private put all your faults to bed || anxiety & comfort

Oct 9, 2022

He couldn’t stop pacing.

Four moons old. They would be turning four moons old tomorrow, and Howling Wind would want them apprenticed that early? They were hardly old enough to understand the grief Spotflare had burdened on his heart every time he woke up in the morning. He still had yet to grow used to sleeping in the warriors den, but that meant leaving his kits to sleep all on their own in the nursery. They had already lost their mother; why must he sleep so far away from them?

His stomach sank like a stone at the thought of his kits all huddled alone in their nest, and he swallowed hard, continuing to pace in a small clearing not too far from the camp entrance. Spotflare’s fur fluffed itself up at odd angles and his claws dug so harshly into the dirt that they were catching on the little roots, leaves and sticks littered about on the forest floor. One claw had just been torn, but he barely paid it any attention, ignoring the slight sting in his paw.
The last thing he wanted was to be separated from his kits, but separated he was already. After having the Clan code and traditions explained to him, Spotflare felt no better than he did prior, instead worrying himself away under the watching moonlight broken up and scattered across the undergrowth.

What if something happened to them? Would it have been better to stay at the barn and let my kits be handled by the twolegs? No—they would’ve hurt them, or ripped them away from me and given off to other twolegs… But they aren’t ready for apprenticeship, not this early! It’s too early for them! They could get killed by a fox or a badger or—or heavens forbid a snake or another cat! Patchkit’s too trusting, Spicekit would run straight into trouble, and Cherrykit could let other cats walk all over him, and their mentors might not even be kind! What kind of mentors would they even have? What kind of father allows his kits to do something like this so early? What kind of father am I—!

With a grieving, anxious-ridden howl loud enough for any cat close enough to hear, Spotflare crumbles to his trembling knees against a tree, claws dug into the trunk to hold himself steady.
”I’m sorry, Valiance, I’m so terribly sorry for leaving you! Please, wherever you may be now, tell me if I’m doing something wrong! Tell me you forgive me!” His voice chokes and fades.

The forest remained unresponsive except for the soft tweeting of a lonesome wren, sitting high up in the moonlit branches. Spotflare buries his head into the trunk and lets a quivering sob finally escape his throat.

// Thank you so much for sending me the link I can't believe I lost it 😭

The mournful howl was loud enough to catch the attention of the nearby hunter. She treads closer, a shrew clamped in her jaws and a worried gleam in her eye. The cry didn't sound fearful or panicked, so she doesn't rush, but that doesn't mean the deputy isn't concerned about what she had heard. Her job is to look after her clanmates, treat them as she would her own kits. If one is feeling pain, she is feeling pain.

She arrives in the clearing, eyes settling on the shivering form of Spotflare against a massive oak trunk. The tabby hesitates, brows tented and ears swiveling backwards. She'd known he'd lost his mate - it's why he's here with his motherless kits. She can understand that pain all too well. After a moment, the woman pads forward and sets the fresh-kill down near the roots before mewing gently, "Spotflare." She's trying to catch his attention, let him know that she's there. With a sigh, she sits down and moves to touch her tail-tip briefly to his shoulder. "Would you like to talk?"

His fur unexpectedly puffs up when he notices movement in his peripheral vision, and when he feels something touch his shoulder, he whips his head around, eyes dilated and claws unsheathed at the ready. When his gaze lands on Howling Wind, instant regret fills his stomach. He stands up, giving himself a rough shake to calm his nerves. "Shit, you snuck up on me, Howling Wind. I thought you were a fox for a second there." Spotflare could feel his chest tightening, and he forced himself to sit back down beside her.
She must've heard your wail. His ears flatten back slightly. "I apologize if you overheard me. I've not been feeling wonderful, and I needed a small break from camp for a while."

When she asked if he wanted to talk, though, Spotflare hesitated, before he gave a small sigh.

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt... I've only been wondering something. My kits--they're going to be apprenticed in a couple of days, but they're only four moons. Hardly old enough to even understand death, I've seen how Patchkit is, she's so... immediately trusting of everything. I have no idea where she gets it from. Hardly even aware of her own surroundings, she'll trip over her own four paws. Cherrykit's not too bad, but he doesn't seem to have an interest in clan life... I just can't imagine apprenticing them so early. How can we tell if they're ready?"
Of course these were all legitimate concerns, but Spotflare was worrying himself sick. He noticed the spots of blood on his paw from having a claw torn, and realizing that it was noticeable against his white fur, he quickly reached down to clean his paw free from the reddish brown spots.

Howling Wind flinches backwards for a moment, blinking in surprise before her small smile returns as her clanmate settles back down. "It's alright," She assures with a gentle chuckle, sweeping her tail around her body to lay neatly over her paws. He apologizes then for making noise, which she gives a silent shake of her head in response to. There was no need for an apology. He's clearly in agony over something.

