camp PRIMORDIAL SOUP ↷ the soaking incident

Clanmates of pious minds put ample stock in StarClan's abilities to control, influence, manipulate, and so on, and so forth. Cynics of Smogmaw's sort see little cause to ascribe divine will to the mundane, but by what standard can he assess and deny their spiritual beliefs? Who is Smogmaw to dictate the stars' credibility in others' eyes? There is no standard, and thusly, there is no debate to be had.

Evidence has shown itself time and time again that StarClan holds some sway over mortal affairs (lightning strikes during gatherings and such), and the cynic's duty, when faced with this evidence, is not to argue whether or not it is real, but rather, why he does not believe in it.

Smogmaw, for the sake of consistency and efficiency, has settled on this: the stars control, though they do not create. Here is why. No all-seeing omniscient force could possibly be cruel enough to permit slush to exist. Slush is an evil and contradictory paradox.

Snow is supposed to melt into water. This is fact. So why is it that when the two mix together in a puddle, they create something worse? Snow and water, when bound together, become slush - neither a solid nor a liquid, but a stubborn half-half creation that refuses to commit.

Worst part is, sometimes slush masquerades as solid ice. Sometimes, it masquerades as solid ice in the dead-centre of ShadowClan's camp—and sometimes, cynics of Smogmaw's sort fling themselves belly-first into it.

It'd been a ploy to entertain nearby apprentices, as well as an attempt at the record for longest ice-slide in ShadowClan's history. Smogmaw, to his credit, won the former. Slushy globules by the dozens splatter across the vicinity as the deputy plunges his entire mass into the treacherous mess. Cold seizes the tom's sodden form instantly. His pelt sinks into its icy prison. His paws fail to locate a grip along the mucky floor, and so he thrashes about like a minnow washed ashore.

"S-s-so c-c-cold, that's-s-s-s s-s-so c-cold," Smogmaw hisses between violent chitters and shivers when he emerges at long last. His pelt shudders beneath icy goo, and every pawstep splats atrociously upon contact with solid ground. "Th-thought th-that was ice. F-f-f-f-f-f-f-fox-dung." Eyes half-lidded in exhaustion, nose pinched in an uncomfortable pout; it's a look fitting for cynics like him.

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Scalejaw held some deep level of agreeance with Smogmaw on this one in particular- slush was bad. Her fur was mismatched in places, longer in some and shorter in others. Some reveled her beauty for it, others called it a trashpile. She firmly believed that it was protective in some of the most defenseless places, and as such, was deeply appreciative of her fur.

Her fur did help in the case of the snow and the cold. So when Smogmaw leapt at the puddle, glowing orange eyes shifting to watch the disaster about to happen, she was moments too short in telling him that's a bad idea. Her head dipped away as some of it was flung from the puddle, lifting when she was sure she was clear. Approaching slowly, a tiny grin spread on her mouth, one well hidden by the forward tilt of her head.

"What was all of that about, Smogmaw?" She questioned, her head tilting as she neatly settled down away from two things- one, the slush puddle, and two- Smogmaw's tracked path of slush. And him, too, so make it three things. Scalejaw would like to keep herself dry and warm, thank you very much. "Don't tell me you're going to get sick, now. We'd be down our dependable deputy." Amusement flashed in her features- the very way she had joked and teased with Chilledstar shifted to Smogmaw, now.

[penned by dallas].
Slush, a blind cat’s enemy in leaf-bare. She walks slowly in the cold season, unsure if her next step will be on firm ground, slippery ice, deep snow, or, yes, slush. Her whiskers are her best friend this time of year as she carefully scopes out her path, one that is taken far away from the mess Smogmaw has loudly found himself in.

Well, at least it’s enough to bring joy to the dreariest of days. The young warrior guffaws in amusement, her laughs spilling from jaws opened wide and fangs flashing. She ambles closer to where he now stands dripping with the horrible stuff, swaying with her giggles before coming to a stop right before him. “You smell like an icicle,” She tells him with a grin, lighthearted in her delivery.

Scalejaw warns them against getting sick, and Forestshade tips her muzzle towards the medicine den. “Need me to grab Starlingheart or Magpiepaw?” She asks, still giggly but a tad more serious than she’d been prior. She’s smart enough to know when to take a clanmate’s health seriously, at least, even if she’s rough around the edges.
Frostbite wasn't sure what Smogmaw was doing, but he didn't expect him to bellyflop into slush. Blinking at the deputy, he finds laughter bubbling up in his throat that he tries to stifle and ultimately fails. Frostbite hasn't been a victim to the slush yet, but he knows how irritating it is and while he finds what just happened funny, he does feel bad for Smogmaw. Now he's all cold and wet. Awful thing to be in leafbare. Being covered in slush was even worse because it was partially frozen already, making it colder than just plain old water. It clung to you and melted on you and it is just. Awful.

"What was that supposed to be?" He asks as his burst of laughter settles.

