Jul 21, 2023
A furrow to his brow marks the beginning of an avalanche. Saltsting does not express himself in any great measure, yet as he stands above Boneripple where she rests it is with thoughtful confusion clear upon his face. His shoulders are held back and strong, his tall ears perked, yet his eyes intense. It has been many moons since he thought of his life as it had been. Before RiverClan and Cicadastar, he had known only the marsh. Those few short moons with his mother were...unpleasant. It feels selfish to say so. Certainly some had known a worse life than the kitten who was fed by a loving family. Yet he knows that the suffering of others did not negate his own discomfort with the memories. Were there others that carried the same? Did they know more than he? Feel more than he?

Another standing here may see fit to judge. Saltsting, by comparison, seeks only information. The expression is troubled but never cruel. "Boneripple," he greets with smooth deference, his head ducked. Dark eyes never leave the warrior's face. There is something I would ask if you, if you see fit to answer. Before you came to RiverClan, you remained in the marsh. You were their healer. Was it better, after the battle?" His eyes narrow gently, near vulnerable, head still lowered. "Do you regret leaving?"

  • ooc: please wait for @BONERIPPLE !!
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"
જ➶ The sun is a burning thing but she keeps herself in it if only to feel the warmth that burns her fur. After continuously having eyes on her throughout the day she has decided to take a break and just relax within camp. Though soon cool shake slips over her form and she feels the presence of another. One eye opens to perceive who it is, gaze of fire focusing on Saltsting. He looks pensive, steeped in deep thoughts and for a moment she almost asks him what has him so locked up in a mental vice grip. Yet he beats her to it as he finally opens his jaws and asks something that surprises her. For a moment she just stares at the tom, caught up in her shock and sudden memories. Her eyes, both wide,
look away and she breaths in a slow and easy breath. It's been some time since she has had to think about it and she finally pushes herself to sit up. "I don't mind the question." She begins still reeling from being caught off guard. Though the shadow kissed warrior tries her best to formulate her answer properly. "Hm..." Her paws shuffle, ears pulling back before she focuses on the last question first.

"I do not regret leaving. not the same as the Marsh Colony I grew up in. Despite familiar faces. While I was there hurting a kit seemed plausible though I suppose they would refute that now." Plus Smogmaw as she has learned is the deputy now. Though she only left in the hopes of finding her mate and lost son. Her plans to return were inevitable but after the words spat at her for giving her position to her niece she did not want to go back. For the sake of her unborn. Now for the first question and she frowns a little. "Personally I...I don't know, Saltsting. It didn't feel like it. It felt like Shadowclan had one tragedy after another. Fire, cats dying left and right. Losing leaders much faster than any clan should. I could...I never had a hope of being their medicine cat when nothing I did ever saved a cat's life. I left the role because it...I felt Starclan had made a mistake in trusting me to heal when all I did was cause death." This is how she feels to this day. Coming to Riverclan was supposes to be a new beginning and a fresh start, a reform. Her fiery hues look sad and her smile even sadder. "Life is full of changes, isn't it?"
It is good that she seems unbothered. Truthfully, Saltsting had not considered the alternative. That she might have taken offense to his question only occurs to him after she had answered in the affirmative. If you see fit to bother was routine respect– to him, it was not truly an option. He takes that thought and whisks it away to be thought on later, once the turmoil inside of him has soothed some. Though it does not show on his face, it feels as if he is caught up in some insurmountable storm. Her words do not help him navigate it any. For the briefest of moments, he is glad that his mother moved to SkyClan. Though it shamed him when he came here, that RiverClan would know of his father and all that had happened. That she had taken a kittypet as her mate, and raised his offspring as tensions rose ever higher.

If ShadowClan remained mired in war, SkyClan was a far better option regardless. And RiverClan as well. Had she left for selfishness? Was such a decision acceptable to make? Had StarClan chosen wrong? His tail lashes some, back and forth– not in irritation with her, yet something else entirely. Slowly, he settles to his belly nearby. "I do not know that StarClan makes mistakes. Nor do I know if they are beyond them, alive as they once were." Perhaps those words were meant for comfort. It is strange that he should attempt such things, particularly for one so much older than he. A warrior who has seen far more than the kitten he had been. "What we make of their decisions is the only thing that matters."