She listens then as he confesses his concerns, and they seem valid enough. He's a father that's already lost so much - of course he's worried about his kits. But her job is to comfort him and assure him that it's the right thing to do, because that's what she truly believes. She ducks her head slightly, trying to meet his gaze with her own understanding eyes. "It's alright to be nervous for them. I don't think there's a parent in the entire forest who isn't nervous about their first litter being apprenticed. I know that you wish you could keep them small and safe forever - trust me, I do - but they're growing up. It's time for them to be apprenticed with all of the other kits their age and begin to learn the ways of the clan. They'll be learning to defend themselves, too." She adds on the last part in an attempt to bring him comfort. Battle training is a very important part of apprenticehood, after all.

”I’d be shocked if there was,” Spotflare adds with a weak laugh before glancing back at his paws, watching his claws curl in the dirt with one missing. [COLOR=D45959]”I wasn’t sure how well my kits would take it. The apprenticeship, I mean, but it seems as though they’re doing quite fine. They’re all excited to get out of the nursery, Patchkit and Spicekit most of all, but—“[/COLOR] He sighs, ”I suppose you have a point… They’re moving on from kithood. But I don’t hesitate on supporting them the whole way! I have to be there for them.”

Then, he pauses for a moment. He’s wondered about something for a while now, something he’s learned about living in a clan, and it had been persisting at the back of his head. Spotflare groans softly, and he leans himself against the trunk of the tree, feeling the bark rub against his fur.
”Do you ever wonder if you’re doing the right thing for them? Like—is that a normal thing? Forgive me for my questions, I wasn’t exactly raised with the best of childhoods, but I don’t want my kits being raised the same way I was.“

He’s seemed to relax now, resting his head with another, easier laugh. His shoulders, which were previously tensed up, visibly relaxed, and his fur was laying flat again.
”I didn’t know you had kits, though.”

Howling Wind smiles, eyes squinting as she trills, "I wouldn't expect anything less." It's obvious to any cat that he's a caring father. She has no doubt in her mind that he will be there to encourage and support his kits through their training. She blinks, ears pricking as he seems to pause in thought. When he finally speaks, she tilts her head.

"Do you think you're doing something wrong?" She questions with a quirk of her brow. He mentions his own childhood, and she can't help but be curious. Why in StarClan would he think he's giving his kits a bad childhood? She doesn't prod further. She's never been a nosy cat, and she doesn't wish to be in anyone's business but her own. Her smile returns to her face, however, as he brings up her kits. "Eight of them across three litters," She purrs proudly, rather surprised he wasn't aware of this. Eight of the clan's warriors were her own children, and several of the apprentices were her grandchildren! "Hollow Tree, Little Wolf, Lily Pad, Cobwebtail, Graystorm, Berryheart, Jackdawflight, and Raccoontail. All mine."

”That's a big family," Spotflare comments, and though his back was starting to ache again and a new exhaustion takes over him, he's at least welcoming to her support. She must understand, then, if she's had to handle so many children--and grandchildren.

When Howling Wind questions him about his worries, though, Spotflare hesitates. He's already revealed much to her and the thought of explaining his childhood makes him shift uncomfortably, so instead he responds, ”Oh, it's just parental worries, I'm sure. What I'm not sure, however, is how you can handle three whole litters. Patchkit alone drives me crazy sometimes, she's always jumping off the walls and going nuts over the silliest little things. Just a few days ago I found her staring transfixed at a lizard that had snuck its way into the nursery, and she would try to climb the walls so she could reach it."

His worries remained at the back of his mind, festering like maggots. He raises his head to look towards the sky, watching the stars twinkle above, appearing and disappearing behind the canopy of tree branches and leaves. A part of him wished they would talk and tell him what to do, but the vast, endless stretch of the night sky remained silent. He sat back with disappointment.
The plump tabby trills her amusement; she does have a big family! Now that her kits are all grown and having children of their own, it's growing even more. They're her pride and joy, truly. Gaze softened, she tilts her head at Spotflare and nods along in understanding. Parental worries. Understatement of the season. Without his mate, she can't imagine how much stress the tom is under, especially when other queens are having to care for his kits in the nursery while he is nestled in the warrior's den. It's a lot for a single father, she's sure.

Howling Wind chuckles at his story and shakes her head lightheartedly. "She's a rambunctious one. That's a sign of a good warrior, you know. She'll be great in her training and eager to learn everything she can. I'm sure we've got a tree-climber on our paws, too." Perhaps, if Patchkit's future mentor would allow, the deputy could take the girl out for some climbing lessons sometime. It's a good skill to have, she firmly believes!