PRETTY WHITE JAWS [ gentlestorm ]

Everything had been going a hundred miles a minute, and Batwing was just about over it. A ragged sigh left him as he stood from the warrior's den, vision blearily turning towards the sun that was beginning to dip below the horizon. The recent death with no body to bury, the scent of predator on the wind nearly every which way they turned... His ears gently flattened, vision shifting towards the moon that was barely visible over the horizon of trees out of the ravine.

Was Starclan testing them? He didn't know, actually. Batwing didn't want to know if that's what was going on- Starclan purposefully sending them ill messages, omens, deaths. He didn't want to think about Starclan potentially attempting to murder the entirety of Thunderclan. His teeth grit as he turned, heading towards the medicine den without a second thought. Leopardtongue already rested within the nursery- now wasn't the time to bother her.

His nose wiggled into the den full of cats. Still some healing from the owl injury, others from mishaps he couldn't even name. Emerald eyes searched for his best friend before he could justify turning around. What was Gentlestorm even going to do? He couldn't tell Starclan to simply screw off, could he?


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Large snowy paws move around some of the herbs in the shelf deciding to busy himself so his mind did not wander to that of wolves lurking in the woods waiting to pick them off one by one, his throat dries at the grim thought. The cats within the medicine cat den are sound asleep and he's thankful for it, Gentlestorm didn't want them to bare witness to their healer growing anxious. His feathered ears prick forward at the sound of approaching pawsteps though his back is facing the mouth of his den and he parts his jaws to speak, "You'll have to visit in the morning. They're asleep," The gray and blue giant turns to see that it's his best friend, Batwing, and he moves away from the tall stone focusing his dark gaze on the blue smoke. His eyes searching the other's knowing what the plagues the mind of the lead warrior as it weighs on his own, he shoulders the other gently to keep close to the mouth of the medicine den. Something that he would not normally allow due what had happened to Berryheart but he makes an exception this once only to murmur in a hushed voice "What troubles you, dear friend?" It's not a wound or Gentlestorm would've known but he can listen and will wait when the words leave Batwing's jaws, the tired healer sits down releasing a soft sigh from his own jaws.

His own thoughts trail off to think of Starclan and ponders what they must be seeing, he thinks about his late mate named after the powerful canid beasts that prowled in their home. His whiskers twitch briefly and he can't help but feel tense where he sits, he does not know what to do especially after Acornwish had gotten killed. It reminds him of Stormfeather who had been attacked by dogs yet he cannot imagine the damage a wolf could do, he doesn't wish to think of it. "How's Leopardtongue?" Gentlestorm asks trying to lighten their thoughts and brushes his coat against Batwing awaiting the lead warriors answer.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
You'll have to visit in the morning.

Batwing didn't think he could be turned away right now- nearing the ink of night, the moon would watch down. Batwing could almost feel his father's eyes upon his back as his head shook. Weary eyes opened to stare back up at Gentlestorm, his own searching the eyes of the larger. It seemed a silent agreement made, his friend nudging him back to the opening of the den. He turned so he wasn't projecting inside to sleeping cats, settling with his side against Gentlestorm's.

"The wolves." He murmured softly. "I fear for our kits, our apprentices." While he really meant Leopardtongue's and his own, it applied to the whole clan. After all, they were all just as vulnerable as Acornwish was. "I wonder if Starclan did this to us, or if we're being tested. But for what?" His voice was a hoarse whisper, ears flattened and eyes on the ground, sorrowful and hard to decipher. Batwing had always been a creature of sorrow- only living life for the brief glimpses of joy and sunlight through it all. Gentlestorm listens, and just as always, curves the conversation to a sunnier patch.

