Dec 21, 2023
Badgerstripe's talks with her old friends went about as well as she deserved. She has yet to know where she stands with them now, or if they've forgiven her - if they ever could. But she had convinced them, without manipulation and ill intent this time, to join her on a little 'girl's night out'. Just the three of them, in which she hopes to catch up on everything she's missed in their lives, and hopefully begin to rekindle a trustful bond.

It fills her with relief, and she looks forward to this. But there is still a sense of unease yet, something that feels.. wrong, like a piece is still missing. Like there is still a cat yet that she feels the undeniable need to pull close and hold dear, like Palefire and Lightflower. The last piece of the puzzle who will fulfill her purpose and make her feel truly whole again. But she feels it does not give her the same feeling as building burnt bridges or apologizing for dire mistakes. Not like them. It hits her like a deep worry, pressuring her to act - to protect.

Sleekserpent, a newer friend made during the peak of Badgerstripe's depression. The only cat in this Clan who, in her own little self-isolation, barely knew Badgerstripe enough to be deeply affected by what she did when she left the camp open to wolf invaders. She was like a breath of fresh air, and even when greeted with hostility (and rightfully defended herself against), was willing to look past her to the once-bubbly-and-outgoing personality that lay dormant within. Their friendship had started then, and only grew as Badgerstripe began to reform. Now, Sleekserpent is just as dear to her as Palefire and Lightflower once were - and, hopefully, will be again.

But.. there were others, too. Cats that may not be considered 'friends' to Sleekserpent, rather mere associates, but certainly appear to be to Badgerstripe. Including.. some of the recent exiles. At first, she held her apprehension; she'd behave near these cats, even reluctantly take part in some of their gossip, all for the sake of being around Sleekserpent - it helped them bond, so of course she would take the little risks. But what started as minor discomfort and an inkling of something off, quickly became full-blown nervousness as some of these cats were exiled.

" Hey, " the tortoiseshell molly greets, approaching the lighter-colored feline with a casual yet friendly smile. She thinks, on the surface, that she is inviting Sleekserpent out to make some friends and get out of her shell. It would do him some good, she thinks - just like it had did Badgerstripe some good - to be more active within ThunderClan. And, naively, she's convinced her friends will adore him.. he could be one of them!

But.. below the surface, embedded in her subconscious, lies a need to protect this cat and a plethora of apprehension for the path he seems to be taking. Of course, to no fault of his own - she doesn't believe Sleekserepent capable of the crimes these exiles have committed. " So . . Lightflower, Palefire and I are going out in a couple of nights. I thought it'd be fun to have, yknow.. just a relaxing night out with the girls. We can hunt and talk! I think you should come with - you might have some fun! " The tone is cheerful and lighthearted, but the pushiness that once was placed on Palefire and Lightflower returns to Badgerstripe once more. There are words left unsaid that mark her very motives. I don't like your friends. I think you should find a better crowd. I can give you better ones.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) @Sleekserpent.

sleekserpent & 18 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan warrior

Sleekserpent has not been this close to someone in moons - not since his apprenticeship, before yellowcough had dragged him into isolation, back when he could trade tentative smiles with Killdeercry and friendly spars with Barleysight. Without them, she'd felt lost - falling back onto poor habits and her parents advice. And then they'd met Badgerstripe - had a proper conversation with another for the first time in so long, one that wasn't about hunting or fighting or some other chore - and sure, it hadn't been a good conversation, but apologies had been exchanged, and Sleekserpent had been hopeful. But the further he reaches out, the more she seems to slip from his grasp - he's found his place in thunderclan, found cats with ideals just like his parents - like his own should be. But Badgerstripe... she has her own friends, ones opposite to hers. And it laves the pale furred tom uncertain, a frustrating circle of push-and-pull that they can't seem to decide to put to an end.

A relaxing night out with the girls. she says - and he should be upset shouldn't he? Her parents would be, their only 'son' relegated to one of the girls. And yet, they only feel touched - relieved that they have not been left out, that for all that Badgerstripe is regaining old friendships she is not cutting off the new. Still, her choice in friends is not one he cares much for - a spark of hesitance in baby blue eyes, though he is still quick to brush his pelt against the tories own, returning her smile with a far fainter one of his own. " Are you sure that I would be welcome? " muzzle wrinkles at the thought - he's gotten the feeling that perhaps his distaste for lightflower and paleflower is not so one-sided.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

B O Y S D O N ' T C R Y A N D I W O N ' T T O O

It's like a dance, their friendship - a stumbling, disorganized choreography. On their own, they dance serenely, each moving to their own perfected rhythm. There is a longing to connect - together, they could create something beautiful. But.. there is no harmony within. Badgerstripe, desperately, wants Sleekserpent to dance to her rhythm - and he, perhaps just as selfishly, desires the same. It's almost recognizable, the push-and-pull of their needs and wants that can't quite seem to mesh, but.. not quite enough for Badgerstripe to see their dynamic beginning to rip at the seams. Not yet. There is still hope, she thinks.. they could still be on the same page - her page.

It is that hope that plants a reassuring smile on her face at the question presented. Would I be welcome? Truthfully, she isn't sure. Lightflower, maybe - the molly always thought her to be malleable. But Palefire, on the contrary, was much more firm in her beliefs. " Of course you would. You'll get along nicely. " They had to - they all had to, to put an end to the bloodshed that plagues ThunderClan.

She tells herself this until she believes it. They could all be friends, and Sleekserpent would be free of the dreadful influence that those exiles hold over her. Safe, and happy.. that's all Badgerstripe wants. And she thinks that this is a step in the right direction, even while disaster hides right under her nose.

BADGERSTRIPE ( she/her )​

( ooc ) text