private pursuit of happiness | doompaw

Jun 30, 2023
Zappaw had cut deep within her self-image, the names she had called her settling deep in her heart. But she hadn't been alone, no- warriors had come to her defense, she had hid under Dogskip, but the most important thing to her was that Doompaw had been there. He had probably gotten punished for it, but he had defended her, and she feels gratitude warm in her chest. She should probably tell him how much it meant to her,

She seeks him out, like how she sought Duskpool out, clamoring towards him when he comes through the camp entrance. "DOOMPAW! HUHLLOOO!" she beams, tumbling over her words too fast to correct them. She play-crouches, excitement in her eyes as she wags her tail. "Hi, Doompaw! Can you play with me- OH, no, thats not..." oh, that wasnt what she was going to say! "I wanna say, uh, thank you. Did you know you're my best-est friend ever? Zappaw could never ever be as good as you, even if Fuh- Fireflypaw said that we'll have to fight together one day." she giggles. "You were all like BLAM! And KERPOW!" she jumps like Doompaw did, swiping out with a paw. "It was REALLY cool!"

And yet, even as she says it, she feels a little lonely. She missed playing with him, even if their last excursion had led to a painful discovery for both of them. She missed beating up Cinderkit together, even if the other kits all ganged up on them for it at the kitten gathering. "Can you tell me cool apprentice stories? Have you fought a badger yet? Or- I bet you have! You've probably killed eight HUNDRED of them!" and thats a number she cannot count to so it has to be good! "Pretty puh-lease?"

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 3 months
    -> kitten at skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like milk & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
His ears are flat when he enters camp, moss in his jaws. He’d been punished, alright—tick duty, clearing the bedding away for the elders and in the nursery, and moss-gathering have been all he’s been permitted to do for the past few days. The small white tom doesn’t regret his actions, however; whatever Sparrowsong and Fireflypaw say, he does not ever intend to fight beside Zappaw… and anyway, she had started it, not him! Just another instance of adults being unfair. He should be used to it.

He perks up slightly as Pearlkit bounces his direction. “Play? Can’t, I’ve got chores,” he explains, dropping his moss sullenly at his feet. But he smiles as she begins to hype herself up, mimicking the moves he’d thrown against Zappaw. “I was pretty good, wasn’t I? I would’a given ‘er some scars to remember me by if Sparrowsong and the others hadn’t wandered by.” He rolls his eyes. “She’s the biggest crybaby in the Clan, so I don’t know where she gets—” He is silenced by Pearlkit’s exuberance.

And he smiles. “Ain’t seen a badger yet, but I saw something better. Two somethings better,” he confirms, lifting a forepaw so he can ruffle the fur atop her head. “Aw, alright, I’m sure Twitchbolt won’t mind if I take a little break…” His eyes scan for somewhere quiet to sit, and he gestures for Pearlkit to follow him to a corner of camp. “Okay, okay, so first I fought a rogue! He was trespassin’!

He springs to his paws, rump wiggling. “We were up’n the trees, right? And Orangeblossom sees this ugly old rogue stealin’ our prey, and no one was doin’ nothin’ but talkin’ to him!” He smirks, eyes twinkling. “I jumped from the trees and fought him off! He was so scared he won’t ever show his face here no more.” Doompaw hops. “And I met a monster… me and Plaguepaw fought it!” Okay, this story is less exaggeration and more outright fib, but he doesn’t flinch from this realization.

  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
  • Haha
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