PULL ME UP TO HEAVEN [✨] tension

Domestic arguments became more and more common along the border of the twolegplace. Over the course of a half-moon, Fantastream and Figfeather's disputes have grown louder and louder, at last making it to the ears of passerby patrols. When all grew quiet the sound of stomping pawsteps could be heard, the red tabby warrior kicking up snow bitterly, her fur rippling with frustration and anger.

Daylight kits were more difficult than she had thought they'd be. Having a daylight mate too. Figfeather loved Fantastream, Coffeekit and Sangriakit with all her heart, but the separation in the night and their differences in customs were beginning to take its toll. As best they could, the quarreling couple kept their arguments away from the ears of their kittens, but it was slowly growing impossible to hide their frustrations with each other in front of anyone.

It's another day, another argument. This time the fleeing she-cat runs right into a hunting patrol who had undoubtedly heard the bickering, ruining what would've otherwise been a quiet twilight. Feeling all eyes on her Figfeather's fur prickles with embarrassment, she did not take pride nor joy in her recent inability to get along with her mate. Still, she challenges the patrol to voice their judgement with a snippy "What?"
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
  • Wow
Reactions: ixora and wolfie


It was Johnnyflames last patrol of the day. After he finished up here with hunting he'd be heading home for the rest of the night, and he was looking forward to the bowl of food waiting for him after a long day of work- especially with the mouse he was carrying making his mouth eafer to water. He refused to partake in the freshkill though, especially at this time of year when prey was so scarce for the clan.

As had become a somewht.. regular occurance, the sound of raised voices coming from twoleg place eventually filtered through the treeline, causing Johnny to pause. He was grateful he'd managed to catch something already, otherwise the prey might have high-tailed it away from the sound of arguing cats.

In reality, Johnny felt bad more than anything for Fig and Fanta, and if he was honest with himself, maybe even a little nervous.

Fig and Fanta were the only couple he knew of in the clan that consisted of a fulltime warrior and a daylight one. They hd represented something in his eyes, not unlike the way his own lead warrior status did. It was confirmation that 'yes, this can work', even if it's not meant for everyone.

But lately, there'd been cracks. And that wasn't to say he doubted Fig and Fanta or their devotion to each other, but... it did leave a smll prt of him nervous. As a daylight warrior, was that the future he would end up with if he took a fulltime warrior as a mate? He had yet to find another Daylight warrior with the same conviction and dedication as himself, and he already knew he would never be able to consider a tom that didn't put in at least the same amount of effort and dedication as himself.

But would that lead to arguments at the border? Stress and frustration? Resentment?

Before he could dwell too much on it, the sound of pawsteps rushing toward him pulled him from his thoughts just in time to see Figfeather nearly run into the hunting party. Her tone was far from friendly as she challenged them with a snide 'what?', ans Johnny reminded himself that she wasn't really mad at the patrol.

"Nothing. Just out hunting" Johnny replied easily, deciding to shrug it off. "Sounds like your having a rough night- you can join us if you need to sink your claws into something. Burn some of that energy off." Of course, by 'energy' they both knew he meant frustration.

"I see you're having fun with your kittypet lover. True love is in the air." A sneer tore through the ruminating tension. The familiar expression of curdling disdain girded angular features, as though it were the substance of his face and the clay to be molded. Heterochromatic gaze, painted in forest greens and sunshine yellows, danced along Figfeather's stature. Her and her mate had surely scared away all the prey from the gentle mask of twilight, and what was usually an opportune time for hunting had now been sullied. That contempt lie plainly on Chrysaliswing's body, within spiring pelage and lashing tail.

Encounters with that half-outsider brood - Sangriakit, in particular - had resulted in the same end that most of his other interactions went. He brandished landiary teeth and sharper tongue that held terrible venom, and yet had not grown tired of it yet. He hadn't even bothered to recall Figfeather's mate's name (Fanta, or something odd along those lines), though surely the other molly had scurried back to her Twolegs and cried her heart out to them. At least Johnnyflame had been nicer about it, but Chrys afforded no patience to those he felt did not deserve it.

