  • ramkit - rampaw - ram???
    agab male, he/they, unknown sexuality
    3 moons, 8.27.23, ages on the 27th
    thunderclan, kit, medium priority
    a black and chocolate tabby chimera with amber eyes
  • sh black solid, carries chocolate & point.
    ↪ long descript
  • impressionable, faithful, hardworking, outspoken, callous, dogmatic, narrow-minded, resourceful
    ↪ a kit who follows the teachings of his xenophobic mother to heart. that is to say he views kittypets and any who shares kittypet blood as villains. they are cats who take valuable resources from thunderclan and make them weaker. by extension he views with those with clan blood as heroes and superior. who is the greatest hero in his eyes? skyclaw. he truly believes that skyclaw will lead the clan to their destiny and rid them of kittypet filth.

    while he is only a kit and his power is limited, he has no qualms stating his opinions. though, the reason for this is that he believes it is right. perhaps he is a pitiful kit, unaware that he is being taught only hatred and fear. however, he will not see himself as so. he is one of the good guys and it is his job to become a strong and honorable warrior. A warrior who keeps kittypets away from their home, protects thunderclan.

    attempting to change his mind or convince him the error of what is being taught to him is a monumental task. for one, he is steadfast in this faith. he will reject any notion of kittypets being good guys wholeheartedly. after all, if kittypets were the good guys then what are clanborn cats like him? evil? the villains? that doesn't make any sense. there has to be enemy and it is the kittypets who take everything away.
  • npc x npc, gen 1
    littermates with npcs
    close friends with tbd
    mentored by none (too young)
  • ramkit's mother is a skyclaw super fan, and has asked skyclaw for name ideas. ramkit was one of the names suggested. to say she was over the moon when he bore a scary resemblance towards the tom who he owes his name for is an understatement. one would be forgiven in thinking that he and skyclaw were brothers, but they are not related by blood in any capacity. it is simply an eerie coincidence.
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[box=65%][justify]text here
[box=65%][justify][TABS][slide=basic info]ramkit - [s]rampaw[/s] - [s]ram???[/s]
agab male, he/they, unknown sexuality
3 moons, 8.27.23, ages on the 27th
thunderclan, kit, medium priority
a black and chocolate tabby chimera with amber eyes[/slide]

[slide=appearance]sh black solid, carries chocolate & point.
↪ long descript[/slide]

[slide=persona]impressionable, faithful, hardworking, outspoken, callous, dogmatic, narrow-minded, resourceful
↪ a kit who follows the teachings of his xenophobic mother to heart. that is to say he views kittypets and any who shares kittypet blood as villains. they are cats who take valuable resources from thunderclan and make them weaker. by extension he views with those with clan blood as heroes and superior. who is the greatest hero in his eyes? skyclaw. he truly believes that skyclaw will lead the clan to their destiny and rid them of kittypet filth.

while he is only a kit and his power is limited, he has no qualms stating his opinions. though, the reason for this is that he believes it is right. perhaps he is a pitiful kit, unaware that he is being taught only hatred and fear. however, he will not see himself as so. he is one of the good guys and it is his job to become a strong and honorable warrior. A warrior who keeps kittypets away from their home, protects thunderclan.

attempting to change his mind or convince him the error of what is being taught to him is a monumental task. for one, he is steadfast in this faith. he will reject any notion of kittypets being good guys wholeheartedly. after all, if kittypets were the good guys then what are clanborn cats like him? evil? the villains? that doesn't make any sense. there has to be enemy and it is the kittypets who take everything away.[/slide]

[slide=relationships]npc x npc, gen 1
littermates with npcs
close friends with tbd
mentored by none (too young)[/slide]
[slide=important information]ramkit's mother is a skyclaw super fan, and has asked skyclaw for name ideas. ramkit was one of the names suggested. to say she was over the moon when he bore a scary resemblance towards the tom who he owes his name for is an understatement. one would be forgiven in thinking that he and skyclaw were brothers, but they are not related by blood in any capacity. it is simply an eerie coincidence. [/slide][/TABS][/justify][/box]
I can make the lights go out Haha! I can make the wooden boards go ra-ta-tat.... I can make the world seem slower, slower. Tickle your nose and after that, I can make your teeth fall out — written by velou, tags
[center][box="33%; height: auto width: auto; margin-top: 0px; margin-left: 1px; margin-bottom: 0px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: #E19265;"][justify]I can make the lights go out [i]Haha! [/i] I can make the wooden boards go [i]ra-ta-tat[/i].... I can make the world seem slower,[i] slower.[/i] Tickle your nose and after that, I can make your [i]teeth fall out[/i][color=#752612][outline=black] — written by velou, [url=https://tabbytales.net/threads/pumpkin-song-%E2%80%94-ramkit.16894/][color=#752612]tags[/color][/url][/outline][/color][/justify][/box][/center]
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