After a moment, as equally slowly as before, he asks: "Do you remember the marsh positively at all?"

  • ooc:
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"
જ➶ Those words that he speaks do bring her some solace. Some comfort in this now cold world that she finds herself in. Reminded day in and day out that she does not belong. In a place where her paws used to roam freely without restraint suddenly she does not belong. Her eyes close and she thinks of what he says instead. Her heart can not turn into a jagged icicle against these cats who think that. He is right, it is what we make of their choices. Perhaps she was selfish in her own endeavors, thinking only of herself before the newly formed clan. As he settles close to her she nods quietly. "You are rather wise, Saltsting. I wish I had perceived that moons ago." Honesty clings to her tongue. Perhaps if she had then things would have been different. Maybe her reactions reversed but she can not continue to dwell on what choices she could have made. Instead her paws shift and she stretches to spread the gleaming weapons out. Flexing just slightly she turns her eyes toward the moving and roaming clan.

"Do you?" The woman counters with a small and quiet laugh. Yet she is not trying to force anything from. Instead she continues on. "Yes I do actually. Although it is from a time before the clans existed. Ah, you know that well enough. My sister and I were not born in the Marsh Colony but accepted into it when I was a young kit. Hare took care of us, our parents had died and Briar was all I had." The sisters were close, inseparable even. Then she had to watch her sister die nine times on that thunderpath. She still can't think of it.
( tags ) I knew you were once a Shadowclanner, but what's the Marsh Colony? Pikesplash had been relaxing near Boneripple, and he would be lying to say he wasn't nosey. He was interested in how Bonerippple would answer because he did know she was once a Shadowclanner, but that's about it. The fact that she was also part of this thing called the Marsh Colony was new to him. What else has she seen? Then, to hear Boneripple once being a medicine cat was the most shocking of all. Boneripple was a cat he percieved as someone who kept to themselves. She did participate in Riverclan activities and would be found with some clanmates, but he wouldn't say she threw herself in the crowd. He didn't think it was because she felt uncomfortable, it was more of a mixture of not knowing how to dip her toes in to Riverclan and she wasn't thrilled to throw herself into the crowd.

He understands the pain of feeling like you are not enough. Shadowclan is far from Riverclan. He can't say he's ever run into a Shadowclan cat other than Boneripple. He only knows that Shadowclan excels in the dead of night and that they are excellent hunters. They rule the dark, while Riverclan rules the waters. To hear such a fearsome had a time of constant loss fills him with sorrow. If that were to happen to Riverclan and he happened to be the medicine cat... I don't know what I'd do. He glances at Boneripple. You're stronger than me. From what he gathers, the Saltsting and Boneripple come from the marsh.

The conversation is far too interesting he rises to his paws and finally decides to play an active part in the conversation. He nods at both of them and rather awkwardly begins, "U-uhm. Hi. I was uh listening and was c-curious, what was the Marsh? Marsh Colony like? I don't know much about the clans when they... weren't the clans."
જ➶ The last thing she expected was for someone else to be interested in her story. She blinks her sunset eyes, gaze pensive for a moment as she gives Pikesplash a small smile. He seems awkward but that is no issue for her. She supposes it is because they hardly converse together and really she doesn't mind getting to know her clanmates. Doesn't mind as long as everyone can be respectful in that regard. "The Marsh Colony?" She begins like a small question and it also seems like a lifetime ago before she shifts her paws and tucks them underneath herself. "It's definitely different than what we have now. The Marsh Colony used to preside over all this territory actually. The river, the marsh, the moorlands...we used it to keep everyone fed." It was a big colony then and she tips her head up for a moment in thought. They settled at first with peace when the Pine colony came but it did not last very long. "We didn't have the names that we do now. I was known as simply Bone. My sister, Briar. Some had two part names but not exactly like what warriors had."

