put it into motion | kitten practice

In every situation you give me peace
Another huff expels from an ivory jaw as Sablepaw's skunk stripe form tumbles to the side in a practiced half roll. It was a move she'd been trying to perfect all morning. A controlled dodge. One meant for quick, split second avoidances. "No, again. That was far from a clean roll." The thought flared to life as she picked herself up from the previous attempt. Her brows pinch, taking a moment to analyze where she might have gone wrong before something finally clicks. There was not enough curvature to her spine when trying to spring back up. Leaving her movements stuttered rather than nice and fluid. "Focus!" She hissed internally, chastising herself. Boneripple was gone, but she could not let that weigh her down and affect her daily life.

"Focus..." Her internal monologue is softer this time as she takes a slow breath. Sliding into the appropriate stance, Sablepaw composes herself before launching herself sideways. Dropping into a roll she performed a single rotation, then proceeded to spring to her paws without her previous wobbling. "Finally." She muttered aloud, Perhaps now she could work on practicing the move with a sparring partner actually taking a swipe at her. "Maybe Fernpaw would like to spar with me near the river." As the thought crosses her mind she turns to seek the ginger tom out. But she halts abruptly, just barely stopping herself from bumping into Beekit who seemed to appear out of nowhere. Had she always been there? "Oh starclan!" She gasps softly, stepping out of the kitten's way. "I'm sorry Beekit, I didn't see you there. Did you need something?" She asked with a small smile. (@BEEKIT)
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
( 🐝 ) Originally the small kitten had found a small beetle, she tried doing her best hunters crouch as she followed after it before using a snowy paw to bat it onto its side where she watched it flail its legs in the air. Beekit watching for a heartbeat before reaching forward with her paw once more to help the small bug back onto its legs and watches it fly off into the direction of a familiar molly. Her large ears perk up and she starts to trot over with her curly furred tail in the air, she pauses realizing that Sablepaw is training and can't help but watch in awe. Beekit sits down deciding that this was a better way of spending her time than hunting after small beetles, owl sized eyes fixated on Sablepaw and watching the the half roll that the older molly performed a few times.

Beekit starts to ponder if Sablepaw would show her how to do that dodge maneuver if she asked and her thoughts trail off thinking about how she would become an apprentice within a moon. "Beepaw! I'll be Beepaw and I'll sleep in the apprentices den too!" She thinks excitedly to herself before letting herself drown in this brief daydreaming and wonders who her mentor would be. Maybe her fathers former apprentice? She seemed so interested in them and Beekit recalls how Iciclefang was teaching them how to fish for worms. Maybe she should find some more worms later, she liked worms. Cute faceless wriggling-

A voice snaps her back into reality and Beekit peers up briefly flinching as she realizes that Sablepaw nearly runs into her, fur rising briefly before laying flat once more. It seems that the both of them had been rather distracted and Beekit offers the older molly a sheepish grin "Hi Sablepaw!" She silently hopes that she had not frightened the other and would add with a shuffle of her mismatched paws "It's okay! I should've said something... Uh... How did you do that? Could you teach me?" Owl sized eyes glance up at Sablepaw, Beekit hoping that the apprentice would be willing to teach her something at the very least. She could perfect beetle hunting another time.
( tags ) Sablepaw... That was Boneripple's daughter. It was odd to think not too long ago that before she left Riverclan, the two of them had made a deal of some sort and bathed in the sun together. He had always known that Boneripple was different from them. Not in the fact that she was quite obviously a former Shadowclanner, but that she kept to herself. It was as if she feared joining them and becoming part of them fully. When he was with Boneripple alone she was different. She was playful, she laughed, she was nervous, she was scared, and she cried. She was like everyone else, but it lingers in his mind. Should I have asked her more forcefully about why she was crying? Maybe then she wouldn't have left. I can't say that we were super close, but maybe if she had one more ear that would listen... No, there is no use in trying to figure it out. Hey, Boneripple. I'll forgive you for not keeping your word, but please be safe.

Pikesplash shakes his head and it seems that he had been lost in thought while watching Sablepaw that he now sees Beekit approaching her. It brinfs a smile to his face seeing Beekit so nervous, but willing to learn from Sablepaw. He can't help himself from padding over to the pair and flicking his tail in greeting to both. What a difference between his children and Beekit. His children didn't necessarily ask others to teach them techniques, but what they did do was bite and mess with their older clanmates. Oh, he remembers when Otterpaw would snap at any cat near him. How Silverpaw ate sand and other questionable things. Sometimes I actually wonder if it's a good thing to miss having my tail bitten every night.

Nevertheless, he chuckles, "Looks like you have an admirer Sablepaw. Hmm let's see, you'll be apprentices together for a moon or so. I think... Sablepaw, I'd say there's no harm in training with your future denmate. It is dodging, so I doubt Cicadastar or Smokethroat would have too much of an issue with it? If anything I'll take responsibility." Sablepaw needs not to accept his proposition, but he hopes she does go through with teaching beekit a little bit about dodging. The only thing that would be any real harm is the ground. Who knows, maybe these two would make good friends. I can see them training with each other or chatting about... Stuff. Nothing wrong with making friends. Oh, right.

