border PRIZE FIGHTER ⁺˖⋆ thunderclan patrol

⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ the journey out to the border with shadowclan was as dreadful as ever. morning light filtered through barren trees, yet it wasn't quite enough to warm her back. the ground was wet, muddy from melted snow and slush. so now when she returned to camp, not only would she have to rid her pelt from the thunderpath's stench, but also clean mud from her paws. nightbird may have wondered how shadowclanners lived like this, but usually upon meeting one it made sense.

the thunderpath was mostly quiet this morning. the occasional monster whirring by to send her fur flying as it spewed slush. such nasty creatures, how their paws blackened once pristine snow, leaving only a vile stench and puffs of smoke. at least there wasn't much thunder to cloud her ears, most must have been sleeping for now. hopefully their neighbors had the same idea. she had yet to spot a shadowclan patrol, it was likely only a matter of time. perhaps this time they would remain on their side of the border.

"mark it well lest they forget," nightbird joked lightly. she was more mature than to hold the actions of a single apprentice against an entire clan, especially when the warriors present were aware of the mistake and did not escalate. a long way the clans had come since using a scrap of prey as an excuse for excessive bloodshed.
  • ooc ↛ @Palepaw @TOADHOP @Shinebug
  • IMG_0303.png
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 30 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to palepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Shinebug tried to put on a brave face as the patrol neared the Shadowclan border, but it was hard for the boy to hide his nerves. Sky-blue eyes darted back and forth, and sun-drenched features winced every time a monster rushed past. What if it veered off the thunderpath? Could those rounded paws and metallic pelt come careening towards them at any moment? Was that even possible?

The fresh-faced warrior stopped for a moment to steady himself and take a breath, trying to recognize those irrational fears as ridiculous before moving to catch up with his companions. Shinebug was no longer the ball of anxiety he’d been as an apprentice, but there were definitely still moments.

The boy was grateful for Nightbird’s comment, even if it might’ve been in poor taste. Humor was always a nice distraction, and Shinebug felt his spirits lifting as he began work. “You got it” he responded, silently wondering if Shadowclan would grace them with their presence today.​

One creature who was not scared by the monsters was Ferndance, whilst she would never throw herself beneath their crushing paws, her fascination with them had not left even as plenty of ShadowClanners were slain by them. She had drifted away from her patrol just slightly to admire the way they threw snow when figures appeared in the shadows of the oak trees. The Warrior popped her head up. "Oh my... visitors," A genuine mirth filled her voice, it had been too long since the she-cat had seen another clan (RiverClan did not count), missing out on the gathering had been an isolated Queen's biggest frustration. A smile crept upon her muzzle as she flattened down the dark grasses she was hiding between, letting ThunderClan see the rest of her body. Little had changed about the lanky warrior, save for a primordial pouch that lingered long after her pregnancy had ended. "Are your numbers flourishing since I last seen you? Or is death your best friend?" It was still ShadowClan's, but, perhaps death was not so selfish as to keep one friend all to itself. With wide blinking eyes, Ferndance awaited an answer from her (admittedly) favourite neighbours (but only because the other option was WindClan).

Palepaw's fur still bristled whenever she thought back to the recent tussle with the Shadowclan apprentice who was dumb enough to charge across their border and attack her denmate. Fallowpaw may not be her favorite cat around, but she still wasn't one to tolerate disrespect towards her clan. Nightbird may not be as bothered by the ordeal, but she wasn't quite as mature as her mentor yet, and still felt like brooding on the issue a bit longer. She'd managed to keep quiet and focus on their patrol so far this morning, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't also secretly looking out for the bi-colored molly who'd started the fight. The smokey lead warrior might be hoping to miss the other patrol, but at least if they did cross paths again, things would finally get interesting.

Palepaw's nose wrinkled in a look of distaste as the leafbare sludge chilled her paws, ears quirking at Nightbird's sarcastic suggestion. "I don't think forgetting is their problem," she snorted bitterly, her gaze flickering to the other side of the Thunderpath. How ironic, that Chilledstar was the one to implement the warrior code about not trespassing on other clan's territory, and one of Shadowclan's own apprentices ended up deliberately breaking it. Almost as if on cue, she spied the distant form of a Shadowclan warrior appearing from out of the brush, her tail twitching indignantly at the greeting. Was she honestly the only one who didn't like to chat with their neighbors when they met on patrol? It's not like they were actually friends just because things were peaceful at the moment. She was content to just ignore the musings of the brown tabby, who she did not recognize, but her comment about being 'best friends' with death had her paws stumbling in surprise. "What a strange thing to say... Shadowclanners are weird," she muttered quietly for the benefit of her group.
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[ ༻❄༺ ] Seeing a Thunderclan patrol was no surprise to the apprentice, afterall it had come a habit to see their faces across the thunderpath out on their own patrols. Silently she stayed closed to @Scorchedmoon listening to his latest lecture before glancing at the opposite clan with a dip of greetings. She lifted her head slightly before pushing some slush off her own paws.

