw announced they were going to get the healers. "Stars above, Peachpaw-" he exclaimed, tone somewhere between frustration and concern. A quick glance toward the berrys confirmed what he already suspected- he had no earthly clue what they were or what they did, and he could only hope that Dawnglare or Fireflypaw would be able to confirm they were harmless. If not.. He tried not to let that line of thought take over. He didn't want to watch a kid die- not again. "Don't go wandering off- Lupinepaw will be back with the medicine cats and it won't help if they have to chase the two of you down." he dded, glancing in the direction of the healers den to see if they were coming yet. If not, he had half a mind to go in there and drag them away from whatever they were doing.


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Fireflypaw is hurried out of his den by a worried Lupinepaw, his little sister ushering him forward urgently. From what he heard through her hurried words, it seemed Peachpaw had eaten some berries. Worry riddles his skin beneath as he rushes over, quickly placing himself between the berries and Peachpaw and the rest of the cats. He takes a sniff at the berries, reeling back when he realizes what they are.

"Holly berries. Your stomach is going to hurt for a bit, you might experience some drooling. Someone get Peachpaw some water!" He calls out with a huff, turning to the apprentice with a rarely-shown, yet stern glance. He takes a sharp breath in, remembering when he went off on Flora for touching his herbs. Patience, Fi. "Unless it is fresh-kill brought into camp, don't just eat random things you find. This could be toxic to you in large amounts, Peachpaw." He grumbles, blind blue eyes flicking over to the Lead Warrior present. Johnnyflame. "I want her benched from apprentice duties until I'm sure she's safe. Is that okay, my friend?"
Fireflypaw is first to rise to the occasion, but that did not so completely quell his concern, nor curiosity. As the Fireflypaw - sized space in his den is left unoccupied, Dawnglare follows with the sticking of his nose into the sunlight. Doing such a thing no longer risked him a sharp, freezer - burn. Now it was only sunlight and pleasant warmth, perhaps an omen that he would rather not interpret. Narrowed eyes assess his underling for whatever it is he would say, he would do. ThunderClan's troubles have left Dawnglare pondering a SkyClan without him... but Fireflypaw has not proved themselves flawless, just yet.

But what comes from his maw is sound, not nonsense. Benched form apprentice duties... perhaps that was a tad overbearing, but perhaps that was not. It is more than he expects, regardless. At the very least, he had not encouraged Peachpaw to immediately find more blood - red berries to stuff into her gullet. At the very most... Fireflypaw got close to it, he supposes.

The shrug and subsequent nod that he gives would likely be seen by few, but it mattered more than they knew.

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  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 63 moons old as of 4.8.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads