PURIFY MY SOUL // medicine cat ceremony

The day had arrived for him to make this official and after this there was no turning back. Vulturemask's destiny would be written in the stars, or so Sootstar would have said anyway. While his leader seemed confident with her choice he was the one who had to carry the doubt for both of them. This had not been starclans choice after all to pick him like they had with Honeytwist and Dandelionwish but Sootstar herself and that was without her knowing he was not fully commited to the stars. He never had. There was a distaste for them in his thoughts, blaming them for his upbringing. They had never bothered to ever talk to him before so why would they know?. There was a high risk they would reject him to refuse to answer him like all the other times when he had tried to come in contact with them...asking them for answers. They had failed him in his eyes so he saw no reason to why he should put his faith in them. Yet now...today all of that would change.

Vulturemask would do like he had been instructed to do by Sootstar as they had entered that beautiful cave and soon enough they would stand in front of the moonstone itself. With the first step with hesitation the medicine cat would approach forward to walk over to the moonstone so he could make contact with it. Staring into his own ghastly reflection for a brief moment into the crystal he closed his eyes before leaning his head forward to touch his nose with tthe stone.

It only took one second and when he opened his eyes again he was in an entier different place. Everything was white and shiny up here, sky filled with brighty stars and...the sight couldn't be described with anything else but magnificent and godly. He could feel the power in this place, how everything become like one and...he felt like he was on top of the world in a completely different time and space. It was...stunning. He had never felt like this before. It was like all of the weight he had been carrying on his shoulders had got lifted away from his shoulders. He felt like light like air and like he was floating on clouds. He was in awe with everything he saw and felt. Was this starclan?.

" Where on earth am i?."

// @Blitz Krieg and tagging @SOOTSTAR / @ava so they can follow this thread if they like! (:

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It's hard for the stars to not feel powerless as they watch the injustices go on down below. A cat he had known himself, a cat StarClan trusted and gave nine lives to, leading her clan more and more astray. But it was not the stars' duty to force the will of the living. They could only guide them, offer them brief moments of assurance and wisdom when they have the power to do so. This was one of those special moments.

The lean tom steps out from the starry forest, tabby and white pelt sparkling with icy stars. Warm amber eyes dazzle as they fall upon the young tom who stands at the center of the clearing and he smiles, tail flicking invitingly. "Welcome to StarClan, Vulturemask."

He strides forward, leaving stars in his wake. It will be sad to see Dandelionwish go. The ancestors know his heart is pure; he would have done WindClan good. But Sootstar has now made that option impossible, and StarClan can only do what they can for those down below. The ebony tom before him is no bad or cruel cat. Hopefully, with the right guidance, he too can benefit his clan. "You don't know me, but I am Hare Whiskers. I am the founder of the colony in the marsh, the one you and many others were born into before the clans came to be."

A voice was calling out to him from the direction the forest was coming from. Vulturemask attention would drift over to the cat who welcomed him into this place and the sight he saw was baffling. This tom, this starclan cat was shinning in stars even the steps they walked left stars after them. It was alot to take in for sure but he tried to keep himself calm and keep his head into the game, to think rationally. No need to lose his head right now. Focus on why he was here and later he could lose his mind.

" It's an honor to be here." he approached a bit closer to the...dead cat, hesitantly as he did so but his features was as readable as a stone. He wonderd if it was possible to trick the dead or if they already knew what he was thinking, and if they could see him right through him. What a scary thought one he did not wish to think further on...not right now anyway.

It got confirmed who this tom was. Hare Whisker, the founder of the marsh group he had originally came from. Of course he knew who that was. Vulturemask had heard many stories about them as a kit and how their reign had started. For many it was an admiring story. Many still looked up to them, at least he thought so. Even Sootstar most likely held some sort of respect for this ancestor of theirs. " I've heard stories about you as a kit...how strange it is to actually get to meet you in person." he admitted, honesty leaving his tongue. Better to stay as true he could right now to not mess this up.

Hare Whierks smiles and dips his head, copper eyes burning within his skull as they rove over the young tom before him. "And it is an honor to meet you, Vulturemask, but you are no medicine cat yet. Your mentor was unable to perform the ceremony, so I am here to do just that. Once you are a full medicine cat, you may see me whenever you'd like. You will be the link between StarClan and the living that you will care for as a healer." He seats himself in front of the black-furred WindClanner and wraps his striped tail over his forepaws. Calmly, he blinks at him before beginning, "I, Hare Whiskers, call upon my clanmates in the stars to look down on this warrior. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat and will continue to do so with the help of StarClan and his fellow medicine cats. With our help, he will serve his clan for many moons. Vulturemask, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" He levels the young cat with an intense stare, one that holds seasons upon seasons of wisdom within it. This is no small vow he is asking him to make.

Vulturemask would straighten himself up once the ceremony begins and listen carefully to every word that was being said. All of it seemed fair enough for him until Hare Whisker come to the end of the vows he was expected to make.See past rivalry between clans?, to protect all cats equally?. This was new information Vulturemask had not been prepared to vow for. Did they even know what they where asking of him right now? when serving under a cat like Sootstar. Did they even know her?. Obiviously windclan was standing above all the other clans and to expect him to try to convince that blue smoke that it was his job to heal all cats equally no matter where they came from. That for sure was not an easy thing they demanded of him to do here. He was starting to understand more Dandelionwish now with the position he had stood on if he had made the same vows like he was about to do. To put his own life at stake just to keep them.

There was no straight-away answer coming from the medicine cat. He really took this words in to carefully think them through before he finally decided to give his answer. " Yes i do." He had no idea if he could keep his vows or not in that very moment not knowing if he even agreed with all of it but this was things that should be left unsaid.

Hare Whiskers lifts his chin expectantly, his ears angled forward as the young cat states his vow. He straightens himself and raises his tail high in the air before proudly declaring, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I name you a true medicine cat. StarClan honors your devotion and intelligence, and the stars welcome you as a full medicine cat of WindClan." He moves forward on starry white paws before coming to a halt directly in front of the black tom. His muzzle is rested atop his head similar to what a mentor would do. Without Dandelionwish here, it is all he can do to at least play the part.

The tabby-and-white tom steps back and lets his auburn gaze rest upon Vulturemask, now a full medicine cat. "Congratulations, and serve your clan well. The other medicine cats will guide you. Together, you five will share and learn the knowledge needed for the cats of the forest to stay safe." He dips his head in respect before his form begins to fade away. With him, the clearing fades as well until the darkness awakens the dreamer.