purified | harrierkit

Life doesn't discriminate
Adderkit lay at the mouth of the nursery den, claws tucked deep into his piece of prey as he chews idly, still reminiscing over the earlier events of the day. Gravelpaw's less than savory stare, the gathering crowd, the fight that happened soon after. Everything happened so fast it was almost like a blur, and his head and hip still ached where the apprentice's paws struck. But nothing hurt more than what he could only presume was his own brother's betrayal. The area of his ear was till tender, pressed back against his head to ease the strain of keeping it upright. Irritation broiled anew as he witnessed his sibling making their way into the nursery for the night, smoldering eyes narrowing as Adderkit swallowed his mouthful of prey. Closer Harrierkit drew, encroaching ever closer as Adder's claws pricked at his prey.

Soon the boy would pass by him if he did not say something and he wanted to confront him over what happened. He just failed to find the right words to say. The chimera nearly passed by entirely before Adderkit spoke, words ablaze rather than calm like he'd intended them to be. "Don't you ever put your teeth on me like that again." The warning shot out faster than he could process, turning his molten gaze from his sibling back to twinkling starlight. "I had everything perfectly under control, Gravelpaw was crumbling...I could hear it in their voice. I won, and I made father proud by standing up for myself." Adderkit rumbles, tail tip flicking irritably as near vermillion meets citrine eyes.

"But then you embarrassed me and ruined my victory." His voice does not raise but remains threateningly low. "You helped them." His pelt prickles as Adderkit moves to stand to his paws now, half eaten prey tumbling to the ground. The prince does not dare speak the word in question, but it shows in his eyes all the same. "Why?" If their mother would not stand for such blatant disrespect then why should he?
Between the sinners and the saints
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Since the incident, Harrierkit was avoiding his older brother. Not out of fear or worry about confrontation, but because conflicting with him just seemed boring. The child liked action and all, but there were more interesting fish to argue with than his lot of litter-mates. He found himself too mature for sibling squabbling… too good for it. He’d be lying if he didn’t say he didn’t try to poke the fire with all of them here and there though.

Yet here Adderkit was, approaching him and immediately he begins to yap. Harrierkit has half a mind to shove past him and continue on, but he doesn’t. ”Will if I want to.” He shoots back with beaded eyes of amber, ”You weren’t gonna win that fight for even a second, I was there. Gravelpaw was bound to snap any second and let out their real strength. You were going to embarrass the family.” His whiskers twitch as his muzzle wrinkles up, baffled at how Adderkit was so… confident in himself. Harrierkit was too, but in a different fashion.

”you should be thanking me, you know… Saved you from getting your head bashed into the dirt. Maybe I shoulda let Gravelpaw do it!” That would’ve thought Adderkit a lesson for sure! Maybe Harrierkit had done the wrong thing by saving him from disgrace! ”If you’re gonna pick fights you should at least have just as much if not more training than your opponent. Gravelpaw gets taken out every day, you only know battle moves old and slow elders have “taught” you.”

And still, Adderkit asks why. ”Because you’re a hare-brain. Now move or I’ll finish what Gravelpaw would’ve!”


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· SOOTSTAR, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 2 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan kit . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, but typically displays mercy

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorkit, Adderkit, Bluekit & Cottonkit
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to TBD
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.