Scalejaw offers a valid point. It would do them no good to be down a deputy. "Smogmaw's tough, he'll be fine as soon as he stops dripping and warms up." He says. He fully plans to sit on Smogmaw after he shakes off the excess slush. Frostbite will put his fluff to work this leafbare.​
"If you're going to do things like that I'd prefer you commit to dying after, vigils are easier to provide herbs for than much else." His voice is a high little warble of a sound, teasing in a way he doesn't often do but the sight of Smogmaw sodden and somehow more miserably wet than he usually looked was a burst of hilarity in his currently miserable existence. Starlingheart's recover was coming along well and he was pleased, but he was also having to pick up and do more than he had before in order to make up for her needing to rest and take her time; he was happy to do it, he adored her, but he wouldn't deny it left him tired and irritable sometimes.
"My firm medical opinion is you needed a bath, someone should help you warm up though and I'm a filthy kitten from the trash so you wouldn't want me near you probably."
Blue-violet eyes lit up in amusement, he narrowed them at the deputy with his whiskers quivering in mirth, a jab back at the blue tom for his constant reminders and dismissiveness of the apprentice and his origins; it might have started with some level of genuine annoyance and dislike but he couldn't lie and say he didn't think Smogmaw was a little alright now. Once the grief settled, most cats returned to their roots leaning in a new direction and thankfully the deputy had not resigned himself to darkness entirely.
  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


Scattered sightlines by the dozen all lurch towards his drenched, soppy, and sorry form. He cannot see them, his own gaze still downcast and frozen, but he feels them. Baffled to disappointed to amused. Faces watching, judgements held tight to chest. The fear of shame tingles his ears, though embarrassment thrums dull below his fur. The clumpy, icy muck clinging cold and dense against his stomach doesn't help much, either.

Lips purse and joints coil with tension when the first response washes over him. A huff plays along his maw when he turns to glimpse Scalejaw, yet eye contact proves difficult to retain. She speaks cheekily of him, but not so brazenly. It's an attempt to what—assuage? Poke fun? Exacerbate? Context fails him, locked away beyond a slushy wall. "I thought it was ice!" is the most he can sputter out in the moment, before his teeth begin to chatter something awful. Amber eyes implore the she-cat's for respect. Recognition, sympathy, a single bit of validation.

Vigorously, Smogmaw rids excess liquid from his pelt through a brisk shake. In doing so his vision reroutes onto Frostbite and Forestshade. The two share his gaze unevenly, the former rather directly, and his counterpart much more avertedly. Both put their concerns forward, which initially bewilder the deputy. Surviving a quick icy soak lies well within his capabilities. Yet, when pressed, his waiting reply begins brimming with doubt, and he notices that he's indeed chilled bitterly to the bone. Astonishing, given the circumstances.

"Let Starlingheart rest," asserts the deputy, in attempt to deflect attention away from the spectacle he'd created. She's still scratched to all hell. No need to drag her out over this. "I'll be fine, I swears. I'll be better if everyone just does me a solid and just leaves me be for a few." A retreat to some sort of solitude is in order, so that he may lick this wound on his ego clean.

Then proceeds Magpiepaw, inglorious in his tame enthusiasm. A shallow sigh awaits the apprentice once his diagnosis is delivered. "Seems like everyone's trying to tell me such these days. 'Take a bath'. Why? Am I truly that bad?" A bitter, bleak-eyed glance projects onto the slush puddle to his side, contemplation gnashing. Setting aside the colossal overthought, Smogmaw paws muddy water from his muzzle. "Whatever you say works best, I suppose."

Getting set to steep himself further into pity, the tom shifts his focus onto the warriors in his midst. "Someone... please." Protestations against this self-inflicted character assassination swell, but no energy is ever seen forwarded in their cause. "Just- clean me up."

———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
The smile on her face doesn't fade- she was truly and deeply amused by Smogmaw's movements, perhaps more then even the apprentices he was aiming to make laugh. It was something they needed in camp, she reflected. Enjoyment of life. Even if that meant that their deputy might catch cold, seeing as he was shivering. And perhaps, while Smogmaw searched her vision, there was warmth in their glowing depths.

She pushed to her paws, avoiding the shaken fluid as he spoke to the other cats present. "Do you want me to help, or not?" Her voice was light as she spoke. He had asked for space, then begged for someone to clean him. Scalejaw was not one to deny a clanmate in need, so she carefully stepped over frozen puddles herself. Sitting back on her haunches, she used her paws to brush the majority of the water off of one side of his flank.

"You owe me a warm piece of prey, Smogmaw." She said. Her voice was light, dancing as if filled with amusement. Truly, she didn't mind this kind of work, considering they did need him alive. She'd be... upset, to say the least, if what they lost him to was some cold water set too long against his skin. "This is going to taste absolutely vile. The dirt of camp mixed with slush." That was the only complaint from her mouth, beginning to groom water out of his shoulder and flank.

[penned by dallas].