border PRICE TO PLAY — thunderclan dusk patrol

Though he typically liked for his apprentices to shadow him on border patrols, Raccoonstripe had felt Smudgepaw’s paws would be better set to work on cleaning out the nursery this evening. It feels strange, not to have the pointed tom at his flank, but it’s also a relief not to have to cuff a sassy apprentice over the ear for carelessly-given remarks. Sometimes he feels like he’s training Wildheart again. To his patrolmates, he turns and calls, “Look alive, folks. ShadowClan border is always a little more active at night.” Through the stench of the Thunderpath is the sour, almost mildewed scent of his former home in the marsh.

Raccoonstripe lazily lifts his tail in greeting to whichever cat is the first to approach the border. “I hope the prey’s running well,” he calls, rubbing his face against a stalk of grass.

[ @DUSKBIRD @COYOTEBITE @vixenpaw. ]

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The monochrome kitten was seeming to grow thinner day by day- and maybe it was the lack of food, but she liked to think of it happening from her lengthening limbs and growing into a big strong warrior. Her steps were less clumsy every day, training herself to walk regally. And that was pure ego, self training to take graceful steps along the white ground.

The ground was cold against her paws, a shiver sending through her small body as raccoonstripe began speaking. Her lips curled back a bit at the stench of the thunderpath, unsure how others didn't seem so bothered by it. Blue eyes scanned the border, before hesitantly approaching the border, pulling her flank and doing what she supposed was called 'scenting' it.

"Why do they like shadows so much?" She asked, in her own way asking why they were called Shadowclan. Sure, everything had a different shadow and they were interesting, but surely they could have a cooler name. Thunderclan wasn't called Tree Clan, after all. But then again, Riverclan lived in water, so they could use a better name too.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Patrols had become a daily part of Snowpaw's life, and honestly sometimes it made her wish she could just stay in camp instead of dealing with the tasking blow of chores or learning to become a warrior. Remembering the last time she had seen Thunderclan at the borders was when she had become an apprentice and now she could tell who was who for each clan. Thunderclan appeared more stockier and bigger while Windclan were smaller and more leaner.

This then made her wonder, what was Riverclan like? And how did Shadowclan appear to others? She shift to stand next to her mentor in silence while dipping her head in greetings towards the Thunderclanners while yellow gaze fixated on the group. She didn't know who these ones were. "Hey Scorchmoon, how do Riverclanners look like, same with Skyclanners?" she would ask him softly before focusing her attention back on the patrol before them and decided to allow her mentor do the chatting.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Mentor tag @Scorchedmoon ))

why did they like the shadows so much? it was a good question but it was not one they would answer. no. if they couldn't figure it out, that was on them. the shadows were apart of the clan. it was even in the name. it worked for them. their sneaky nature made it easier to be. they could take cats by surprise, or even steal prey right from under their noses. and when the territory lacked prey so often, it was just easier to made home within the very thing that would keep them out of trouble. masters of disguise, and smart on their paws. shadowclan had that going for them, at least.

their tail twitched as they nodded towards the patrol leader, with a gentle grunt. they looked to their apprentices, and twitched their ears back and forth.

"hope you're still awake enough to mark the borders. it's good practice to be awake at night. we all take turns with it. it will also help with your night hunting."

they mention.

"how's everything, thunderclan? no big bad threats from our not to friendly moor friends?"

they'd hope not.

// apprentice tag @APPLEPAW @SCREECHPAW
Business, as usual. ShadowClan acting as if they were not falling apart at the seams— as usual. Applepaw has long forgone any semblance of pleasantry when it comes to the bordering clans. She does not owe them a smile, nor a friendly hello. The slight nod she offers is perhaps too much on it's own, already. ThunderClan is keen to chatter idly, as always. An apprentice looks to their superior, mumbling a question that she could not hear. Just the same, Applepaw would look to her own mentor. Hope you're still awake enough to mark the borders. The apprentice flicks in ear. " Of course, " she answers, and to prove her point, she winds her tail along the trunk of a sturdy pine. The smog of monsters is hot in her nose.

It is not her job to answer Snowpaw's idle questions. Though initially, she perks to offer her own answer— she resigns herself to relative quiet. She was no mentor... But she would be, someday soon.

" Do you think they'll show their faces tomorrow night? " Applepaw questions instead. It is a question more for Chilledstar— though she supposes she wouldn't be disinterested in ThunderClan's thoughts on the matter.

