pafp PRINCEHOOD ♕ camp

Mar 3, 2024

𓆩 ♕ 𓆪 Lionkit has, objectively, the coolest name. A name that Blazestar wanted for him, a legacy of creatures bright as the sun and bold as any great hero. The stories of LionClan are Hollykit's favorite, and she cannot help but think of great cats with sweeping manes whenever she looks upon her brother. He likes to think that they carry the blood of such noble creatures, the three siblings, gifted by their golden-maned father.

The only problem is that Lionkit doesn't exactly fit the image in Hollykit's head of a lion. She gives him a once over as the two of them go out for the day, settling her mind on an idea. "Lionkit," she begins seriously. "You're not very lion-like." He's got the mane, sure, but he doesn't have the gravitas. Not like Candorkit does, but why should Candorkit be more of a lion than Lionkit? It doesn't make sense. "Can you roar? Can you be tall and brave?" She leans forward, eyes wide. "Will you show me?" He can probably do it, he just needs a push in the right direction.

  • pls wait for @LIONKIT <3
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  • HOLLYKIT ⚔︎ she / him, kit of skyclan, three moons.
    a small, fluffy kit with mottled fur and deep green eyes.
    bobbie x blazestar; littermate to lionkit & candorkit.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
As Lionkit and his siblings heard more and more stories about LionClan and their triumphs, the powerful big cats that ran amongst them, and the many ways that their father embodied such valiant beasts, he grew more and more motivated to be like them. Except... he didn't know how. How did one become a lion? Would Bobbie be mad or sad if Lionkit did not become a lion? That was certainly the last thing that he wanted!

So, when Hollykit turns to him and states that he isn't lion-like, Lionkit dips his ears backward. "I'm... I'm not?" The tortoiseshell frets, tail slowly drooping behind him.

A soft frown appears upon Lionkit's lips as Hollykit leans in, pressing him to show just how much of a lion he could be. "Ummm...." He gulps, unsure, but does not choose to turn and run from her challenge. "I could try...?" He supposes, obviously lacking the courage and confidence that a true big cat boasted.

Lionkit has a general idea of what they're supposed to sound like, but never before has he reenacted the noise himself. After drawing in a breath, he made his best attempt, "Rrrrr....Raaaaoooooowwwrrrr!" If Hollykit had been seeking a thunderous, earth-shaking outcry—one on par with the lions of legend—then she would be quite disappointed with what Lionkit offered. Unfortunately, he did not quite possess the vocal cords that real lions had, and his "roar" was more or less reminiscent of a strained meow.

He heaved a few breaths after having expelled nearly all of the oxygen from his lungs before asking Hollykit, "... Was that good?" Lionkit sure hoped so.


Lionkit was a good name, a strong name, but very few cats could truly live up to the moniker. To be a lion was to be strong, equal parts feared and respected, to rule from the light instead of skulking about the shadows like a tiger, or not being present at all like a leopard. Being named after such a creature put expectations on the kitten that would be hard to live up to, but, he trusted the tortie point could become lion-like in his own way. Letting Hollykit and Lionkit's conversation go in one ear and out the other, Silversmoke's attention was suddenly grabbed by the pair when one of them meowed as if they had food stuck in their throat. He turned his head sharply to address the situation, blinking incredulously when both Hollykit and Lionkit seemed to be ok. Silversmoke repeated the strained sound in his head; had it been a game?

Silversmoke moved closer, head hunched awkwardly between his shoulders, a pitiful attempt to appear less threatening to two tiny kittens. "I'm sorry for butting in on your conversation," he uttered, stifled by the wonder of whether his words were child-friendly enough. His expression remained serious, but drolly so - not that it was easy to tell the difference when the spotted tabby had one of the clan's fiercest RBFs. Tufted ears twitched as he glanced between the pair. "I thought I heard a lion in camp and came to investigate. Hollykit, you haven't seen a lion, have you?"

Wherever his siblings are, Candorkit is never too far behind. Togetherness is important. S'what Bobbie told them all. And togetherness means looking out for Lionkit, and joining in on Hollykit's games... In the pursuit of both, Candorkit finds himself listening in, red ears angled toward their conversation. Were they talking about LionClan without him?

And now that Hollykit said it... he kind of understood what she meant. Lionkit didn't like the stuff they liked as much as they did, and it was a little bit... maybe, unlucky? Hollykit is named after what the camp is made of, and candor is... good things, he thinks. Lions are the most clear - cut of them all to him: brave, fierce beasts with manes like the sun. Lionkit only had little splashes of the sun here and there. And he wasn't very fierce, and he isn't very loud... Candorkit finds himself nodding along with all of this.

When the roar comes... Candorkit's face twists into something skeptical. It's a pretty good roar... but not close to the powerful lion's roars Candorkit has imagined. Candorkit's whiskers twitch, very thoughtfully, he ponders how to deliver this news —

That's when a Lead Warrior, Silversmoke, comes over to tell them all he heard a lion and has come to investigate. Candorkit is absolutely shocked. Lionkit's roar was really that good? Good enough to fool a Lead Warrior? His mouth is agape. " Woahh, that's really what a Lion sounds like? Amazing, Lionkit! " he cheers.

And then, he pauses. Cause LionClan was super duper old, wasn't it? Did that make Silversmoke super duper old? Kittish suspicion crosses his face the, and he narrows green eyes at Silversmoke. Unless... there were still lions around, and no one told them? Unless they were a secret for Lead Warriors only, and that's why Bobbie knew! " Do Lead Warriors get to meet real LionClan Warriors? " he asks, eyes wide. " Can we meet them? "

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    fiery lynx point w tawny paws & green eyes. points are still developing.
    Bold, loud, and extravagant, Candorkit idolizes the heroes within stories and goes out of his way to act as they do.