camp PURIFY ITS ROT \ moonstone report

The moonstone meeting had been a tenser one- though for once, it was by no fault of clashing Clans. Peepers had given grave news, had seemed far less confident than Berryheart had always seen him. Though he seemed the erratic type, Berryheart knew that SkyClan's medicine cat was the wisest of them, the most experienced- if he claimed this illness as unprecedented, as deadly, then the tortoiseshell tom could not reasonably doubt him. Berryheart looked toward his apprentice for a few moments, catching his eye and murmuring, "Be careful not to panic them," so only the freckled tom could hear him. Setting his attention to the rousing camp, many of whom were beginning to cast glances his way, Berryheart swallowed.

"We return with news," the medicine cat said; he did not raise his voice, but his tone was clear-cut. Askew eyes studied the expressions of the gathering faces, though he searched for one in particular- his mother. She needed to know most of all; he was sure she would be the type to urge the ill into his care, as he was soon to instruct.

\ @HOWLINGSTAR @LICHENPAW !!! no need to wait, though!! set after the medicine cat meeting :)
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————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw carries the tension of the moonstone meeting in his steps as he nears ThunderClan's camp. It's hard not to feel as though the specter of death has followed them, as if merely knowing of the sickness that plagues their neighbors will bring it into the walls of their home. And he and Berryheart hold the responsibility to keep their clan safe, alive, from a disease deemed deadly and seemingly uncurable. ""Be careful not to panic them," is not an easy request when Lichenpaw themself can feel a panicked dread already seeping its way into their bones. "Right," he mumbles, sharp and half-unthinkiningly. "No panic. Got it."

Their eyes remain on Berryheart — best to let him take the lead, then, probably. He announces news, eyes sweeping the camp, and Lichenpaw turns to do the same. He swallows, tries to inject a steadiness into his voice that he does not feel. "Is — is Howlingstar here?" he speaks to the crowd — not quite calling out, though it's a near thing.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 13 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png
  • Love
Reactions: waluigipinball

The return of the medicine cats did not go unnoticed by Flycatcher. The deputy knew they had attended their own gathering the previous night, so had been expecting their imminent return. When he sees the looks and quiet words exchanged between the two he does not immediately panic. He does not know what the medicine cats speak of during their meetings - herbs, treatments, unusual patients he assumes.

It is only when Berryheart announces they are returning with news that he tenses. Flycatcher's brows knit together in confusion, a look which he notes seems to be shared by several of his clanmates. "Howlingstar is in her den," Flycatcher mews in response. He gives a silent look back to a warrior nearby, gesturing fo him to retrieve their leader. "Did something bad happen?"[/font]

Raccoonstripe yawns, shrugging pale morning light from his broad shoulders as he exits the warrior’s den. He pauses to clean a bit of stubborn moss clinging to long tabby fur, only half-looking up as Berryheart and Lichenpaw re-enter camp. Highstones is a long journey; normally, his brother, with his penchant for sleep, is quick to sequester himself in his nest after the trek.

This morning, though, his greenish-gray eyes pierce through the milling warriors in camp, demanding Howlingstar’s presence. He frowns, coming to sit beside Flycatcher. “What’s the matter?” His fur prickles at the anxious look on Lichenpaw’s face. “Trouble with WindClan? Just let me find out they caused issues for you…” He clicks his tongue, dark eyes narrowing. He knows their warriors have assaulted cats journeying from the Moonstone at least once.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai

The red tabby had left the nursery to get something to drink while the kits slept still, but that he was awake in this moment was indication enough he ought to see what was going on. Berryheart and Lichenpaw had returned home finally from the Moonstone but there was an air of caution and unease that made his fur prickle as he walked over to stand alongside Raccoonstripe and regard the duo in silence. The black tabby comments on WindClan and surely they would not cause trouble for another clan's healers during the night of the medicine cat's gathering? Though with the moorland cats it was always hard to tell exactly what they would get up to. He remembers hearing of their demands to cross through ThunderClan to pick a fight with SkyClan directly, the audacity and ego behind such an action made him wonder if they wouldn't also take advantage of healers being left unattended at a predetermined time. Sunfreckle's ears flatten, no one seemed hurt and he scented no blood so perhaps it was another matter entirely.
"You two look exhausted, let me fetch you something from the freshkill pile while we wait for Howlingstar hm? Saw some nice plump mice on it when I walked by."
Seeing the medicine cats return from their gathering isn't an unusual sight, so like Flycatcher, she doesn't give it much thought. She draws her tongue over her paw one more time, before standing up to follow behind him as her mate approaches the pair. Berryheart announced that they return with news, and she feels the fur on her neck prickle a little. She couldn't remember the last time the Medicine Cat had returned from one of their gatherings with news for Howlingstar. Was the clan in danger? Her gaze shifts momentarily in Flycatcher's direction, then she leaves to go fetch Howlingstar.

She passes by Raccoonstripe and Sunfreckle, who also appeared to be curious about what was going on. Soon, she was sure the news would be spread throughout the entire camp...things seemed to spread like wildfire here. Her tail flicks anxiously behind her as she approaches the entrance to her Leader's den. "Howlingstar?" she waited for approval before poking her head into the den. "Berryheart and Lichenpaw have returned. They say they have news, and wish to speak with you."

