quiet uptown ;; priv



It easts him alive, the guilt. He'd asked Twitchbolt back then to carry his own parents, didn't realize how insensitive it could have been. Just because he'd have carried his own father's body, his own family's, didn't mean everyone else could. Not everyone was desensitized to death, not everyone had parents who died over and over and over again nine times over. Not everyone was numb to seeing the gore, the blood.

Twitchbolt was an adult now, wasn't he? Or a young adult, he supposed. But that didn't mean he was invulnerable. Quillstrike made sure that Fireflypaw knew that he fucked up, could almost feel the distance between the two of them. Fi couldn't deal with it anymore, the distance. And so, when he spots the two warriors' scents making their way out of camp, Fireflypaw follows rather quickly to catch up to the blurry figures of his friends.

"Hey! Uh- Can we.. Talk?"


Quill had never bothered to hide the fact that he wasnt happy with Firefly. From day one, when he'd asked their traumatised friend to carry the mangled corpse of their own parent, the chimera had made no attempt to mask his disapproval, openly ignoring them in conversation and refusing to give the blue-eyed tom his attention outside of deathly glares whenever they came around to speak to Twitch. A younger, more volatile Quill might have reacted more.. aggressively, but his time with Thistleback had taught him a new type of patience, a new way to endure.

And so it was only weeks later, after Firefly called him out for acting so coldly toward them, that things came to a head. Quill was still smart enough not to take thigns to far, but he hadn't held back on letting the other know just how badly they'd screwed up in his eyes. Sensitivity was far from the warriors strong suit, but even he had been able to see how poorly it would have gone if it had been Twitchbolt forced to carry them, blood and gore spilling over him... Even Quill still sometimes got the chills from it, and he didnt even know or care about the corpse.

Twitch would have never been able to get it out of his head, out of his nightmares.

To be perfectly honest though, Quill had almost forgotten his frustration toward Firefly. The chimera didnt see much of them, one of the perks of being a warrior being that he got to choose where he went and with who, and since Twitch had been in a better mood overall it meant that Quills mind was free to wander from that protective headspace he'd been in. And that meant thinking about the bad things less.

Of course, that didn't mean that he'd forgiven Firefly yet.

His usually blank expression shifted into something akin to annoyance as he watched the other approached, claiming they wanted to 'talk'. Quill didn't mind being civil to them in public, but alone like this, when they still hadn't properly apologized to Twitch?

"About what?" he asked, gaze shifting to Twitch to try and get a read on them. Was Fireflypaw bothering them? Were they okay with this? He was pretty sure they were still friends, but still...

skyclan - male - 12 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

It was perhaps uncharacteristic of Twitchbolt to be so oblivious to something, but the tension between Quillstrike and Fireflypaw had for the most part gone entirely unnoticed. Ironic, with it being on his behalf- but in truth, it had never been interpersonal relationships that he had worried over. Rather- the gnashing jaws of ravenous foxes, the baying and barking of dogs, the heavy, rolling paws of monsters... those were much more cause for concern.

Hearing Fireflypaw's call, Twitchbolt swivelled so suddenly it was a wonder he did not fall over. The sudden call- and the equally sudden realisation that someone was seeking him out- struck the bicolour warrior with all the grace of a falling oak tree, though he soon settled. Aside from the eternal shudder of his muscles, the occasional namesake... his composure was regained relatively quickly.

"Huh...?" A small hum of confusion fled from him at Quillstrike's abrupt response, but he let his gaze wobble between the two of them, meeting the mismatched gaze of his best friend for a snapshot of a second before focusing fully upon Fireflypaw. "Yeah, sure," and it was a polite acceptance, despite the- weird tension. Was he even meant to be here? Had he been mistaken, and Fireflypaw hadn't really been asking after him...?
penned by pin ✧
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