QUILLSTRIKES FAMILY [angst plot? evil cat? preggers shecat?]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


These will not necessarily be first come first serve- I want them to go to people who I think will keep them active and will put in the effort to build a family dynamic, so that being said, please don't be upset if your not chosen!

These adopts are for the family of Quillstrike, a warrior of Skyclan whose been around for quite a while now. He had a very rough childhood growing up since he was the product of an affair, which led to his father not treating him well at all (we're talking physical and verbal abuse/humiliation). This is something his sister would have seen but never been subject to herself, being the 'favored' child by the father and hrboring a lot of guilt because of it. Her and Quill were quite close at one point, her being the only member of the family that didn't hate or regret him being there. In the end it was this that drove him to leave for Skyclan, thinking it would be a better life for her if he just left. No more screaming, no more fighting- Quill would just go away and let them be a family.

There are 2 spots available in these adopts, and they will come with a bit of backstory that's expected to be worked into their character. Please keep that in mind going forward, and note that if you fall inactive or no longer wish to RP one of these characters, they will be adopted back out unless arrangements are made.

(You may name these characters, add to their personalities, and fill in their historys/bckstoryas as you choose, so long as you work in the pre-existing notes made)

Quillstrikes Father (Unnamed Tom - 46 Moons)-- A large, ginger tom with low white marking and hazel eyes. His mate cheated on him with a tomcat which resulted in the birth of Quill and essentially ruined everything. He's a short tempered tom who likes to be in control and who isn't afraid to put his claws in someone to emphasize a point. He's very stern, and has a history of being an absolute monster to Quill, essentially taking out all the rage they held about the affair out on him- to the point where Quills mother wouldn't even properly take care of him because she feared that showing any affection toward her son would just farther make him a target of his fathers cruelty. So that being said, this is a cat who has an immense hatred of Quillstrike. Upon showing up in Skyclan, I imagine he would try to keep this in check around others to an extent- just enough to not get himself immediately kicked out.

Quillstrikes Sister (Unnamed Shecat - 13 moons)-- A ginger tabby shecat with green eyes, this is Quills biological half sister through his mothers side. Kind and fiery in her youth, she'd hissed and spat at their father in an enraged panic more than once when he got aggressive with her older brother, but ultimately her lack of understanding left her emotionally confused and scared, not able to grasp whyy her brother and father -both of whom she loved and who treated her well- seemed to hate each other so much. Her and Quill were quite close growing up, her innocence to the entire situation allowing her to view the chimera not as a symbol of their broken family, but as the older brother who took care of her and always treated her kindly. In kind though, her father had always treated her like she was the center of the world, never so much as raising his voice against her- at least, until recently...

So the idea is that back in twoleg place after Quill left, things did seem to get better as their father calmed down. He was still an ill tempered, stern tom with a no-nonesense attitude, but it felt far more like they were a regular family- until quills sister ended up pregnant. Her father flew into a rage, demanding to know who'd 'sullied' his precious daughter, but her refusal to give a name only made things worse. In the midst of all this, cats are being trapped by the twolegs and carted off to the shelter, never to be seen again. Quills mother is one of them. Sick both physically and emotionally, she was euthanized and never seen again. Quills sister, now terrified that left alone with her bitter father, her own kits will fall subject to the same treatment as her brother, she convinces him that the city isn't safe, and that the only option is to join the nearby forest clan.

Thus, the two arrive on the skyclan border, Quills sister heavy with kits while their father stands nearby.

Important Notes-- Quill and his sister keep whatever happened when they were kids under tight wraps. Very few cats canonically know exactly what went on when Quill was a kid since he came from twoleg place, but there are some who've seen the savagery he's willing to resort to in order to avoid his pastlife (mainly those who were there when he was an apprentice and saw him try to rip out another cats throat in the middle of camp). Why he did this though, is a mystery to most when it comes to the details.

- Quill and his sister will have a good relationship going forward. They've always been close and have always cared about each other, and they both harbor a lot of guilt about what happened when they were young, wishing they could have made things easier for the other.

- Quill and his father are not going to have a good relationship going forward. While Quill won't bring up anything to his clanmates about him because he doesn't want to expose what happened to him as a kid, there will be obvious tension between them and I am VERY open to side plots between these two, including murder attempts and other angsty/violent crap, so bonus points to anyone who would be open to that. You also have the freedom to work out exile plots, murder plots with other cats, or anything you want with him- he's generally just a horrible guy so take full advantage of that- just keep in mind I'd like him to be in Sky for at least a bit to set the tone for some stuff with Quill, so no immediate exiles or getting him killed off right away :D

- For his sister in particular, it should be noted that her relationship with her father isn't horrible. He treated her well and they were always close, and she truly does love him and see that he's capable of being an amazing father and great cat, and this causes her to struggle with knowing whats right and whats wrong. What she doesn't struggle with is her newfound fear. Her fathers been more agitated and controlling since she became pregnant and they lost her mom to the humans. While she keeps telling herself shes being silly, there's a part of her that isn't willing to take chances with her kits safety, which is why she pushed so hard for them to join Skyclan, where other cats will be around.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


named 'raspberry' for
will also respond to berry or razz

13 months | ages realtime on the 00th

female [afab] | she/her

single | panromantic | pansexual | polyamorous
crushing on: n/a
in a relationship with: n/a
previously in a relationship with: npc

skyclan | queen
mentored by: n/a
mentoring: n/a

ginger tabby she-cat with bright spring-green eyes and a white tail tip | ref.
scars & injuries: about 1 moon pregnant
accessories: n/a

kind | reassuring | supportive | loyal | hesitant
a peacemaker at heart, raspberry is a rather contradictory feline. where she can be kind and reassuring, she won't take sides in an argument; and where she is loving and loyal, her loyalty is often spread far and wide - even to those undeserving of it. a true neutral party even towards her own thoughts and emotions. she is a hesitant and often passive presence most days, flickering back and forth between her friends and family as she passes the time, all warm smiles and glittering eyes. but with her family situation as it is, she often feels stuck in the middle - her heart pushed and pulled around in an endless game of tug-of-war that neither side ever wins.

npc x ??? | gen 01
sibling to: quillstrike

physically medium | mentally medium
strengths: persuasive, speaks well, good hunter
weaknesses: fighting, won't take sides, deathly afraid of heights
will: run, end fights
wont: start fights, attack kits/elders
might: maim, kill

attack in bold #color

Might add more to this later this is very barebones