camp PROVE IT TO THE WORLD [apprentices only] rallying


Oct 12, 2023

”It’s so unfair!” Foxpaw cries to her den-mates, many of them older apprentices who were trying to lay down after a long day of training. ”We should get to keep training. Howlingstar said it herself, we are apprentices in the eyes of StarClan. That’s all that should matter- not… not a mouse-brained code.” She pouts, not yet understanding the importance of the Warrior Code and how it shaped the customs and traditions of the clans.

It’s been several days since the gathering. Young apprentices, ‘kits’ have continued their training within the walls of camp. Most of it pertained of chores, cleaning out nests, picking ticks off the elders, cleaning the fresh-kill pile of crow food. The camp was the cleanest it’s been in moons, but Foxpaw was at her end. ”We- we need to show Howlingstar we’re ready! We are ThunderClan cats, not soft-bellied SkyClanners! We’re strong, we need to show Howlingstar she can have faith in us!”

‘How could they do this?’ They might ask, well, Foxpaw had an idea!

”The owl- at the owl tree. It attacked once last moon, it’ll attack again. If we stop it from hurting more cats no one could question our capabilities then!” Foxpaw thinks this is a flawless idea, she sees the vision already. Apprentices of all ages dragging the lifeless owl back to camp, Howlingstar being called out with a surprised and proud look in her eye. She’d reverse the ‘in-camp training’ rule immediately!
  • There are no plans for this thread, this can either escalate to something REALLY BAD or be shot down. I just ask that no one immediately tattles (but they’re free to do so, just allow the thread some time to progress first)
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Marigoldpaw barely takes note of Foxpaw’s shill cries, just wishes that she would be at least a little more quiet. He can almost understand her complaint, even more so than Raccoonstripe, but it’s not like her trying to gather apprentices to complain will do anything. Those older will always be the ones to make change, and even if they might listen, it’s coming from a place of concern. Her whining just makes the reasoning even more apparent.

His mood changes really quickly however, when she brings up the owl that killed Oakfang. How dare she use that to try and insist on change? Marigoldpaw hastily stands up, giving her the biggest glare that he can manage. “You’d die immediately. They made that rule for a reason, it seems! That thing killed a mentor, my mentor. Don’t be such a mousebrain; you’ll get your chance in the spotlight.” His words are more scathing than he meant, but he couldn’t help it, needing the words to spill out.​
While he hadn't been there at Oakfang's unfortunate death (the vigil was one they watched at a distance,) Sunshinepaw had bore witness to an owl only so many days ago. The beast perched on branches, boasting it's insane size despite the spindly limb it remained on. It was - and still is - terrifying. Going after a predator like that would certainly be a death sentence. And yet, as the mottled apprentice stirs and tries to sort the thoughts in his mind, he cannot help but pity Foxpaw. The kitten has been thrust, back and forth, from having the forest's limits at the edges of her claws, to being delegated to tick duty for the next few moons (something Sunshinepaw admittedly doesn't mind, but that is beside the point.) Not to mention, a selfish piece of them cannot help but wonder... would Mousenose be proud of they stood for something outside of themself? Would they be worth something if they helped settle a matter this petty? An owl is terrifying, but...

"'m sorry, Marigoldpaw," he hums as he finally stands, taking the reigns of his own life. If nothing comes of this and it fizzles out, then so be it - but maybe it'll be worth it to try. "Foxpaw seems a bit thick-headed, I don' think she's gon' listen to any opposin' thought." A pause, and the calico turns towards the younger apprentice, "We can scout the tree a bit, yeah? Maybe it's got some sort'a... routine, in it." It's a marginally safer option than tearing the owl to pieces and parading it home, but it's something at least.​
Foxpaw's whining was really starting to get on this fem's nerves. Incessant and shrill, not exactly a welcome combo ever, let alone tired from a day of work. Lightpaw personally didn't harbor any ill-will toward any of the other clans, aside from protecting her own. She turned her lip up at the idea of calling them softbellies, as the copper apprentice had done. She knew she must've overheard one of the warriors with a bit of a loose tongue say something like that. "Foxpaw-" she had started to interject when Foxpaw barreled on to suggest the owl tree of all things. "Are you mad? The owl tree?" Lightpaw couldn't believe her ears. The tabby sat up abruptly at the mention. The usually cheerful and otherwise people pleasing nature of the molly was far from this conversation for sure.

She was indeed upset by Howlingstars words. She had just started exploring the horizons, just started molding her own paw prints into the soft snow outside of camp, learning the territory- it.. it was not fair. She had not been there for Oakfangs death, had not seen the marred body of his former glory. But she seen the sullen expression of her parents concluding the death, their tired expressions deep within their eyes as Oakfangs was announced dead.