It wasn't easy, especially for over-alert ears like Twitchbolt's, to miss the bickering between Fantastream and Figfeather- both his friends, and thus a tension he didn't feel very much as if he should place himself into. Really, giving space was the best thing ... probably. But facing the light-marmalade she-cat now, there wasn't very much space to be given, was there? Twitchbolt tilted his head, fumbling for the right words- it was Johnnyflame who made the tension roll odd his back, shaken away like excess pine-needles. Maybe, maybe they could've just left it there- if not for Chrysaliswing's interjection.

Yes, the arguing wasn't ideal- but Twitchbolt's overactive fears made remarke like that sink like thorns into his skin. He shot Chrysaliswing a look. "There's no need for that," he spat scornfully. Spite, nothing but spite- the patchwork tom shivered with irritation.Had Chrysaliswing said a single thing decent in his life? It made him scoff, jitter, grate his teeth.

He offered the tom no second glance, fixing attention back onto Figfeather. Tired eyes lingered upon her for a few long moments. "We- we might still have some hunting luck," he murmured, furthering Johnnyflame's invitation.
penned by pin ✧

White paws still beside his apprentice’s hat the sound of distant bickering — voices he’s quick in clocking as his sister’s, her mate’s.

Though, this isn’t the first time his ears have caught hold of such a script as of late; arguments between Figfeather and Fantastream have only seemed to grow in volume. His heart sinks at the thought of the two falling out, at the idea of their squabbles creating an irreparable divide between them. And if that’s the case, he can only hope Coffeekit and Sangriakit aren’t as privy to these as he’s gotten in overhearing them.

And are you okay? is what he opens his mouth to ask, as marmalade fur comes into view. But when malachite eyes meet the fire in his sibling’s golden gaze, his mouth shuts and a frown pulls on his face.

Nothing, “ the lead warrior opts to say instead. He’ll ask later, though he figures this is more of a conversation for Butterflytuft than him, figures he can be little help in a realm he’s yet to delve into. She’s bound to go to their older sister first, though that doesn’t stop him from being concerned.

Greeneyes thinks the rest of the hunting patrol will have the sense in them not to pry, not to quip back with mouse-brained words — but Chrysaliswing is nearby, and of course, he has to open his mouth. A ginger head snaps to look at the warrior. “ Chrys, “ he warns with a snap of teeth, a nickname spewing from his maw with malice. His eyes narrow at the tom. If Twitchbolt weren’t here —

A tail lashes as he looks at the deputy, a nod in agreement. Couldn’t the patchworked tom shut his mouth for once? The lead warrior shifts his attention back to his sister instead. “ Hunting might help, “ he offers alongside his more sensible patrol mates, “ And we need all the help we can get, really. “ Cold temperatures still made for a struggle at times, an extra cat on their patrol could feed another mouth. And Figfeather needed a distraction, he’s sure of it.

Join us? “ ​
  • // APPRENTICE TAG: @falconpaw!
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack

The marmalade tabby is mostly met with the deescalating voices of friends and kin. It does little to calm the storm that brews at the forefront of her mind, the frustration and anger she feels with Fantastream and their… situation proved difficult to diffuse.

Yet of course… she could always count on Chrysaliswing, the tick in her side that he was, to add more fuel to her fire. Figfeather does not hate but somedays the tom comes awfully close to changing that. One could almost see steam pour from the orifices of her face, her brows furrowing so intensely her head looks as if it might just pop.

The deputy and her brother are swift to give him a nip, but Chrysaliswing always knew when and where to hit. He unlike no other brought out the worst version of Figfeather, her tongue lashes out before she can bite it. ”Eat dung, Chrysaliswing.” Coldly she insults with a hiss burning in her throat.

Greeneyes, Twitchbolt and Johnnyflame all invite her to join them in their hunt. She’d usually take the offer from the deputy as more of an order, but she doesn’t have it in her to be the bigger cat tonight. Fateful tears threaten to burn in her eyes and she refuses to allow her clan-mates to see her anymore vulnerable than they already have.

