puppy love | crush talk

She doesn't mean to stare she really doesn't. Despite Howlpaw's efforts not to look, it's hard not to watch as Leafheart proudly declares his love and admiration to Larkfeather, doing it in such a grand manner it's hard for half of the clan not to see or hear or them. Howlpaw thinks that something must be in the air with all the new couples lately in the clan. She's not opposed to the idea of it or anything like that she just thinks it's amusing more than anything.

The chocolate torbie goes back to her attempt at washing herself when a cat next to her nudges her and asks if she has any crushes. Howlpaw looks a little startled for a moment before shaking her head. "Uh, no," She responds flatly. She's surprised at the odd feeling saying that out loud dredges up within her. Howlpaw is well aware of some of the stares and slightly flirtatious comments some of the old apprentices have said to each other but she herself has never felt inclined to any of that. "What about you?" Howlpaw fires back, a little more defensive than she intended. "Do you have a crush on anyone?"

unlike howlpaw, eve watches intently as a declaration of love ensues in the middle of camp. it's sweet, warms her heart and brings a soft grin to her face. however, she couldn't help but think that maybe there was a better place for this, somewhere more... scenic. as great as camp was, if she were to ever be the one in this situation, it better be somewhere totally beautiful. it would be the perfect addition to a perfect moment.

as it comes to a close, she notices the other apprentice seated near her. maybe howlpaw would agree with her, maybe not, but eveningpaw just had to know either way. this could help her confirm that this standard was not crazy by any means. prodding the other with a paw, she pops a question, a prequel to another more pressing one. however, as soon as she is firmly and flatly given an answer, she drops it without a second thought.

quickly, the other retorts. she blinks, feeling a little awkward with the question being turned on her, but quickly shrugs it off. her signature smile once again found its place on her maw. "me neither," she chirps, tone unaffected by the former tension. "plenty of time for that later. besides, how could i keep up with a crush of my own and all these daily admissions of love. seems like every day there's a new pair of mates, not long before the clan's totally overthrown by kittens!" her ramble is finished with a light chuckle, tail sweeping around to cover her paws. as much as she thought it would, the aforementioned second inquiry failed to vanish from her mind, but perhaps she find someone else to indulge with her ideals.


Momowhisker wasn't sure how he'd gotten wrapped up in a conversation with the apprentices, but the promise of juicy gossip had caused the lynx point to -remain seated, his large ears pointed forwards with an attentiveness only saved for the finest of conversations. Despite the size of the clan, he found himself without a crush. It wasn't that anyone hadn't caught his eye, but with so much to do in the wild and having to return home at the end of the day, he didn't see how it could fit into his schedule. He had his excuses, but he wasn't sure if he entirely believed the stories of the wildborns, especially when Howlpaw had so vehemently denied it. It brought a knowing smirk to his face, he wouldn't push it further, still, he couldn't help wondering who out of the apprentices could've caught her eye. Leaning their lower jaw on an elevated paw, the gold-collared Daylight Warrior's large eyes settled upon Eveningpaw at her admission that the clan seemed absolutely riddled with love at the moment. It was nice, love was nice. He wasn't sure if he felt the same way about kittens as the couple did, he'd blame his own parents for that one.

"Well since you two aren't interested in anyone... how about we start guessing who's gonna be the newest 'it' couple within the next moon.". Eyelids fluttered innocently despite the subject matter and Momowhisker leaned in just a little bit closer so he knew he wouldn't miss the theories.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Charcoal-colored jaws dropped ajar, depositing a limp mouse as well as a junco onto the fresh-kill pile. It wasn't often that the burly tom caught avians, as they tended to be tree-bound and he very much wasn't, but sheer determination (and perhaps a smidgen of luck) contributed toward his success that day.

A shredded ear swivels as he catches wind of a nearby conversation. Idle chit-chat, just meaningless conversation in order to pass the time. Slate wasn't much of a gossiper, nor was he the most sociable, but he cannot help but twitch his whiskers at the subject at hand. "Does it... matter?" The gruff Maine Coon cocked a brow, now looking over his shoulder at the group of tale-tellers. Why worry about the business of other cats, especially their love lives? Bananasplash and Quillstrike's recent announcement had prompted that very question — why was it necessary for the whole clan to know about that sort of stuff?
Talks of crushes and couples ate at Wobbledog's heart without mercy. A wound that was still fresh and refusing to heal was being dug at. He missed his mate dearly, more than he could handle at times. But he couldn't help but be interested in the gossip, it was always nice to see love blossom. Talk of kittens exhausted him, though.

