PSYCHOTROPE | information


Apr 28, 2024

“There are so many things which are impossible to explain! Why should certain chords in music make me think of the brown and golden tints of autumn foliage? Why should the Mass of Sainte-Cécile send my thoughts wandering among caverns whose walls blaze with ragged masses of virgin silver? What was it in the roar and turmoil of Broadway at six o'clock that flashed before my eyes the picture of a still Breton forest where sunlight filtered through spring foliage, and Sylvia bent, half curiously, half tenderly, over a small, green lizard, murmuring, 'To think that this also is a little ward of God?'"

The King In Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
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  • nEiVLFV.png
    — Algaekit's prefix derives from his mottled patterns, reminiscent of flecks of algae along a water's edge. It is also a reference to his mother Robinheart's bond with Lichenstar.

    — Also known as Algae, Alg
    — Kitten of Riverclan
    — AFAB Bigender / He/She / Uses gendered terms, confused by the use of gender neutral ones
    — 4 Moons / Created 4.28.24 at 0 Moons / Ages realistically
    — Spotify Playlist / Pinterest Board / Toyhouse
    ↳ penned by @tempest
  • A blue tortoiseshell cat with high white spotting, of which the frayed ends are grainy and freckled. He has daffodil-yellow eyes. Her fur is wild, wiry, and wispy. / reference

    Algaekit's most notable feature is her longhaired pelt that drips and drags along his features, like a cape of strewn peafowl feathers, paradoxically elegant and inelegant at the same time. Unlike her parents' soft satins, his is much frizzier and coarser. It is a wonder how his mothers even groom her fur, let alone himself. It is almost as if she inherited Brookstorm's perpetually-tangled chest fur, except it veils all of her pelt now. And yet, it is a symbol of her people's heritage unkempt and swirling, as though the white-fanged rapids of the rushing river, unbridled and bristled in its might. It adumbrates her own fierce, inclement character, and even from a quick glance can one glean that Algaekit is an odd personality to behold. Shortened, curled ears peek over the jagged horizons of her forehead. They seem pale in comparison to a pelage that flies outwards, but he thinks they're quite cute on his head, at least.

    Aside from the stringiness of Algae's pelt, she has an average stature and size, just like her mother Robinheart. Her pelt makes her appear as though she stands taller and stronger, though what belies her fur is simply another feline of Riverclan's build. She has wide, owlish eyes that have the uncanny ability to dilate and narrow a little too conspicuously. Her muzzle is round and fraught in thin, curling whiskers like the swaying reeds of the meandering stream's flank. Limbs stand withy and almost gangling, unlike what such a mop of a pelage seems to conceal. Her tail is feathery and almost fraught in fury, though it is the longest and softest part of him. Like the eye of the storm, the serenity after the turbulence, his tail lies after all of the thicket of her body.

    Dark marines, only marred by mere patches of floating seaweeds for brownish hues, mark her pelt. They cluster upon her head, some of her paws, and her tail specifically, as though they gravitated towards the ends of her frame, islands abandoned by man and beast alike. Snow-tinged alabasters flood her body, almost overpowering the tortoiseshell patternings, as though the marcations where the shying seas kiss the sandy shores. All of her body, save her face, lower legs, and preceding parts of his tail, is this off-white, eggshell hue. Glowing eyes of yellow accompany her, set in plush sockets and burning bright as molten suns. Accompanied by her unblinking, strigine stare, it gives her an unsettling, almost ghastly countenance.
    ↳ Generation 3 / Carries non-dilute, normal ears​
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Confidence ●●●●●○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●○○○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●●●●○
    Empathy ●●●●●●○○○○
    Humor ●●●●○○○○○○

    Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists.

    The most prominent feature of the tri-colored feline is her perplexing predisposition when it comes to what she terms "signs." There are signs everywhere she looks, telling her what to do and how to behave. These signs are usually naturally occuring in nature, such as the weather or the speed at which a river flows. It seems that she relies on them to a fatal fault, allowing the judgment of a rustling reed or a rippling river to guide her abdication. He is observant, too much at times, of the world around him, and often gleans meaning from what had never resided there. Algaekit is keenly and almost painfully aware of the inner workings of the world, filling in the blanks with down-laden conjecture. He also tends to be fantastical and whimsical in which she goes about her days. Because of this, she tends to be incredibly open-minded even to ideas that lie outside of her upbringing.

