put your sword down, dive right into the pain | beefang

Robinheart was not unobservant. She had noticed the initial move in of Beefang to the medicine den - uninjured and brimming with adoration. That honey sick glow of love haloing the newly named warrior and RiverClan’s medicine cat. If she were a cruel molly she’d voice her displeasure… but she feels quite the opposite.

Moonbeam deserved happiness just as Robinheart herself deserved her brief happiness with Brookstorm.

The heartache borne of brevity resurfaces when Beefang is no longer an uninjured resident of the medicine den. Cobwebs blanket the young warrior in ghostly shroud, poultices staving off the scent of lavender and mint that could have been had fate been cruel. Robinheart does not know the whole story of how these injuries came to be, but she doesn’t deem the whole story necessary to fuel her words.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she murmurs in the quiet lull afforded the patients, the din of camp decreasing as patrols took their leave and kittens were ushered into the nursery for a nap. Half lidded citrine eyes rest on bicolored form. The mottled queen blinks and continues on once she knows she holds Beefang’s attention. “Been reckless, I mean. Warriorhood begets freedom, that I understand just as much as anyone,” beneath her pelt lie scarred flanks from a rogue ambush, her first patrol as a warrior ending in a collar stripped from her neck and a deep wound torn into Lichenstar’s, “but if my eyes have not deceived me then your recklessness could have devastated a heart purer than anything I’ve seen before.” Moonbeam needn’t face the heartache Robinheart feels daily - its a pain she wishes on no one.

“Sorry, that is maybe harsher than I intended,” she adds after a second, letting her words settle for a moment as her gaze flicks down to her paws. “I just… I don’t want Moonbeam to ever feel like how I felt when I lost Brookstorm. Her friendship means a lot to me.”

[ penned by kerms ]