The apprentice with scars deep within her shoulder, emerging from the medicine den weeks later and her mentor was soon to follow out from a fox. There were many dangers out in the world, but just a persistent as foxpaw, she could not say she wanted to keep doing chores until six moons. No, she wanted to learn. She couldn't stand sitting around in camp all day.

"There's a lot of us! This, it's reclaiming what we already earned, it was stripped from us! Now we're being treated like we've done something wrong! We're being punished, and it's not fair. So I agree with you Foxpaw," she said, her monochrome pelt pulling beside her fellow apprentice with paws that still felt like was covered in mousebile. She did enjoy listening to the elders talk, but having to clean them of their ticks made the time spent with them no longer as fun. "But we have to be really careful. And stragetitic."


Marigoldpaw is an older apprentice, one who is not affected by this new rule. Foxpaw had been merely a newborn when they had been first promoted into a warrior and Oakfang assigned as his mentor. The red tabby is genuinely shocked by his scathing words, Foxpaw’s ears fold back as she shakes her head. ”No- no- Oakfang got… got hurt because the owl got him while he wasn’t looking. We’ll be looking for the owl, it’ll be totally different.” She insists, truly believing every word she spoke. ”Don’t you- don’t you want to avenge him?” If they killed this owl it would never hurt another cat, no one would meet the same fate as Oakfang.

Sunshinepaw though not outright shooting down her proposal calls her ’a bit thick headed’ which is acknowledged with a strange, twisted look on Foxpaw’s face. ”Yeah- I mean… duh we can scout it first. Of course we won’t just go charging in…” She meows, pretending through gritted teeth she totally hadn’t imagined storming the tree and lunging straight for the owl.

Lightpaw too is uncertain, her tabby fur lightly bristling with alarm. Foxpaw looks at her and nods with all the confidence she could muster, ”Of course! It’s the only way to prove to everyone that we’re ready. I know you older apprentices have nothing to worry about, but look at you! You’re fine and you were all allowed to hunt and fight at four moons!” Seriously! They were living proof four moon olds could handle warrior training, Foxpaw was ready too, she shouldn’t have to wait another two moons.

She is pleased to hear that Vixenpaw is supportive of the idea, they earn a smile from the flame-pelted apprentice. ”Exactly! With so many of us it’ll be easy, we’ll be careful and… ‘strategic’.” A word still foreign to her, but it sounded mature and wise out of Vixenpaw’s maw. ”So? Are we gonna do it?”
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
. ° ✦ Bravepaw had been left in a sour mood after the return from the Gathering. His first! His first ever gathering with Mister Sunfreckle and his sister, and that big SkyClan tom had RUINED his bright shining start of apprenticeship. Because wah wah, his apprentices were all soft and squishy so now it was EVERYONE ELSE'S problem. Of course the rosette had loudly agreed with Foxpaw's protests. That was his big sister, and they were going through this monstrosity of a change together.

Marigoldpaw and Sunshinepaw were not entertained at all by Foxpaw's rallying, and Bravepaw gave them a stern look that mirrored Batwing's whenever he and Cougarpaw would get in trouble. "That kind of talk is what got us here in the first place! These old cats, they think they know everything just 'cause we're young. They've forgotten how strong we can be 'cause they haven't been our age in... in FOREVER!" He stood proudly beside the red tabby with a proud tilt of his chin.

"Vixenpaw's right. We gotta be real smart about it, and then we won't be treated like we're kits anymore. We'll go back to the training we're meant to have." Bravepaw knew if anything bad happened, though, at least they would be safe with him there.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Marigoldpaw sighs heavily as Sunshinepaw apologizes in Foxpaw’s stead. He still thinks the idea is a stupid one, but it is not his place to scold her, much less all the other apprentices that might agree with her. That’s for those who actually have life experience. If they actually go through with this, he will not be there to fall down alongside them.

It doesn’t take long for the anger to boil back up, however, as he is asked if he wants to get revenge for Oakfang’s death. What good would that do? He’s dead, and he wouldn’t ever be back. Killing the owl wouldn’t make him feel much better in the end anyways. And if he’s really lucky, the owl will end up killed itself by an actual fox, or something.

“The best way to avenge Oakfang is to continue to live as best I can. And I can’t do that if I get severely injured, or die. So no, I don’t think I want to.” Marigoldpaw finishes it there, turning his head away from the others. As they continue to rally, he just thinks about how glad he is that he’s more mature than the rest of these rash idiots. At least Lightpaw has some common sense…

// OOC : Out!
Lightpaw felt similarly to Marigoldpaw. Her fur bristled with frustration. She wasn't going to listen to this mouse-brained idea any longer. "Marigoldpaw is right. I'm not going to sit here and listen to you mouse-brains any longer, either," she mewed. There wasn't much that made her angry, but apparently, this is one of those things. She stood, and looked Foxpaw in the eye. "Your voice matters. I don't want to see you take others down with you." Her words had come out a bit harsh, but her intention was not. She pushed her way out into camp to get some fresh air, sighing deeply.