CLOUDYFUR / 14 moons — up in the sky Cloudyfur glanced up from where she had lain quietly eating a mouse, and smiled as she caught sight of Berryheart and Lichenpaw's return. She was glad they had made it home safe.

Slowly, however, that smile faded from her face.

Something was wrong. The both of them were deathly serious. Lichenpaw in particular looked nervous, but then again he always did. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling. Then she heard talk of them having news for Howlingstar, and felt her worries compond. Rising to her paws, the mouse between them suddenly forgotten, she padded over to the scene.

"What's going on?" She asked, glancing between the pair of medicine cats.
Usually the business of medicine cats was of no interest to her. However, the way her Clanmates milled about and gathered made her curious as to what sort of news the two brought. Maybe there was a herb shortage? One of the medicine cats went rouge at the meeting? Stormpaw's brow furrowed as she ran through several different possibilities in her head. The tricolor apprentice came up alongside Cloudyfur, not finding it necessary to repeat her words. She was curious, however, and wanted to stick around for as long as she could.

The medicine cats returning from their monthly gathering shouldn't normally cause such a fuss, so Howlingstar is not around to greet them. She's sleeping in, having been out late the night before on patrol. She is only awoken when her lead warrior pokes her head inside. She groggily looks at her, offering a polite smile before her ears prick with surprise. As she gets to her paws and swiftly shakes out her pelt, all she can think is, Did StarClan give them a prophecy? But she won't know until she hears it from their mouths.

She follows Flamewhisker outside and blinks against the dawn's light. She tries to stifle a yawn as she strides towards the gathering of cats, her tail swishing at her heels anxiously. "What's this all about?" She trills curiously, a tilt to her head as she gazes at her mottled son.
The medicine cats going to the moonstone was a reoccurring thing, something that happened every moon, so there usually wasn't a lot of questions about it, but Berryheart and Lichenpaw seeking out Howlingstar to speak with her so publicly after the meeting? That was something new, and that worried Leopardtongue slightly. Raccoonstripe spoke of WindClan and she nod her head, could it be that it was just their neighbor causing issues once again? Head turned to watch Howlingstar as she walked closer, and Leopardtongue turned back to Berryheart and Lichenpaw, waiting to hear what had happened.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


His heart was struck with a heavy blow as warriors and apprentices alike began to gather around him, worry deep and dark in their gazes. Blue's question, he could not answer- though Stripes. earned a more concrete shake of the speckled tom's head. No trouble from WindClan, for once... in fact, Dawn-eye had seemed rather mellow. Stumbles, Spots and Little Blue looked on with clear concern painted across their features, while Sunset swiftly fetched his mother. The grateful blink and half-smile he offered Nifty upon the red tom fetching prey was short-lived- the promise of a good meal could not settle the concern in his gut.

Swallowing, his shambolic fangs tightened at an odd angle. There was a long stretch of silence as Berryheart collected himself, ensuring his words would not muffle or slur against his offset jaw- as well as pondering quite the right way to deliver this news. "A SkyClan cat is very ill with an unprecedented sickness." He needed not mince his words, or soften the seriousness of the matter. Though his voice was as quiet as ever, it was grave rather than soft. Green eyes settled upon his mother for a few more moments, before sweeping over the rest of the gathered cats. "If you feel even slightly unwell, you are to see me immediately."
A SkyClan cat, ill with something unknown and unexpected by the clans' healers. Howlingstar exhales slowly, thinking. "Do they have it contained?" She asks worriedly, trying to remain optimistic. Perhaps it is something non-contagious. Greencough wouldn't have found its way to the clans in the warm couldn't be that, could it? "What are...what are the symptoms the SkyClanner is showing? What should we look out for?" She's already planning logistics in her head, her tail twitching rapidly in thought. If this is a contagious illness, the sick will need to be kept separate from the rest of the clan. And what of Berryheart and Lichenpaw?
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Tall ears perk at the sound of news spreading rapidly within a small, albeit growing huddle surrounding both Lichenpaw and Berryheart. Sharp eyes skim over the crowd, taking in the worried faces as he draws near. A sickness is the topic at hand, but surely it is not something Berryheart cannot handle. Quietly Silverlightning takes a seat upon the ground as the length of his tail wraps around his paws. Howlingstar begins to voice some of the concerns he too holds and so he opts to glance at the medic team for a response.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

As he waits, more cats begin to appear, drawn over by the unusualness of the medicine cats needing to speak with the clan. Sought out by his mate, Howlingstar appears and soon the medicine cats are revealing the truth. Although Flycatcher keeps a neutral expression on his face, he is admittedly surprised and concerned to hear this reveal. Instinctively, his eyes dart to his family, and a sense of uneasiness crawls up his back. He also wants to ask about what symptoms the sickness presents with, but Howlingstar had already asked that so he foregoes repeating the question. Despite this his green eyes study the medicine cats intently, searching for some sign of how bad this illness truly was.