"Love certainly is in the air, isn't it..." He said. "We're definitely going to be drowning in kits, I can feel it." He agreed with Eveningpaw.

He looked to Slate with an understanding smirk. He knew the sentiment... But Slate was fortunate enough to not be cursed with the trait of being nosy.

"It doesn't matter...But it is fun to talk about."
He said. "For instance- I thought you and Silversmoke were a thing when I first arrived here. I know that's not the case now, of course, but it is funny to look back on."
Angry at all the things I can't change
Coyotepaw quietly listens as Howlpaw brings up the notion of crushes and lovestruck cats. His attention briefly flickers toward the two warriors in question, inwardly cringing at the public display of their proposals. He hoped he never became locked in love like some of his unfortunate clanmates. It wasn't worth the risk in his opinion. He's seen it backfire in more ways than one, causing more harm than good. Blazestar was a perfect example, ripped away from his mate and kits by code. Thistleback was another, quietly mourning the temporary loss of Deersong for several months. A low huff escapes him as he glances over at Eveningpaw. "That's probably for the best, Thistleback would probably have a heart attack if he found you and some other cat all cuddled up in some corner." Coyotepaw murmurs softly, though his tone was good natured. Wobbledog pipes up next and the tom's brows lift a smidge. "Really? I didn't." Of course he'd never admit it aloud, but he thought Slate and Silversmoke fought entirely far too much to ever be mistaken as a couple.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
— Not one for the social scene, he wound up caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mid-grooming, with his tongue poked out and poised over his orange stocking paw, he'd huff before setting that activity down. His functional eye would graze the gossiping apprentices and warriors, he had heard about the proclamation of love from word of mouth and wasn't certain how he felt. The young tom had nothing against 'love', but it was weird to think about. — tags

The smoke's large ears lifted with the minute detection senses of a lifelong gossip at the sound of the word: crush. She ambled over to the group, taking a disgruntled seat; Pigeonsong had told her she needed to "get out more", whatever that meant, so ... here she was, but her expression indicated an air of displeasure. Still, she leaned in slightly to hear the speaking cats, bangs swinging heavy over her eyes as she coiled her overlarge tail around herself, grateful at least to lose that weight with her seat.

She glances at Momowhisker; the daylight warrior feels as close to a kindred spirit here as anyone, and so she reluctantly offers one of her own juicy tidbits, "I was talking to Briarpaw and fae agreed that Flowercloud and Crowmask could fill the empty spot," she tosses off, relatively ignoring the chatter of some other nearby cats, "You know, since all the Clan's big couples are ... in a state," Spiderpaw mews, smug with the information. She has no crushes and feels exceedingly safe from the rather poisonous power of love; she doesn't think she ever will have a real relationship, given that none of the cats her age even seem to like her as a friend ... that, and she doesn't know if she can hang her shackled weight on someone else.

The smoky apprentice shakes herself loose from the thoughts that offer a spiraled path, adding that infallible excuse, "I don't know, though."
After the prank that Las Plagas had played on him, Fireflypaw had been in a bad mood- big paws trampling the dirt as he walked, feet dragging across grass and ears tousled in the strong winds. He'd grown used to the strength of the gusts, large stomach jiggling as he pads over to his sister's side. A chirp of greeting, though the expression on his face is solemn as he listens to the topic at hand. Crushes? What were the purposes of those?

"Why is it important to know if people are mates?" He asks softly, frowning. His eyebrows scrunch together as closed eyelids flutter in thought. He doesn't care for romance, really. He was too young to have his own mate, and with his job taking up most of his time, he didn't have time to think of crushes. Though, he did consider himself close to one person- his best friend and closest confidante, Greeneyes. The rumors of he and Sparrowpaw are still fresh on his mind, though- and Spiderpaw speaking of rumors once more makes him grimace in distaste for the molly. ​
"Because SkyClan is being left alone right now for once and everycat's bored." Orangeblossom quips to Fireflypaw as she joins the gaggle of SkyClanners, settling nearby the dark-pointed apprentice. She's far past the age of gossip on crushes, though the majority of this group is not. When she had been, she'd been largely uninterested; Apricotflower had involved herself with enough gossip for the both of them, focusing on the others in SkyClan even when Orangeblossom had briefly caught feelings for the ever-so-capable Squallmist, and yet here they were moons later, lives diverged wholly and Orangeblossom mother to five fantastic kits.

Ochre eyes flit sideways to a certain smoke-furred molly, as if bored which she halfway is, and queries, "What state might that be, Spiderpaw?"

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3