QUELORIE MAGIC! | introduction / fortune telling


Apr 28, 2024

"The stars are telling me, that in your future... YOU'LL FACE A HORRIBLE, TRAGIC DEATH!! AND IT'LL BE PAINFUL!!"

Algaekit's quieted tone rose in a terrible tremor, like a baleful banshee's cries pinned naught to the earth, now crescendoing into a frightening climax. It seemed to reverberate along the open ground, perhaps even shaking the shades of the willows a little bit, as though the reeds and the fronds trembled alongside them. Long shadow of the little one cast like a deathly pall upon the kit, as if their cessation would meet them at this very moment, and it could not stay its hand any longer. The kitten who dared to volunteer themselves now scrambled away in tears, as though the sinister shadow of their abodance would tail them forever, and they had no choice but to run from an inevitable fate. Perhaps they would tell their parents of the horrible, no-good starmonger that had scared them out of their wits. A querent, most kits were. Algaekit's wiry countenance still held onto its impish grin, like she hadn't just been screaming bloody murder and direful end-times, and she waited for her next victim with patience in tow. He thought it was quite funny, how the child fled and cried, as if he were not right... All cats died, right? He had heard so from his mother and the other huddled queens. Why fight it, then? Death still felt so nebulous to Algaekit, a tick at the end of the wheel of fortune, rather than a tragedy to behold in all its furor. He wanted to understand, though.

Algaekit found herself enthralled in the vast swathes that made up the inner machinations of the world, like a fatiloquist born of fable and fleece, of kittish imagination yet insight almost too grand for one her age and size. Though her mind was far too woolly to ever conceive of such schemes, the beginnings of threads were beginning to show themselves to her, leading elsewhere into the mire of knowledge. He followed it, slowly now, though perhaps the pursuit would drive him mad someday. He noticed that there surely was a pattern in how the universe moved around him, shifting to accomodate him and his wiry form, as though it had vaticinated his very presence from its earthen palms. The clouds surely sold him some sign, in its arcane whispers of wisps and curls, whites much like his fur. The water must have spoken to him once or twice, in babbling language so unlike his own tongue, specks of light much like his spots. In crying kitten's case, it had simply been the way their whiskers had twitched that had informed Algaekit of their impending doom, as though the nervous gestures of the face had impersonated that of the heart. They had been twitching like mad, as if anticipation had manifested as electricity upon their countenance. And what else did one anticipate but death? (That sort of logic could only be followed by a madman such as herself.) "Who wants to get their fortune told next?" She mewled with an innocent twinge to her tone.

  • The kit Algaekit was telling a fortune for is a NPC but feel free to insert your character as that kitten!
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 3 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

"The stars are telling me, that in your future, you will face a horrible, tragic death, and it'll be painful!" Algaekit's voice rings throughout camp; the little kit regaled by his tales cowers from such a promising future. Iciclefang snorts at Robinheart's child's antics; Algaekit's talents are wasted on the kit she shouts at, it seems. The tortoiseshell warrior slips closer, one brow quirked with mirth. Her whiskers tremble as she struggles to hold in a smirk.

"Well, I would offer, but I don't know that I want that kind of future," she mews dryly. "But sure, I'll bite. Tell me my future, Algaekit." She sits before him, her tail curling about her paws as she indulges the kitten in his game.

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 26 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Pinepaw ; previously mentored Cicadaflight
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.


Algaekit's voice was shrill and ringing, declaring the apparent doom of another kitten- Ferngill winced heavily, his face crumpling into what could only be described as an awful cringe. Great StarClan, he hoped that kitten wasn't about to have the worst nightmares of their life... though hope could only go so far. As to how Algaekit had apparently reached that conclusion, Ferngill couldn't say. Solitary vision scanned the surroundings, for any, like ... leaf readings, or pebble arrangements. There was nothing of he sort, though... which only really worked to creep Ferngill out a little bit more.

But... well, kits would be kits, wouldn't they? Iciclefang's skepticism was clear on her sharp features, and Ferngill's eye wobbled upon her for a few fleeting moments, thoughtful... and uncertain. Did she really want that?

"I don't think you should tempt fate, Iciclefang..." Ferngill murmured, grimacing a little- there was some lightness in his voice, as ever, but there was a tiny little whispering worm of worry, too. He didn't really like ... messing with this sort of stuff, making predictions no matter how outlandish.
penned by pin

Perhaps it wasn't the best for a kitten to cry out the haunting prediction of a painful end to his denmates so soon after one had just been killed by their own, but Swirldance's train of thought does not near that connection. Fortunate for Algaekit that the tabby lacked any sort of self awareness herself, lest she would ruin the illusion he placed on these warriors!