    From birth, Algaekit feels a sort of dissonance between him and his peers, as though there is a wall of static and white that separates her and the 'norm.' Disharmony with her fellow clanmates gives her some strife and worry, at first. There is an ineffable divide between she and her kind. How is she to bridge this, she wonders? She learns quickly to reject this norm, and is often unoccupied with how others feel about how he conducts his own life. She is often disagreeable and crude, though that is simply the perception of those that she cannot relate to - which is most cats. He is not vain, rather simply distrait in the inner machinations of her own mind. Her inherent selfishness comes off as oblivious at best and cruelly disruptive at worst, though she rarely intends to truly hurt others. That does not mean she does not enjoy being right and in the spotlight, though, and will often do just about anything to make his point clarent and, most importantly, on top.

    Algaekit hardly makes himself unknown, and is as outgoing as they come. Unlike his more timid mother Robinheart, he has a sprightly, loud voice and he makes sure to use it as much as possible. He is strangely charismatic, in some sense, as he often loves to act as a thought leader or, at least one that others should listen to. That doesn't necessarily mean he is likeable, though, as he tends to assert himself a little too much above others. She often talks above other cats, believing her ideas to be much more resonant and worthwhile than that of the common clanmate. After all, her dreams are prophetic and nature speaks to her! Who wouldn't listen to a cat like that? She also tends to be brutally honest, telling it how it is, regardless of whether it is a fact that will hurt another's feelings. She is seemingly unafraid of confrontation and willing to tell others things that are hard to say and harder to hear.

    It seems that Algaekit does not always act in self-preservation, her reckless attitude often getting her in situations that could have been easily avoided. It is her curiosity that guides her like a fish following a bobbing lure, eyes trained to the stars and feet never planted to the ground. She does things for the sake of it, and he will often go to great lengths to sate his questioning nature or connect the dots in a perceived pattern of nature She often comes off as self-centered and solipsistic, though she is only the main character of her own story. Any cat that happens onto his way is a side character, for better or for worse.

    ↳ Mannerisms: Has the rather offputting manner of staring at something that interests her without blinking.
    Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit | Mentored by N/A
    Mate to whoever | Parent to whoever | Grandchild to Lightningstone, Buckgait, and Apricotflower
    — Admires
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●●○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●○○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ●●●●●●●●●○
    climbing ●○○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●○○○○○○○
    Single / Unknown Sexuality
    — Physical Health [ 100% ] | Mental Health [ 100% ]
    — Will not intentionally start fights | Will often flee | Will often show mercy
    Excels at swimming, stamina, and grace.
    Poor at climbing, running, and jumping.
    Sounds like Anna Graves as Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4). A lilting, quiet contralto voice, an androgynous and not always apparently feminine or masculine tone.
    Smells like pungent florets and flowering petrichor.
    — Healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
  • — Algaekit often allows the way of the wilds to guide her actions. Some of them are based on common sense and logical reasoning. Some of them are based on pure conjecture and seem nonsensical to all but himself. Below are some of the ways that she allows the world to influence herself:
    ↳ The weather whispers of her temperament for the day. If it is sunny, then she must be as brilliant and chipper as the sun. If it is raining, then she must be as reclusive as the rainstorm. If it is windy, then she must be as free as the breeze.
    ↳ His dreams are a presage of the coming hours. Whatever she dreams of is an omen, whether literal or metaphorical. For that reason, he tends to remember his dreams much more often than the average cat.
    ↳ The fish whisper of older revelations. Whatever she catches from the rushing stream points to the past. If she catches a minnow, someone surely had a small secret that they must be hiding onto now.
    ↳ The birds sing of newer happenings. Whatever she spots within the winding branches falls to the future. If she sees a crow, someone will surely find what they are looking for, though perhaps not how they intend.
    — She enjoys telling the fortunes of her peers. She makes it up as she goes, however, and is prone to conjure bad fortunes for those that have slighted him.
    — He's pretty good at improv. He has a natural way of simply continuing a thread of speech.
    — He is incredibly pious, with his belief in the stars one of the only things that will not waevr even as he is tested and torn.
  • Pre-Roleplay:
    Algaekit is born to Robinheart and Brookstorm, alongside TBD. Unwittingly in the midst of a turbulent relationship, she nestles by her mother's side, unaware of what is to transpire in the future.

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Thread Name brief description.
    Thread Name brief description.

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  • OOC:
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 4 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

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[slide= ·₊˚☄ ][img][/img][/slide]
[slide=𝙳𝙾𝙽𝚃 𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝚁𝙴𝚂𝙷𝙽𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝙾𝙵 𝙱𝙴𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶][fleft][bimg width=100px][/bimg][/fleft][QUOTE]—— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 4 Moons
—— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
—— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns. 
—— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
—— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.
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