PROPHET SONG \ flamewhisker

Mar 15, 2024

The sound of Flamewhisker's voice, asking after flowers, had stained itself in Thundergleam's memory. She was devoted to alleviating suffering in ThunderClan, and that started with enriching the lives of those who lived there... she believed, at least. There had to be some other facet to her destiny, but for now she was simply accomodating. She would learn well in time the ultimate way to help save ThunderClan from all the pain that could ever touch them, but StarClan could not give her all the answers.

There were good things she would do to soothe suffering for all- with attention paid and memory maintained, she could do wonderful things. It did not take a prophet to tell that Flamewhisker's warmth had been dulled by the loss of her mate. Though Thundergleam had not known Flycatcher well, she had faith he lived warm in the Stars, and protected his family from any more pain... and it was important now for Flamewhisker's life to be made brighter, to show her that pain was not the eternal state. "Flamewhisker?" As she entered the nursery, Thundergleam's voice was sylph soft, a little tentative, muffled past the stalks of red-and-white flowers. Gently, she placed the blooms at the deputy's feet.

"I recalled you asked for flowers, not long ago. Have you a love for them?" If not, she was willing to fetch something else...

\ @Flamewhisker
penned by pin ☾

⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ The kits were out terrorizing bugs and chasing their clanmates. For once the nursery was fairly quite, spare for a few napping kits a few nests over. Flamewhisker was using the break to clean out her own nest. Scorchedkit's flowers from a few days ago had fallen off, and while she didn't mind keeping a couple of the petals in there for them to play with, they didn't need a pawful of now wilted flowers. She was careful to keep some of the feathers that they claimed to be meaningful, but the bug legs had to go. She wasn't sure which one of the kits had brought those into their nest, but each day seemed like a new surprise. Going from a previous litter of two, to one of five was definitely an she wished her mate was here to share.

It had become a rare occurrence to see any light within the deputy's eyes since losing Flycatcher, and today was no exception. As she gathered up the old moss, and rolled it away with her nose, she looked up to see Thundergleam padding in. She remained quiet at first, not assuming the newcomer was here to see her, until the alabaster molly spoke. Flamewhisker paused, lifting her head up and away from the moss. Thundergleam padded forward, and set a bundle of flowers in front of her paws. The red tabby tilted her head curiously, glancing down at them. "For me?" she asked, before registering how silly that sounded. Of course they're for you, mouse brain. Or else she wouldn't have placed them in front of you!

Thundergleam had joined right before Flycatcher's death, and the birth of their kits, so she hadn't really met her yet. She had been weary of the molly at first, and rightfully so. Her previous knowledge of the clans, as well as already having a warrior name was quite strange...but Howlingstar seemed to trust her. "Thank you.." The words were soft, thankful. Flowers were one of her favorite parts about new leaf in the forest, and this bundle was a lovely reminder of the positives that lay outside of the camp. "I do. These are very pretty, I love their colors." Red and white, just like her.

  • 79527857_EHpqE5qIBF95tOn.png
  • FLAMEWHISKER she/her, deputy of thunderclan, 31 moons, ages on the 20th
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    formerly mated to flycatcher / / mother to: falconheart, stormfeather, sparrowkit, sunkit, mothkit, scorchedkit, and squirrelkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    link to toyhouse
    penned by Icey !@icefang65 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Flamewhisker's gratitude was great, flooding relief- Thundergleam let free a bird-bone breath she did not know she had been holding, brittle and quiet. The smile on her face became an easier, softer sort then; butterfly-wing blinks settled her vision upon the deputy, parsing from the red tabby an actual gratitude- to be a deputy, one had to be the honest kind, after all. "It is no trouble at all," Thundergleam asserted, voice as wispy as strings of cloud in a summer sky.

She did not know what to do, now. Surely the politest thing to do would be to... leave Flamewhisker to her own devices, to gather up energy and free time before they came back in to bother her with questions. But Thundergleam could not deny within herself a want to get to know the deputy... Flamewhisker was ThunderClan's future leader, after all. By virtue of her position Thundergleam was already devoted to being a warrior she could trust, but by now she had learned that said trust was not so easily bestowed.

"Oh, and when you need them disposed of, I will be happy to do it for you..." She had noticed the little pile of withered petals, of... Stars knew what else lying recently-cleaned-out near Flamewhisker's nest. Her tone humoured, she added, "Cleaning up after five kittens is no small feat, I imagine."
penned by pin ☾