”No- not tonight.” Certainly not with him she thinks as she gives him a last scathing look. Without another word she sprints deeper into the woods, a crippled leg occasionally brushing against the ground. For the first time she wishes SkyClan had undergrowth like the forest coming home from the mountains, she desires nothing more than to be hidden from the eyes of her clan-mates.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"Oh my Stars, Chrystaliswing they should have named you Dirtmouth cause that's all I ever hear from you." Hazelbeam's tail lashed as she trailed along behind Twitchbolt, her pale blue eyes narrowing on the patchwork tom and his foul commentary as usual. At a certain point when did you stop humoring it with eyerolls and retaliate with claws? As a kittypet herself she was genuinely sort of tired of hearing the vitriol spewed from him and the other loud mouth grouches in the clan who thought themselves holier than thou. SkyClan had been so welcoming when Blazestar accepted her and Orangestar was just as kind - she hopes she will be able to reign this in.

"I think I'm going to go back to home today." The black and blue molly turned with a pivot, making her way back to the camp with her fur bristling along her spine. She hurt for Figfeather and Fantastream, what kind of sense did that hostility make? The kits they made were lovely and would make fine SkyClan warriors despite being half kittypet, Blazestar's own kits were technically half kittypet and Fireflypaw and Howlfire were amazing. Was it because Fantastream, like herself, still went back to her twolegs? What happened if one of her several thousand crushes actually went anywhere with a non-daylight warrior?
But from what she'd heard briefly of the argument it must be hard living so divided. How would it feel to leave your mate behind every night, go days without seeing them? Hazelbeam wonders if its something she'd be capable of but she isn't sure. She debates chasing Figfeather down but she feels her presence as one of the clans other daylight warriors might upset her further so she commits to just going.


  • 75204766_i8QXUtYv5cuKxDF.png
    —⊰⋅ Daylight Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ SH Black/Blue Chimera w/blue eyes
    - Does NOT wear her witch hat while hunting or on patrol.

STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
This patrol was a monster-wreck before it even really started, he reckoned. A soft breath left him as he padded after his mentor, ears twitching as the echoes of the shouts still rattled off of budding trees. Not only was one of the mothers of the daylight kits that Falconpaw was so jealous of- a word he found himself boggled to even be in his skillset- not only was that mother on edge and irritated already, enough to snap at the patrol, but Chrysaliswing did not make it... better. Nope, in fact, that was so much worse.

Falconpaw's ears flattened against his head as he silently watched on- Greeneyes' anger was tangible, the irritation in the air, the tenseness in stares... A soft sigh left him when it dissovled, one of the members of the forefront of this conversation splitting off- then another. He glanced towards Twitchbolt and Johnnyflame with a subtle cough. Finally he spoke to Greeneyes, voice quiet, but not wilting- Falconpaw had grown in the past moon or two, between Bobbie's and Drowsypaw's injuries, with Lupinepaw's love.

"We should get on with it." He said softly to his mentor. "Unless you wish to find her?" Falcon's gaze swept up to Greeneyes', ears twitching. There was more to what he said then what was said aloud- Falconpaw understood how Greeneyes felt. It wasn't offense that Falconpaw was putting down- it was deep understanding. Falconpaw would do just about anything for his siblings, and if Greeneyes needed to go after her... his head tilted in question.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS

Silversmoke wasn't one for heart-to-hearts or relationship advice, his presence within the patrol was that of a shadow, content to follow the leader rather than veer off on its own path. Awkwardness and tension filled the air and left him with a lashing tail and pinned ears, the Lead Warrior couldn't even determine who had affected his emotions the most. Was it his former apprentice fanning the flames? Figfeather existing with tension in their limbs? Hazelbeam for taking matters into her own paws? Tufted ears flickered as he tempered his involvement, limbs quivering from emotions that demanded to be met but had nowhere to go when his mouth remained wired shut. Figfeather and Fanta's life was none of his business, any advice he could give had long since become irrelevant now that the pair had kittens. The cream tabby denied coming on patrol, and finally, Silversmoke's head tilted upwards, as stone-faced as ever. "Get some rest then." It wasn't technically an order, but he could make it one if that was what Figfeather needed to abandon her space in the territory and collect herself (if Twitchbolt didn't make it one already). "I'll have @CROWPAW! deliver you some food later."