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  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + thornpaw, halfpaw & laurelpaw )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 9 moons old as of 12.20.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applepaw is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. Naturally talented, and for the most part, a rule - follower. She thinks herself better than the majority of her peers. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and wanting to fix what has been broken. Intensely closed off to close emotional connection and outwardly cold to most.

Armed with political savvy and a proclivity for overanalysing, Smogmaw heavily leans into sorting individuals and other clans into easily accessible labels. It's a behavioural trend more than a hobby, and a coping mechanism at worst. Interpersonal relationships are all the easier to manage when you put others in little preconceived boxes.

Such, it frustrates the tom to no end when others defy easy categorisation, and ThunderClan as a collective baffles him. They're truly neutral. They're consistently neutral. They're unfailingly neutral. It's unreasonable. At least WindClan has the gall to openly display their capriciousness. Even RiverClan fluctuates from season to season. But ThunderClan? ThunderClan manages to be unremittingly and reliably… just fine with whatever, every single time.

Another good excursion into their lands for old time's sake could tip the scales, possibly, but he wouldn't put it past the forest clan to lapse back into complacent pacifism afterwards.

Anywho. Smogmaw finds himself thrust from his thoughts and into the callous open world at Chilledstar's remark. He blinks, and he's suddenly standing opposite to a ThunderClan patrol. The warrior at the helm proves marginally recognisable, darkly marked brown pelt fluffed in an evening gust. Raccoonstripe. Yeah, that's his name. Where he'd heard it before eludes him for the moment.

"If they do, we'll spot 'em," the deputy assures Applepaw, though his sightline pursues another from his brood — @ASHENPAW's dual-shaded coat attracts his eye almost instantly. "I trust you're not battling to remain awake," he then ruminates. His grumbled tone flirts with the notion of a threat, just about.

↟↟ᨒ   With so many apprentices out and about on this patrol, or lost to his kin's mentorship whims, he can't help but wonder about what it would be like to train one of his own. There would still be many moons before that, he knows. Time to adjust to his own role in the clan, and...well, maybe just as much what became of his life outside of it. His family. His father. After what he and SkyClan had done, perhaps it was only fair if Howlingstar's trust would need to rebuilt. He knows that he certainly needed to rebuild his own in her. So late at night, with his mind wandering to the past and the future both, it makes this patrol pass slowly.

"Did you see their territory?" he asks Vixenpaw lightly. He brushes over the whole of it. The sickness. The dying. The pain he still hasn't fully rid himself of. Instead, he focuses gently on the area before them. "They blend in with it like they are Shadows." Though a ThunderClanner can slip through the undergrowth like wraiths, ShadowClan hid like them. He speaks it lowly, though, having no interest in giving the nearby ShadowClanners a greater ego.

  • OOC.
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    ——— recently discovered his father's identity and is withdrawing into himself. seems distant and troubled, going about his duties absently as if sleepwalking his routine. seems mechanical around his family in particular, or anyone that he suspects knew the truth of his parentage. his ambitions have died quietly.

The ShadowClan border awakens, silhouettes streaking from the darkness and rising like life had been breathed into the dusk. Eyes of blue and amber flash from the other side. Raccoonstripe’s ears twitch with interest as he recognizes the white-blazed face of the Clan leader, their tortoiseshell apprentice matching their stride. “Chilledstar.” He gives the ebony feline a respectful nod, though to the apprentice he gives only a half-interested glance. “It’s been quiet as a quickly-killed mouse on that front. No trouble on your side, I hope?” His ears flick forward, a question burning on his tongue: No more missing kits?

He's somewhat glad he’d held onto that part of his sentence. ShadowClan’s deputy, rugged features set into contemplation, emerges from the undergrowth with his own patch-furred apprentice in tow. If Raccoonstripe remembers correctly, the stolen ShadowClan children had been of his blood. Chilledstar’s apprentice asks—more to her mentor than anyone else present—if WindClan would show their faces at the night’s Gathering. The tabby’s dark gaze flicks to Smogmaw, who, despite the stakes, remains lackadaisical. “It’ll be interesting to see if they do,” he murmurs, shrugging languidly.

A pale, small apprentice asks their mentor what RiverClan and SkyClan look like. Raccoonstripe lets Duskbird answer Vixenpaw’s question, instead opting to smile in this ShadowClanner’s direction and reply, “Easy. They look like us, except one of them smells like fish and the other wears kittypet collars.” He flicks an ear dismissively, continuing on his way.

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