"Speaking through the land of stars themselves..." Swirldance mused curiously as she stepped closer. "StarClan have already visited me once before, I do not doubt they will leave me behind much longer." Her tone is airy as she placed a paw to the marred skin of her throat before easily shrugging the memory away.


Algaekit's heart practically stopped within her chest as she heard Iciclefang's laconic intonation, as though the kitten were to get in trouble for her sidereal side-hustles, for those that did not understand were quick to snuff out such founts of light. At least the calico warrior humored him, sat down with a reedlike tail curled around her paws. Perhaps he should feel honored that such a grand presence were to make itself home in his audience, but honor and reputation did not transcend the innate workings of the world. Ferngill harbored more fear of fate within a wavering voice, like an antiphony of an afeared cantor, a response cobbled of a desperation rather than anything else of material substance. To Algaekit, to tempt fate was to dance alongside it, to befriend it rather than allow it to burden itself upon the crown of the head. Perhaps she was too young to truly understand the reluctance, but for now, she would revel in her supposed divinations. Swirldance spoke of Starclan in airy tones, as if a singsong bird lauding its throne upon the skies, syrupy strain that recounted a close encounter with the land of the stars. The fur belying the skin had been ripped from the warrior's throat... She had, perhaps, evaded her destiny once and had lived to tell the tale, or destiny had other intentions for her.

"Don't worry... Not everyone has a painful, tragic, and probably-totally-cool death!" She reassured with a chirrup and a smile upon twisted-wire features. "Iciclefang... You shall have a life that goes up-down-up-down, with many goods and many bads. In the near future... Your nest will be extra cozy. As for you, Ferngill, you shall have happy days in greenleaf. Soon, you shall meet someone new but important. And Swirldance, you shall find yourself helping a kit. With what? Well, I dunno. The stars didn't tell me!" Ivory teeth glimmered from where they hid in plain sight.

  • OOC:
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  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 3 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Foxkit had been settled nearby, listening to his sibling's fortune telling with round orange eyes. Tufted ears twitching as Algaekit spoke, he watched quietly as the older cats expressed their skepticism. Algaekit was just being silly. After all, no cat could truly know the future. Foxkit suspected that even the heavenly warriors of StarClan sometimes weren't sure which way the tides might turn. He hoped that Algaekit's latest fortune victim wouldn't take it too seriously.

But, still curious of his younger siblings ideas of what his own fate might hold, Foxkit stood and bounced over to where his clanmates stood. He stumbled slightly as he halted, spreading out his forepaws awkwardly to catch himself. "Do me!" he chirped. "I want to know my fortune!" He paused for a moment, eyes narrowing as if considering something, and then added, "And it can't be that I'll fall down at some point, I fall down all the time so making that my fortune is cheating."

How hypocritical it is of Eveningpaw — or rather her body, as instinct alone pushes her ears backwards to lie atop her skull, a natural reaction to the loudness that erupts from Algaekit. Self-awareness is something learned; definitely not gained this soon, so Eveningpaw does not consider how some of her peers display much the same reaction when she talks. In fact, the volume of Algaekit's exclamation is not what's bothering her... there is something else that keeps her here, even when some of the audience already hurries away to the safety of their mothers.

A horrible, tragic death... ups and downs... an easy, pleasant life. Is there a pattern? She doesn't miss the fact that Ferngill hadn't even requested his fate to be foretold. Algaekit seems to spew all her valuable knowledge to whoever might be in the vicinity. Eveningpaw tries not to show her anxiety over what he has in store for her.

Foxkit volunteers, so maybe there's a chance Eveningpaw will be spared... but the moment she narrows her eye in vague suspicion and opens her maw to talk, well- surely, bringing attention to herself will not save her. "How do you know everybody's future? Isn't that medicine cat stuff?"

macabre words from a muzzle so small, it’s enough to pause the warrior with his idle sewing and weaving of a few reeds into the edges of the frayed ends of the warrior’s den. Dogteeth’s sky hued eyes blink owlishly but a smile splits his blonde lips. Each and all gather around to humor this tiny prophetic in their musings.

Iciclefang is next, Ferngill seems faintly hesitant perhaps from the voodoo of it all. Dogteeth believed in something, a thread between what was said and what could be real. Karma, be it good or bad.

Swiftdance rubs against scars along their throat and speaks ominously, Dogteeth’s smile fades and he sets aside his weavings to pad over to the group this is when Algaekit begins Iciclefang’s reading. Cat after cat, fate sewn by a kitten. Amused, Dogteeth settles on his side and listens.

" knowing the future would be a great burden ... I do not envy you, Algaekit" he decides, offering nothing but a smile.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite | large teeth
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
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