camp punk ain't dead | kittens | it's sleeping

He looked like he was sleeping, but his forward swiveled ears and tense expression made it clear he was very much awake, simply paws tucked under and lounging in camp where he was taking a moment to himself now that it was quiet only to be rudely interrupted. Smokethroat sat still as an obsidian monolith with the exception of his tail, lightly twitching back and forth, slapping down against the pebbled stones beneath him and avoiding the teeth of the kitten frantically prancing from side to side trying to catch it. There were too many kittens in the clan now, not that he had an issue with his clan growing but it was both leaf-bare and also a lot all at once and he was thankful he'd had the time to learn patience prior to this or it would have driven him to sleeping outside the territory somewhere where the little hellions couldn't nip at him. This one was a particularly bold kit, one of Boneripple’s litter and looking very much like a smaller version of either parent. He could’ve been mistaken for his kit too, given their monochromatic color scheme but while Smokethroat had spots that family predominantly had stripes. The little furball paused his tail chasing to clamber onto the older cat's back, tiny pinprick claws digging into to help him haul himself up where he proceeded to sink his teeth into a dark ear and tug, emphasized with tiny growls. Smokethroat sighed quietly. “Skunk-kit, you’re being a menace.”
“What’s a mean ass?”

Smokethroat inhaled sharply through his nostrils as the kit mumbled out a repetition that did not sound anything like what he actually said and was most certainly going to have every queen in the clan on his case. “Don’t…repeat that.”
“Mean ass?”
Before he was killed on the spot. The dark tom turned to scruff the kit from his back despite the mewling protest and set him back on the ground nearby.

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In every situation you give me peace
Sablekit's ear flicks in Smokethroat's direction as the lead mutters a rather curt "Stop. to her brother. The girl rasps her tongue over her chest once to conclude her grooming before rising to stand. Dainty paws lift high to traverse the thick blanket of snow until she reaches Skunk-kit's side. Eyes of brilliant blue flash up to the disgruntled warrior. "Stop what?" Sablekit questions with a flick of her tail before glancing in the direction of her brother, voice dropping into a whisper. "Did you bite him?" Her eyes grew marginally wider. If that were the case, she didn't want her brother to get into trouble.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
oddkit | 02 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
"Menace, mean-ass, mean-ice," Oddkit trills cheerily, eager to join in the fun but disinterested in kit games like catch-the-tail. Head tips to the side as it toddles over, blinking owlishly. "If Skunkkit is menace, what is Oddkit?" it queries, as though it is the most puzzling conundrum. Head snaps to the side to peer at Sablekit as the girl makes her presence known, and a grin a bit to wide and sharp to be normal stretches the ginger kits face. "Bite!" it cheers encouragingly, eyeing smokethroat as though it might do exactly that.


The snow falls, thick and fast, over the river. Most of the camp has been painstakingly scrapped clean by apprentices, but there are still spots where it’s piled up to shoulder-height on a warrior… and well over Hazekit’s head. Still, they don’t let that deter them: they’re going to make it out. Eventually. They’ve been digging for a while now. Maybe for hours. It’s been so long, surely she’s almost through the layer of snow!

(Her tiny little paws have scrapped perhaps an inch through. It’s slow going, but at least it keeps them warm.)

The low rumble of Smokethroat’s voice distracts her from her single-minded efforts for a moment. Her tail bats from side to side at Sablekit’s question, just as curious as the other kit but too focused to turn around and check what exactly Skunk-kit has done. Oddkit’s cheerful words distract them for good, and she bumps into the snowbank as she turns around.

”Ass?” she asks, curious, just before bits of snow breaks off the frozen wall they were attacking and falls over their head.