Ferndance's words were strange but something one would get used to after living in the same clan as them. The stench of thunderpath made Snowpaw wrinkle their nose slightly before pausing and glancing up at Scorchedmoon, a rat-brained question on the tip of her tongue, and for sure would perhaps upset the Thunderclanners before them. "So, what was named first? The thunderpath or thunderclan? And if thunderpath was named first, why name your clan after something that kills cats?" her bobbed tail twitched a bit before looking back at the thunderclanners before them, yellow eyes glancing between each of them, the one apprentice there looking almost about the same age as Applepaw. "Hey! Are you going to be a warrior soon? Are you excited?" she called to Palepaw, might as well start some form of chit chat.. or... well attempt to.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


This was why he didn't want to come on this patrol. Between Ferndance who made him look like he had tact and Snowpaw having a head full of fluff akin to her namesake he was reconsidering lingering at all. He was above this and he made sure it was clear by holding his head up and keeping his expression tightly drawn so his mouth vanished against his black fur and his blue-violet eyes remained partially closed as though exhausted when really it was exasperation. He ignored his clanmates and settled his gaze on the lead warrior he recognized immediately from the journey, "Nightbird, hello." A fellow cat named after avians and she had proven exceptionally skilled and useful on the treacherous quest, "How is Gentlestorm doing?"
He had liked the tom's former name but Gentlestorm suited him alarmingly well too. If Starlingheart were not his mentor for whatever reason, he would wish to be apprenticed to the pale tom with the kind voice and eyes.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


Toadhop dreads this side of the territory. He dreads the stench of thunderpath and marsh that waft over it, the danger that it brings in harsh memories. His mother once lived on the other side of the grayed-out terrain, he knows.

And his sister… his sister’s form once laid unmoving between Shadow and Thunder. Somewhere along here — somewhere along here, Ragwortpaw took her final breath.

And he’s to patrol it as if she hadn’t, as if the wound of her loss has fully healed. Toadhop tries at least, keeping his head down and his mind busy as he works, that is, until ShadowClanners arrive at the other side of the thunderpath, as they begin to speak, to share their strange words. Death, a warrior mentions, before a snow-white apprentice speaks, asking questions that make his stomach sink. Head lifting, his ears flat to his head, Toadhop seeks out the rambling apprentice.

ThunderClan wasn’t… ThunderClan wasn’t named after this, “ the warrior insists with a dismissive flick of the tail and a frown at the kid, before returning to his work, hoping Nightbird allows them to depart from the area sooner rather than later.​
  • 75352427_5zJK0BNBCWuj2E9.png
    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack
While Snowpaw greeted the other clan politely, Scorchedmoon did as he always does and waves vigorously at their ThunderClan visitors. It’s funny, how different him and his apprentice are in that way. But it makes their relationship that much more dynamic. Though, it doesn’t take her too long to start to asks question be probably would have asked when he was younger, if they came to mind.

“I’m pretty sure it’s just after the thunder, you know, in the sky? But that can probably kill a cat too!” Despite how morbid his statement is, it’s probably true. …No wait, he’s thinking of lighting. “Wait, can sound kill you? Uhh… well, even so, maybe it would have been better to name it LightningClan instead! Doesn’t really roll off the tongue though…” Scorchedmoon then realizes he’s rambling, and stops in his tracks. Oops.​
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ per usual, shadowclan acted as tastefully as the carrion they devoured. shinebug was enthusiastic as ever, silently she wondered how long that would last in the face of their neighbors odd questions. ferndance approached with a giddy pep in her step, although the inquiry was oddly uttered it did not seem underhanded. "we flourish, soon our nursery will be filled to the brim," nightbird responded neutrally, almost distastefully at the idea. she understood kits were necessary to the clan's survival, but it seemed every day a new queen popped up. the lead warrior feared mostly for the safety of her tail.

palepaw muttered nearby her, the molly huffed with subtle amusement. shadowclan had certainly said stranger things before. a blue furred apprentice spoke up, rambling of the thunderpath and whatnot. did she not have a mentor to bother with these immature questions? nightbird glanced around for rolling eyes or correcting glares, but instead her gaze fell upon magpiepaw just as toadhop had taken it upon himself to answer.

her head flicked downwards in greeting to the medicine cat apprentice, and perhaps the only cat in that marsh with a lick of sense. "leafbare has done its best to keep his paws busy and our new deer friends like to stomp his plants, but he is well nonetheless." busy was almost an understatement, gentlestorm was flooded with patients. still, he tended them all with a smile. she glanced quickly around to make sure her patrol had finished marking this area before directing her attention in windclan's direction. as soon as they finished there, they could return to camp. "we best get going. take care, magpiepaw."
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 31 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a single white paw and pale silver eyes.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / mentor to none
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Her ears swiveled as an apprentice across the border started in on the nonsensical musings as well, though the fluffy molly was doing her best to ignore the ramblings of their neighbors until suddenly, she felt she was being targeted. Snowpaw was calling out at one of them, asking if they were going to be a warrior soon... that had to mean her, right? She was the youngest of their group. With an inward sigh of measured patience, Palepaw tore her eyes from the ground where she'd been watching her footing, searching out the owner of the inquisitive voice. Her gaze fell to a chatty white she-cat, who was in fact looking over the border at her. Tail lashing behind her, Palepaw nodded ever-so-slightly.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be named next moon. And yes, I am excited." More nervous than anything, but she'd never admit it aloud. She glanced sidelong at her mentor, who was now occupied with conversation between other members of the Shadowclan party who she also didn't recognize. She really ought to pay more attention to faces on these patrols, however much it might pain her. Bracing herself for another bout of tedious small talk, the blue-eyed feline resolved to at least try. "Em... what about you?" She couldn't tell from this distance how old the other apprentice was, but she doubted Snowpaw was quite as old as she was herself. The tension in her shoulders relaxed slightly as Nightbird began disengaging them from the border, though she idly waited to see if the other girl had anything left to say.