He turns towards Beekit and leans down, so the kitten feels respected and included. "Hiya Beekit! I see you're trying to get ahead in apprentice training. Sablepaw is pretty cool wouldn't you say? It's not wonder why you want to learn from her. But... Beekit you don't have to be so nervous! Sablepaw is not the type to bite your tail off for startling her. If you are worried, I'm sure if you say sorry, Sablepaw would forgive you."
In every situation you give me peace
The curiosity seeping into the kitten's voice caused a small smile to bloom upon bi colored lips. How did she do it? Well it certainly was not an overnight process, despite how desperately she wished it were. "Practice," Sablepaw uttered softly. "Cindershade teaches me everything I know." And now she was nearly ready for her warrior assessment. Where did the time go? She quickly realizes that it would only be a matter of time before Beekit is apprenticed herself. Which perhaps spurred her sudden interest in learning. The dark molly blinks in surprise when asked to teach, jaw falling slightly slack as if to object to the notion of teaching a kitten anything. Stars forbid the leader and deputy's child becomes hurt if she were to show the girl a simple maneuver.

A cold trickle runs down her spine at the thought of possible repercussions. "U-um...Beekit, maybe we could-" Sablepaw begins, yet stops as Pikesplash appears. No doubt to talk the younger molly out of it. However, much to her surprise he encourages it and even gives her permission. Periwinkle eyes flicker back to the excited kitten, eyes sparkling with anticipation. How could she bring herself to disappoint her? "Okay." Ebony shoulders sagging a bit in defeat.

The warrior shifts to address Beekit, singing praises she hardly expected to hear. Dark ears flush with rapid heat, as a demure smile overtakes her features. "Thank you Pikesplash." She voices, accented by a small dip of her head. Lowering herself to the ground she walks through the steps to a good roll. "Start on your belly like this. Then, when you start to roll tighten your core." Her paw reaches forward to gently poke Beekit's stomach "That will help your roll to go smoother."
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
( 🐝 ) Practice.

Beekit would remember that and nodded as Sablepaw told her that Cindershade taught her everything that she knows, the smaller molly starting to wonder who would teach her everything that she needed to know but that's a moon ago and she can't help but feel a little impatient. How she wishes to be an apprentice now, kitten games getting boring oftentimes and well, she could learn and explore different places as an apprentice. Her mismatched gaze focused on Sablepaw watching her carefully and could feel her large ears beginning to lay flat onto her head expecting the apprentice to tell her no which was understandable given the fact that she was a mere kitten.

She turns to see that Pikesplash has made his way over and began speaking to Sablepaw only to call her an admirer. He wasn't completely wrong, Sablepaw seemed like a capable individual and she had the best selection when it came to flowers, she notices from the corner of her eyes that the older molly's shoulders sag in defeat and Beekit is unsure about feeling bad about Sablepaw being put on the spot or excited that she would be learning something entirely new. "Maybe I can teach Cada and Starlight later." She thinks to herself and can't help but scrunch up her snout at the warrior.

Nervous? She was anything but nervous, the river princess would blink her bicolored eyes at the tomcat before speaking with a shake of her head "I'm not nervous! And I know she would," Beekit turns to Sablepaw once more uttering out the next words out with a wide, toothy grin present on her maw "She's my friend." Sablepaw had been nothing but kind to her, of course, she would see the other as a dear friend of hers. She simply hopes that Sablepaw feels the same way about her.

These thoughts pushed aside when the apprentice approaches her, Beekit listens intently to her friends instructions and can't help but feel just a bit confused. Tighten her core when she starts to roll. The river princess can't help the soft giggle that slips from her maw when Sablepaw pokes her belly but offers a curt nod before starting on her belly just as instructed and rolls, it's not the best and she wobbles a bit but looks to the older molly hoping she had done at least somewhat decently. It had been sloppy admittedly but she was just starting it wouldn't be perfect.

It seemed he wasn't the only older apprentice who was being approached by RiverClan's newest brood for advice. Though- Sablepaw was definitely a little bit better at it than him. Or, maybe it was just a specialty thing... she was a talented fighter, her claws honed by one of the lead warriors, and one of RiverClan's fiercer personalities. Fernpaw's mentor was equally as talented, but unlike Sablepaw he hadn't quite yet reached the levels of his mentor. Listening to Sablepaw speak was a learning experience as much for Fernpaw as it was Beekit.

He approached with a grin lit upon his face, a normal expression for the bright-pelted tom to bear. In a single eye of verdant green it was easy to tell that he was impressed, both with Sablepaw's advice and Beekit's attempt at following it. "It's a shame you won't be able to mentor her," Fernpaw said lowly, greeting his snow-splashed friend with a bump of the shoulder, humour in his tone. He didn't entirely mean it- he was sure Cicadastar would be careful to give Beekit one of the finest mentors in the Clan- but it might've been nice to see Sablepaw give advice in a context other than friend. Once she was a warrior, at least, Fernpaw would bet very good prey on her being quick to receive an apprentice.

Still-impressed, his attention flicked to Beekit. "And- you catch on quick, Beekit! The warriors'll be fighting for who gets to mentor you." A bit of encouragement never hurt anyone, did it?
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