camp Pushing The Thoughts Aside. | Intro


drink the evening blue.
Mar 28, 2024

she/her. afab. 8 moons. thunderclan apprentice. LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.


With the return of Howlingstar, questions regarding the details of her journey loomed heavy in the air. Although the chimera tabby was curious of her leader's disappearance, Crescentpaw knew it was best to keep her distance from the injured leader, thinking that she must want peace and quiet after such a traumatic event had occurred, and so closely to the threat of the wolves. She attempted to not let the lingering feelings of curiosity dwell within her, to focus herself on her mourning Clan-mates, hoping there was something she could do to help them in some small, incremental way. Rising from her sure, steady paws, Crescentpaw trotted from across camp towards the apprentice's den to see if she could rally anyone to help tidy up the Nursery, or perhaps even the Elder's Den. Her chocolate and white tabby fur ruffled in the gentle breeze as she made her way over, causing a shiver to run down the molly's spine. Crescentpaw steeled herself, then poked her head inside, her large, pale blue eyes peering into the darkness owlishly. "Anyone awake?" She whispered into the shadows, hoping there might be someone to accompany her. She didn't much enjoy doing chores alone, but she would if she needed to. It was the least she could do after all her Clan had endured.

  • ooc . . .

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to tba.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍

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જ➶ So much has happened and honestly she feels rather drained. Her nest is so soft and comforting even as she twists and stretches out her body. Sleep has taken her multiple times and without any dreams. Really she is grateful for that given she is sure that she woild have nightmares. Either of faceless wolves or giant gripping claws. A soft yawn pulls her white stained maw wide before she turns her head to stare at the entrance of the apprentice den. Only to witness Crescentpaw sticking her head in and asking of anyone is awake. Blinking Dust shifts her amber orbs around before she pushes to her paws. "Mhm...I am." She gives a small tired smile as she slips her way around the other to emege into the outside world, arching her back and trying to get her body warmed up. Honestly she needs to get moving.

"What did you need, Crescentpaw?" Keeping busy is always a good thing. And besides she does have to go out training later on so why not get a headstart on chores or whatever else needed to be done.

As Crescentpaw's sensitive gaze adjusted to the darkness, a pair of glowing eyes shone towards her in recognition. It was Dustpaw, her amber eyes blinking the slumber from her face, who answered. Crescentpaw was grateful for the help, she knew it was early, but she couldn't sleep the night prior. Thoughts of wolves and talons plagued her mind, leading her to wonder about her father, the sure possibility that her father was likely taken in a similar manner to Howlingstar. She thanked StarClan for keeping the tabby leader safe, and hoped that after all they had endured as a Clan, peace would fall upon them. As Dustpaw slithered beside her and out the den, Crescentpaw returned her smile, and followed her out. "I was thinking that Flamewhisker and the rest of the Queens might appreciate it if we freshen up their nests. I don't know… I'm feeling restless, thought I'd better make use of myself." She responded warily, her mind definitely elsewhere, but attempting to root herself to the ground as the two made their way towards the Nursery. @DUSTPAW

☆⋅⋆ ── briarpaw rolled in her nest, vying for an extra few minutes of rest until she was beckoned by her mentor. her denmates did not share her ideas apparently. crescentpaw poked in, whispering her question quietly. although yellow eyes peeled open and her head lifted, briarpaw did not jump at the inquiry.

either way, she was awake now. with a groan the dark furred molly stood and joined her peers outside of the den, teeth flashing with a yawn. "i doubt the queens would enjoy being kicked from their nests at the crack of dawn, might earn a claw to that pretty white ear."

"we could snag a warrior for some hunting. make sure they have warm breakfast, stretch our legs, it's a win-win." it was certainly a more exciting venture than spending the morning hunched over a nest tugging at moss.
  • OOC ⋆ ─

  • QhhzAbz.png
  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a well built solid black longhair with white markings narrowed yellow eyes.
    NPC x NPC / / apprentice to tba
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ battle info
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"It certainly wouldn't be a bad thing to get the queens something to eat." Softpaw commented in agreement with Briarpaw, rising from her own nest. Recent events had left her sleepless, and, like Crescentpaw, working was one way to rout that feeling. The kittens would no doubt be awake soon with the rising of the sun, and they could take care of the nests after the queens had properly been awoken by their own broods.

"I'd be more than happy to help you with the nests later on, Crescentpaw." She added, pushing her way out of the apprentices' den and into the dawn. She opened her mouth, letting the scents of the day enter her nostrils. With any luck, it'd be a relatively warm but not uncomfortable Newleaf day. Perfect for morning hunting.


Crescentpaw grew silent, slightly stung by how correct Briarpaw was. It wasn't like her to be so thoughtless, though she was a bit more absentminded lately. There was a lot to ponder about, ThunderClan was abuzz. "Would Howlingstar allow it?" She wondered aloud, following Briarpaw as the jet black molly strode past. "Even with the wolves driven out, are you sure it's safe?" Crescentpaw didn't want to appear as a coward, but she couldn't help but feel that breaking the Warrior Code wasn't in the cards for her today. Her pale eyes met Briarpaw's electric yellow, to which she quickly averted her gaze. She couldn't lie to herself, she found Briarpaw to be somewhat intimidating. As Softpaw's voice chimed in with agreement, Crescentpaw couldn't help but feel sheepish. "O-Okay, yeah, let's go." She said, dropping the subject and following the group. Surely Howlingstar had bigger issues than some eager apprentices wanting to hunt for the Queens and their kittens.

  • ooc . . .

  • Crescentpaw ☄︎ she/her, apprentice of ThunderClan.
    ➳ Sturdy, LH chocolate tabby/blue silver tabby chimera.
    ➳ Apprentice to tba.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍
