Pull up the ladder | Riverclan patrol


Early morning, the grass cool and damp under Snakeblink’s paw, sunlight warm on his back, and all he can focus on is the thousand things needing his attention back at camp. Den to repairs, patrols to organize… Even his apprentice’s training feels like one more duty he has to juggle — the adolescent trails after him now and he half-wishes to have left him safe at camp, counterproductive as that would have been. The painful aftermath of the latest skirmish over Sunningrock, brought to mind as they walk past it on their patrol route, is just one more thing to worry about, one source of stress among many.

He is tired of the losses, the defeats. More than peace, he longs for true respite for his clan, and it has never felt further out of reach.

Blinking wearily — he hasn’t been sleeping, and his eyelids feel like they are made of sand — the thin tabby tucks the thoughts away, to be considered later, and gazes over the river at the trees marking Skyclan’s territory on the other side. The tip of his tail shivers, an instinctive gesture of aggravation restrained into something more easily hidden. He cannot fault Skyclan for their caution, but he can resent them for it. Fairweather friends are worth little in these stormy times.

”I wonder if they have received news of their missing clanmates yet,” he muses aloud, somewhat bitterly: Riverclan never gets the privilege of news about their lost clanmates, but the other clans always seem infinitely more lucky than they are.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
"I sure hope so.." Hyacinthbreath mumbles as she follows behind Snakeblink, eyes narrowed tiredly. Her bones are weary as she pads to stand beside the Warrior, head held high. She can't wait for this patrol to be over, so she may properly head home and rest. She had been using her nights to visit Pollenfur, and while she returned home and rested, she couldn't help the dreams that plagued her.

Her tail twitches as she rubs her cheek up against a rock, smearing her scent over it. "Will they even show up, I wonder?"
) "Oh yee of little faith." Bearheart chortled as he padded his way along SkyClan's side of the border. He gave a flick of his tail to encourage Briarpaw to keep following. "How goes it in RiverClan?" He decided not to linger on the matter of missing and returning clanmates from either side, he could imagine that it was becoming a sore spot for RiverClan. In the end he just wanted a quick friendly encounter.

// @Briarpaw
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The pine forest had once been his home, and Clay wonders if that’s why he somehow keeps being assigned to this border on patrols. It isn’t as though he hates it; he thinks highly of most of the clan, their leader notwithstanding, and he’s normally glad to see familiar faces from back when it had been the pine colony. He smiles when he sees a SkyClanner and an apprentice approach the other side of the river, and flicks his tail in greeting.

He’s forced to tamp down the hurt that spikes in his chest at Bearheart’s question. Obviously things haven’t been going well for RiverClan, and that’s in part due to Blazestar’s inaction. Still, Clay understands the feeling of a leader doing something that a simple warrior doesn’t support, and he gets the feeling that most SkyClanners don’t support their leader’s outright betrayal. "It’s been going about the same as usual. You know, ThunderClan theft and all." The words are spoken with an air of nonchalance, but his shoulders are stiff as he shrugs. He truly doesn’t blame SkyClan as a whole, but he’s not going to lie to them about how his clan is faring right now. (That small voice in his head reminds him that no, it’s likely just him who feels as though a piece of his soul has been ripped away along with sunningrocks, but he turns a deaf ear to it.)

It seems only polite to ask after SkyClan in return, but maybe he should find a way to word it so it’s not so blunt. Unbidden, though, the question falls from his mouth anyway. "Have you found your clanmates yet?" He had asked the last patrol to come by their territory about it, but hadn’t received a clear answer. He hopes that their missing clanmates have been returned to them, and maybe if they have, SkyClan has also found Gloom.


"We have. Everyones back- for the most part." Quillstrike replied as he slipped down from the trees to join Bearheart on the ground, offering no farther details. Blazestar could do that at the gathering, if he wanted to.

"Sorry about Thunderclan." he adds though, because in reality he is. The chimer was loyal to Blazestar and his ruling, but that didn't mean he agreed with them wholeheartedly like some blind sheep. He had recognized the betrayal for what it was, but at the end of the say, Skyclan was where his loyalty lay.

"No trouble from the hill rats?" he asked he rubbed his chin along a clump of grass, spreading his clan scent along their side of the border. He knew that it was the one group they shared a mutual hatred of, and therefore it was the safest route of conversation.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.