Bravepaw’s support means everything to her, she looks excitedly at her brother and her fur begins to prickle in anticipation. Imagine the proud look on Batwing and Leopardtongue as they returned to camp victorious, an owl in their jaws. ”Then… tonight we go.” She says with determination, exchanging eye contact with the three other apprentices she had rallied.

Marigoldpaw and Lightpaw persist in their disapproval, ending in both of them walking out of the den after discouraging words. Her ears flatten against her skull, she’ll show them! They’ll be jealous come dawn when Foxpaw and the other apprentices are regarded as hero’s.
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"I really don't think that's a good idea," murmurs Lovepaw. She's watching the group of them worriedly; fortunately, most have already agreed that it's a bad idea, that going out and trying to attack the owl would get someone hurt. But a few have decided that they're right, and everyone else is wrong, and that is what concerns them. They're going to get themselves killed if they try to go after an owl with little to no training without a single warrior present. It's for that reason that she lets out a quiet sigh, giving a small shake of her head, and then finally says, "I'll come with you. I think it's a terrible idea, but if we can't stop you, then I suppose you should have someone with more training along with you." If she can't change their minds, then she'll at least tag along and do her best to keep them safe when something inevitably goes wrong.
The departure of others, the scheduling of a plan. Joypaw’s gaze slotted easily over the other apprentices, a welcome height to view from as he watched them scheme and disagree. A lump formed in his throat as he thought of them charging out, meeting the owl in battle. Sharp, curling talons came to mind, ones that could wrap easily around a small skull and whisk it up into the air. Or, worse, pierce them on the ground, their claws so long that they could stab cleanly through someone.

He prepared to turn, eager to melt back into invisibility, when his ears perked at Lovepaw’s familiar voice. Neck whipping around so hard it made his head ring, he stared at his littermate with disbelief. Carefully, she had reserved her slot in the shitstorm that was due tonight. Not that he could blame her -- she was protecting them. Guilt knifed up into his chest, and he stole a glance longingly at the camp exit.

“It is dangerous,” he agreed lowly.

Those who were prepared with their eyes glinting seemed so young, then. Joypaw frowned. He didn’t remember being that tiny when he was four. Maybe the new apprenticing age was a great idea. “I’ll go, too.”

It had murdered a full warrior. Would they be able to even pose a risk to it? Joypaw worried his lip, feeling feverish.
"Do you actually think that Howlingstar will reward you all for this?" the elder apprentice snorted in disbelief, rising to her paws from where she'd been comfortably resting in her nest nearby. For the past few minutes she'd done her best to ignore the rowdy group of child-apprentices and their crazy scheme, hoping that eventually one of them would come to their senses and call the whole thing off. Surely, after multiple warnings about how bad of an idea this was from their seniors, Foxpaw might begin to understand that nothing good could come from this. But the lot of them just kept barreling ahead at full speed, no brakes, and Palepaw couldn't sit idly by and watch this disaster happen any longer.

She stepped closer to the group of youths, her cool blue gaze narrowing as she looked each of them in the eye. "You're going to be punished for this, not praised. Howlingstar will be furious." What did they honestly hope to achieve here? Fame and glory? Thier clans undying gratitude for saving them the trouble of taking out a dangerous predator that even full-blooded warriors couldn't handle? Her tail lashed angrily as she pushed past the red-furred ringleader to head for their den's exit. This only proved that clearly, these apprentices were too young and immature to be out there in the world. They had no idea what they were getting themselves into, what danger they were putting themselves in. "This is a spectacularly terrible idea, you cannot do this."

The fact that several of her peers were giving in and offering to go with the little rebels, regardless of their intentions, truly enraged her. She locked eyes with Lovepaw first, then Joypaw. "Are you actually supporting this mousebrained plan? You're all going to be hurt, or worse, killed." At least Lightpaw and Marigoldpaw had the good sense to remove themselves from the situation before it escalated. She was one of many apprentices who were going to be named a warrior next moon, and something as dangerous and stupid as this would definitely get their ceremonies pushed back. At the very least, she wasn't going to participate for that reason alone. She didn't want to see the disappointment in Nightbird's eyes. With a frustrated huff the lilac-furred molly stalked out into the camp, her mind half made-up about finding her mentor and bringing this scheme to a halt.

[ out unless stopped! ]
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