"She's doing okay. She.. I'm unsure if she's seen you- she's with kits again." His green eyes lifted then, turning to wholly focus on his friend. It was a bittersweet smile- he was wonderfully happy about that, he knows, but the gravity of it all, right now? What happened with his last litter, when he just barely arrived in time? "She told me a few days ago. I hope she's come to see you." A tiny laugh left him then, despite the heavy worry in his voice. "Leopardtongue needs to be healthy."​

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Batwing speaks his fears about the wolves getting to the kits or appprentices and loudly ponders if this is a test from Starclan, Gentlestorm feels a frown forming on his maw at the thought of their starry warriors and those lost to them had brought upon the strong canines that lurked in their forest. "Starclan gives warnings, prophecies, and gifts. I don't believe they'd send us the messenger of death. I believe its out of their paws," He would've gotten a dream from Starclan had it been the case considering that all the medicine cats had recieved a dream about the cure to yellowcough and the lungwort that rested beyond Highstones. The snowy tom doesn't think they're being punished either considering that they hadn't really done anything to potentially upset the starry felines that were scattered in Silverpelt and hung overhead.

He shuffles his paws briefly in thought then focuses on the chimera tomcat when he speaks of Leopardtongue and how she's expecting kits once more, Gentlestorm's eyes widen slightly in surprise only to admit with a chuckle "It must've slipped her mind but congratulations, Batwing. I'm sure you'll be excited to be here with her instead of far away." A small reference to the journey and how they had all been far from their homes with no dens to huddle within and keep warm. But his mind lingers on the thought of the wolves once more nodding when Batwing mentions how he hopes that Leopardtongue would go see him to make sure that all's well and he's certain that the pair will be fine. Newleaf was just around the corner and the last few days had been a lot warmer than the frigid cold that had clung to camp and plants within Thunderclan. He'd be able to find herbs a lot more easily but still the threat of wolves lurking about in the new plants birthed during newleaf...

"Batwing..." Gentlestorm begins to speak with a small smile on his maw giving a quick nod of his helm and continues to speak in a hushed voice, "You must promise me that you will not endanger yourself. The fox from the journey was one thing... But these are wolves... You must stay safe. For Leopardtongue and for your kits. Both here and unborn." For me. The last words remain unspoken but his golden gaze locks with the bright greens of his best friend awaiting for his answer or to see his reaction.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Gentlestorm does what he can to relieve Batwing's fear- and his head dipped gently, eyes moving to be half-lidded. His tail twitched and a gentle nod followed. "I believe you. It's hard not to think that, though." Batwing responded in a soft tone, pushing himself a bit straighter as the news of Leopardtongue was shared. That was a bright spot for him lately, and his head turned to give a small smile to his best friend.

His head nodded gently. "Thank you. I'm... happier being here, instead of far away. I was stupid, then. Debatable if I still am or not." He chuckled quietly, his tail sweeping to wrap around his paws. Green eyes blinked softly, half-lidded in the moonlight. Being with Leopardtongue... surrounded by their young, and their oldest litter, in the warmth of newleaf and greenleaf, laughing and sharing stories of before everything went wrong, before his eyes were scarred. A soft breath left him at the thought of golden days like that.

Gentlestorm speaks, and breaks the daydream he had been blessed with briefly. His head turned, the anxiety of deer and wolf crashing back over him. "Yes?" He answered, just before Gentlestorm murmured his request. Don't endanger myself. Green eyes shifted back forward. Blood dripping from new bud had shocked him to the core- Acornwish's death was swift and unjust. She had just wanted to hunt, to feed the mouths of the clan. Batwing's ears twitched as he deliberated.

Don't endanger myself. How could he promise Gentlestorm that he wouldn't? If his mate was before the jaws of the wolves, he would leap before her. If his son, who seemed to have inherited his dangerous habit, attempted to fight one, it would be Batwing shielding them. His voice came out complicated, softly pained and sorrowful. "You know I would have to try, Gentlestorm." He whispered. He didn't look at his friend, for fear of seeing the betrayal and pain written over his face. "I.. I won't do anything undue or stupid. But if someone else can be saved... I have to try."

His head shook, Batwing's shoulders hunching. "I can't promise you I won't if that's the case. If it's the last thing I must do." Batwing admitted softly. ​