pafp pulling the strings . training


New member
Sep 1, 2023
Damnit. Today had drug on for what felt like hundreds of moons. The earlier sun had been bright and vibrant hours ago. Yet, both he and his apprentice were stuffed away by the training sycamore, til the sky displayed the bloody red streaks of sunset.

A snarl threatened to bubble in his chest as their patience grew paper thin. Thick claws dug into the dirt below to anchor his thoughts. He didn't get how a cat did not understand scratching or pouncing. All kits start of kneading, then crawling, then running and eventually climbing or pouncing. Yet each time he prepped the paw to run and jump they fell unceremoniously with a thud. His ears felt hot with embarrassment but their experience kept them level-headed. After watching Ptarmiganpaw flop haphazardly to the side for the fifth time Lilycrest sighed with disappointment.

On the day the leader dubbed this scrap of fur his underling the warrior felt at an impasse. There had been a spark of hope in the beginning but he was feeling less than hopeful. Sure, it had been only a few sunrises ago the child was given their rank, but to him it still felt void.

To the warrior there was no drive or fire behind the eyes of the white and grey tom. No passion to persevere or desire to fight. Only yelps of surprise and scrambled apologies. The high pitched whine that rattled his ears was the final whisker pull. "Enough!" He commanded loud and blunt as blue eyes glazed with the desire to rest from the multiple drills they had run.

Even after performing the crouch several times the kit just couldn't maneuver it. Shaking his head the tom spoke in a much cooler tone. Void of any emotion other than defeat. "This is pointless." Moving a massive paw to his forehead Lilycrest brushed his pelt in a circle for a moment. "You're not ready. We will try to begin your training at a later date."

Opening his eyes he awkwardly looked away as he meowed dully. "Go get something to eat and head to your nest. I expect to see you back here before sun rise." With a dismissive swish of his tail they watched the small kit expectantly. Allowing zero room for conversation or pitiable apologies.

He would have to come up with a new approach or they'd need to find more impressionable methods. Firmly believing his subordinate to be less advanced than he'd hoped for. The chocolate point was certain others would find his teaching rather cold and abrasive but for him it was the only appropriate angle.

Times were brutal and they needed stronger warriors more than ever. Lilycrest would be damned if his own apprentice would be a failure.

// please wait for @Ptarmiganpaw
He wasn't doing so well. The pressure to succeed and his nerves tangled in knots have left him bumbling and fumbling his training and the frustration from Lilycrest makes him want to cry. He tries and he tries, but he just couldn't get it right. His white fur is now dirty and smudged with mud, and everything aches. He doesn't complain though, he knew he would get dirty and he knew training would make him sore.

But he wanted to do a good job. Not fumble around like...Like an idiot!!

He was trying his best, yet he wasn't driven by passion or the will to fight. He was driven by anxiety. He has to do this. If he doesn't do this, he'll be in trouble. If he doesnt do it right, he'll be a disappointment. It all weighed so heavily on him that it prevented him from performing the way he could be.

When Lilycrest commands him to stop, he flinches. He can't bring himself to apologize anymore, he knows he must sound pathetic. He's told to go get something to eat and head to his nest, and to be back here before sunrise... That was so early, though....

"Okay...." His voice is weak and quiet, biting back the urge to apologize. "I'll do better t-tomorrow...." He has to. If he says it, maybe he'll be better. Maybe he'll be driven by the need to keep his word. Maybe this was just a bad day.

Would his dad be disappointed? All he wanted to do right now was find him and hide in his fur. He was having the worst day of his life so far and he just wanted it to stop. He would just have to keep telling himself that this was a one time thing, tomorrow would be better. He would do better tomorrow and everything would be fine.​

chilledstar could barely train their apprentice in their condition, but they could still advice him. he was a bit more hard headed than his mother, but he had potential. it would be a while before he was warrior material, however. with a flick of their tail, the weakened feline nodded to the other apprentices so that @SCREECHPAW would go a practice with them.

"remember. defend yourself. you cannot possibly hope to defend others if you yourself are caught in the teeth of another. i will be watching."

the older apprentice were good enough at fighting to help hone those skills. they hoped it would be enough for now. their head turned to a very frustrated lilycrest, ears perking at the exchange. interesting. in some ways, lilycrest's methods reminded them of someone they once knew.

