Queen of beasts — ✦ Houndshade


Lowering your expectations
May 26, 2024

  • Houndkit | Houndpaw Houndshade



    Hound — named in hopes of her growing into it, holds expectations of being a noble warrior who will guard their clan against threats.

    Opinion of name:

    Hound is not particularly fond of her name. It holds an expectation from her parents (and the clan by extension) that she doubts she can meet


    Gender — She/they + Non-binary (AFAB) + Fine with feminine terms

    Age — 10 moons

    ↳ ages real time on the 19th of every month

    Clan / rank — ThunderClan apprentice
    Penned by — Juice (ouijeejuice on discord)

  • Short description — A long haired chocolate smoke with golden eyes. / reference

    Physique — Hound is in height an average cat within ThunderClan's ranks. She has a broader build despite her insistent laziness, with broad shoulders and strong hind legs. Their chocolate smoke pelt is long and curly, she takes time to meticulously groom herself in an attempt to look busy. Due to this her fur is incredibly soft.

    She isn't bulky, her long and thick fur hides her potential as a strong warrior. Her frame is only viewed as delicate because of said fur, it's difficult to determine where the fur ends and where her body begins. Her eyes are a deep golden colour, they have a natural droop to them which gives her a tired appearance.

    scar/injuries▹ none present.


    scent — smells like oakmoss, veviter and honey
    voice — sounds tired, like they're on the verge of yawning but has a saccharine tone.

    demeanor — They have a resting face that can either be interpretated as a frown or a sneer depending on your attitude towards her. She often tries to carry a small smile when around others at camp but often forgets to hold it up. They try to present themself as uncaring and tired, often seen with a slouch, sluggish movements when in a non life threatening situation and often seen yawning and stretching.

    accessories/items — none present.

  • Personality traits
    (+) Calm, Eloquent, Witty
    (/) Unassuming, Pragmatic, Methodical
    (-) Lazy, Deceptive, Rude

    Misc personality indicators — True neutral, INTJ-A “The Architect”, 5w4 enneagram, Seven of Swords tarot


    Houndshade is inherently reserved and judgmental. She says few words but opts to have them count. More often than not they form strong opinions of others and that formulates her interactions going forward. She speaks her mind if asked, otherwise she dances around words. Using backhanded compliments or passive aggressive quips to highlight how she feels.

    She presents herself as lazy and unassuming. Refusing to do more than the bare minimum in public, in private she's extremely dedicated and often times the majority of her training is under the cover of stars when most of the clan is asleep. She hates the idea of having high expectations placed on them and prefers to be underestimated by those around her.

    She holds respect for Howlingstar but aside from that has a general displeasure towards authority in the clan. She will listen to them but she has a general dislike for those who they deem as trying too hard. Houndshade doesn't agree with the idea of burning yourself out for your clan and generally looks down on others that do.

    Other traits — Has a large ego, will excuse away criticism, More than happy to criticise others.


  • Generation — gen 1, child of NPC x NPC │ Littermates with 2 NPCs

    Status — lesbian / single / reluctantly crushing on Stagsnarl

    No mates / No children


    Mentored by npc / mentoring no one

    Friends — Stagsnarl, Braveheart
    Likes — Wrathpaw, Nightbird
    Dislikes — Raccoonstripe, Thistlepaw
    Enemies —

  • Interaction notes —
    MIGHT start fights / WILL end fights / WILL flee / WILL show mercy

    Excells at — tracking, diplomatic situations, fighting

    Neutral at — hunting

    Poor at — swimming, choices under pressure

    — Will be neutral when interacting unless something is done to upset her.

    — Is blunt and rude when upset, when in a neutral mood she will be passive aggressive and opinionated.

    — Moderate to befriend, Difficult to form close bonds, Difficult to romance.

    — Doesn't trust easily, tries to not be outwardly impressive with others to avoid expectations being placed on her. Is rude and isolating to avoid letting others down.


    Metaphor (the crane wives)

    “I've gotten good at making up metaphors
    I've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape
    And all these words are sweet and meaningless
    You can't trust a single thing I say”

    Therefore I Am (Billie Eilish)

    “I'm not your friend or anything, damn
    You think that you're the man
    I think, therefore, I am”

    Missing Out (Maya Hawke)

    “I remember my potential
    Before I skipped the fundamentals
    Before I ran from safety
    Hopin' someone would chase me”

    High Horse (The Crane Wives)

    “I keep tallies
    I keep score
    I'm a petty thing on a high, high horse”

  • ( One day I will be bothered to do this. Today is not that day )

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