camp pure imagination ] introduction


starry-eyed and everybody glows
Jan 22, 2024
"Stay close, okay, Teevee?" Statichaze doesn't worry for Glitchkit and Radiokit so much now that they've adjusted, at least to some degree, to the idea of Clan life. They've made friends, or at least acquaintances, and she trusts them to know when they're pushing too far or doing something they shouldn't. Teevee, though, had chosen not to visit SkyClan until now, and she finds herself slightly nervous in anticipation of how it will react to all the new faces and experiences. She's hoping, deep down, that her kit will like her second home; it would hurt to be away from her child for most of each day. She gently nudges the chocolate kitten, doing her best to coax it forwards a few steps as she reaches camp with her children and sees a pawful of her fellow SkyClanners beginning to approach.

@Radiokit @Glitchkit @Kitty-Kat-
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Reactions: Radiopaw

teeveekit & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight kit

Wide eyes peer around slowly as they walk - white-socked paws hardly touching the ground for more then a moment as they weave around their siblings in childish excitement eager to take in their new surroundings as much as they can as they walk. The world outside the dens walls is fascinating, truthfully - even if Teevee isn't quite sold yet on this idea of being a clan cat. So many sights and sounds and scents - all so fresh and new and intriguing, and they're all right there for them to explore. Still, the child is reluctant to part from their family by more then a few tail lengths, always dutifully skittering back to their mothers side without so much as a word.

And then they arrive - and suddenly there's far too many cats. Chocolate kitten plants paws firmly upon the ground, stock still and owl-eyed as they only stare at the bunch - whatever stories they'd heard of Skyclan, clearly they'd been underexaggerated - there's far to many people. How are they supposed to keep track of them all? Ears twitch and whiskers quiver as shock turns back into idle curiosity, because at the very least these are all friendly faces - a hesitant smile flashed in the direction of whoever is closest as the kitten regains steadfast composure.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

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Figfeather happens to be nearby for the arrival. The young stranger smiles at her, a deep curiosity lingering behind their eyes. Figfeather returns the smile and meows ”Hello,” before looking to Statichaze.

The queen had two other kits she had already met and seen before around camp, but this one has never shown itself until now. If Statichaze had mentioned the reasoning before the marmalade she-cat had not caught wind of it. ”Are they here to stay? Why’d you wait so long to bring them to meet us?” Maybe it had been difficult to get all three to camp alone? Figfeather would be able to understand that, it had been a nightmare trying to get Coffeepaw and Sangriapaw to camp when they were kittens. She can’t imagine adding another kit to the mix.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The warrior's head dips low to swing a cardinal carefully onto the fresh - kill pile, the bird's brilliant red wings lolling wide atop the plentiful mound of greenleaf prey. Ivory - freckled ears twitch as Figfeather's meow registers, and Bobbie turns on small paws as she lifts her lilac - tufted head towards the group beginning to gather. Tipping her head curiously sideways, the tabby lopes easily over on long limbs, arriving in time to catch Figfeather's question among the snatches of conversation floating like errant feathers throughout the warm, pliable air of greenleaf.

" Well, don't they look lovely, Statichaze, " she mrrows in low tones of admiration, green eye blinking slowly at the daylighter in what she hopes is an amiable manner . . . one of the little losses that had accompanied the absence of her eye is blinks turning to winks. She ( wisely ) elects not to remark on Figfeather's questioning, which the lilac tabby privately thinks is more than a little invasive . . . but it's not her place to judge. Another addition to SkyClan's growing community is always a welcome one, regardless of any lateness, and she'll greet the new kit as such—and besides, kits are always such a lovely sight, brightening up camp with the innocence of youth.

" Hello, " Bobbie meows lowly in greeting to the curious - looking kit, who stands owl - eyed but smiling hesitantly at Figfeather. She knows Radiokit and Glitchkit in passing, but if Statichaze had mentioned this one's name, she'd missed it. " What's your name? "


teeveekit & 06 moons & nonbinary & they/them & skyclan daylight kit

It takes a moment before the child finally speaks, blue and green gaze flickering slowly from one molly to the other as they speak. " My name is Teevee, " comes quiet voice, words slow and drawn out. The brighter hued warrior's question is far harder to answer, and so they pause again, thinking their words through. " I wanted to... think before deciding. And now I have decided. " eyes blink, wide and slow, as head tilts. " I... would like to be a skyclanner, "

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

A N D W E D O N ' T S T A Y F O R L O N G

"wild hearts run"
Radiokit brushed up beside Teevee to reassure them. He was the one to convince them to show up, after all. He could at least be moral support. "I told Teevee how cool it is here, and how many fun cats there are!" He chirped, smiling brightly at his siblings. Glitchkit's general anxiety about the whole thing had made his life a little harder in that aspect, but like, she went anyway! That had to mean something, right?
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