"how goes it, lilycrest?"

Chilledstar is doing better, if only by a little bit. Enough so to — unfortunately — mean Screechpaw has to take part in training. At the very least, it's battle training, which isn't too different from play-fighting. A game he'd been good at in his days in the nursery, if he'd say so himself.

The tom is trying to work on his own moves under Chilledstar's watchful eye — to look like he's learning something. However, they aren't the only ones occupying the sycamore's training space.

Lilycrest's frustration in Ptarmiganpaw's clumsy attempts to copy his mentor is evident, even before the warrior snaps at the cloudy apprentice. It's a shout that causes Screechpaw to stagger in his own attempts to perfect his leap — an uneven landing that he hopes no one catches, as dual-shaded eyes dart over to look at the training pair.

A flick of the tail from his own mentor tasks him with dealing with Ptarmiganpaw. Screechpaw doesn't really want to, to be honest: he'd rather go back to camp, to get some rest. But, if he doesn't practice with Frostbite's kit, he'll probably be stuck out here for longer. With a sigh, the dark-furred tom pads over.

"Hey- you," he says to the wallowing apprentice. He isn't quite sure why Lilycrest is so upset — Ptarmiganpaw is new to this, and not all new apprentices can hold the skills Screechpaw is meant to have. "Do you remember play-fighting in the nursery? It's kind of like that, but with cooler moves." He isn't sure if his attempt at advice will aid in his fellow apprentice's training, but it's a start, he thinks. Maybe he'll be good at this mentoring thing, when he's older. Better than Lilycrest, he hopes.

Screechpaw moves, creating a bit of distance between him and Ptarmiganpaw before crouching downwards and preparing for battle. "Come at me," he tells him with narrowed eyes and a sharp grin.
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    SCREECHKITSCREECHPAW, Apprentice of ShadowClan
    — Forestshade x Vulturemask
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    — Mentored by Chilledstar
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — His loud entrance into the world bestows upon him a name apt for the path the tom forges. As the troublemaker of his unknowingly half-clan litter, Screechpaw is bound to be known for his curiosity-led escapes and poor attendance as he steps foot into his apprenticeship.
The sun is setting, and though Lilycrest looks worn and frustrated and Ptarmiganpaw stained and teary-eyed, Granitepelt and @APPLEPAW are only just leaving to train. Combat by night is something he has only just begun to touch upon with his apprentice, now that she’s past her sixth moon. From what he’s seen, he’d been fortunate in his assignment. The fluffy white cat not only stands out like a rose blooming amidst a mud pile with his blinding pelt, but his movements are uncoordinated, clumsy. The lead warrior pads behind Chilledstar and Screechpaw, giving the chocolate point a look of undisguised sympathy. “Training going rough?

He barely spares Ptarmiganpaw a glance, though he does, with interest, watch Screechpaw attempt to re-engage him. Granitepelt says, “If Ptarmiganpaw’s too tired, then you can fight Applepaw.” He looks to his own apprentice expectantly. “Or perhaps the two of you together can take her down… battles are not always fair. We don’t always get to fight just one opponent.

, ”
Applepaw is more than happy to distract herself with a bit of training. Especially in terms of combat, now that she finally had a proper grasp on hunting. Once you knew one thing, the rest would likely come to you easily. All prey was the same, in one way or another. Meanwhile combat was more adaptive— something every cat would surely learn different, and she would turn her gaze upon any any training session worth her time.

This, was unfortunately not that. Ptarmiganpaw flopped over without giving so much as a fight. Applepaw feels a twinge of satisfaction that, even with her minute combat experience, she could likely beat this peer of hers. You're not ready, his mentor tells him. Applepaw fails to see what about that fact would change before sunrise. Screechpaw attempts to explain it to him in a more childish way that perhaps he would understand...

When her mentor volunteers her for practice, she holds her head high, looking down her nose at the two younger apprentices. Or perhaps the two of you together can take her down… This garners a sideward glance from Applepaw, though she tries not to show her uncertainty on her face. Well, they were both smaller than her still... Applepaw shows the respect due to her seniors. " ...I'm ready if need be, " she says with a blink.

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  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 7 moons old as of 10.22.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.
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