A thoughtful hum lifts from her throat as she thinks before a small snort leaves her. "There was no deputy and no medicine cat. Less still was bloodshed. I feel like I've seen much more of that and more since the formation of the clans. But I suppose you can say all of that started with the Great Battle." The abuse of power from Windclan was one such thing she thinks and she looks to the ground.
the mottled tom knew not if it was common knowledge, his relationship to boneripple. something long-standing, a closeness born from childhood and greyed as they age, experience life outside of hare whiskers colony. perhaps that was why his ears perk — why he overhears, turns his head to look at this from his place shaded not too far away. boneripple is talking, reminiscing, and each word stakes confusion into his chest. she speaks as though it were a time to remember fondly, as if they had been better off. pikesplash and saltsting settle aside her, asking questions, the latter far more concise about his take in her departure from shadowclan. with a flick of his tail, he turns his head, makes clear his eavesdropping.

" we were starving. " to be considered a cold opening he was sure, but one nonetheless — his expression is still, slitted snake eyes lifting from the glinting scale and shredded white meat lying haphazardly between two ivory paws. a meal like this would have been a rarity, something once in a lifetime, ” when the pine group had moved in, they’d taken a section of land with them.. kittypets that hadn’t know their tails from their teeth — drew our prey away. hare whiskers colony was condemned to the marshes. “ inexperienced house pets, clambering at the ground and trees for something that wasn’t dry, dusted kibble. he looks at boneripple, curious beneath the hollow glint in his eye, ” bone and i had grown up together, raised to survive on toad and crowfood. the outlands were wild and rogue - filled, rampant with predators. there were no patrols, and no protection. to hunt beyond the mud was near certain death. “

he thinks of dewdrop, her kits — fox scent and blood, childrens cries. he thinks of a familiar blue - grey coat, hard green eyes. he thinks of lost family, verbal assaults, ” you were young then, saltsting. “ his gaze reaches back towards the tom, let’s his cool gaze flit absently over the fish hook splash of ivory to touch his muzzle. he draws a tongue over the warped side of his maw, dampens the jutting canine there, ” when the battle took place, we were tearing wounds into one another for a measly mouse or squirrel. often i’ve tasted more the blood of a loner, than the meal id fought them for. “ he thinks of honeytwist. wide, frightened eyes mirroring his open jaws, pearl teeth. would he have killed her, for a piece of prey? his sunken stomach at the time had screamed yes, ” it was like.. leafbare, each sunrise. we’d nothing but our own misery. “ perhaps dark, but he would sooner bite his own paws off than return to living how he had. no bloodshed.. it was nearly laughable.

his ears perk and his head snaps upward, ears lowering at the insinuation, ” but she is correct in one thing. there were no healers, no leads or deputy. there were no laws, no borders, no promise of prey. “ its slow, pointed, a glance down towards the fish beneath him, splayed and gutted.. he would have taken a life for this, moons ago. his paws burn and he thinks of a large, blue shaded tom, and suddenly the edges of his vision dot black stars. rain, ” here, all the fish, bird and vole beyond our rivers belong to us. each living, breathing creature — we catch, and we bring back. “

bloodshed. ” but there, we were at eachothers throats. some, more literal than not. “ a screaming match he'd shoved his way between. salamander, turning her back to be attacked only hours after their bloody return. he flicks his ear up pointedly at her, then to pikesplash, ” even after the great battle, our aggression remained.. as did our hunger. each day was a clamber for food, licking more wounds we had no herbs or medicine cats to heal. until starclan aided us to split into five, and we grew less hungry, did we begin to live in less tumultuous waters. “ a single paw extends long, clear claws, sloped muzzle dipping to watch where they click at what little iridescence still clings to his shredded prey, ” the marshes had always been.. a difficult place to live. “ his eyes narrow, ” the clans have saved more lives than i can rightly say. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 50 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"

The days of the Colonies felt equally so far behind yet so close. She knows, from how quickly (though not easily) families and friends had embraced protecting the Clans over anything else that the era of the Colonies were over. Hardly a hint of its brutality remained aside from memory alone, and perhaps whatever she had heard from ShadowClan.

The marshes were a miserable stretch of land to live in. She remembered, her paws always wet. Stomaching the rough hide of lizards. Ignoring the tinge of toad, lest they starved instead. Mud was impossible to rid of and her mother doled a hefty paw when her precious kits (grown, nonetheless) dared to show themselves when their fur was not pristine.

The river had always been the smoky blue's affinity. There wasn't a moment of hesitation to choose, even if it had been someone else leading her to the winding stream she would have chosen it every single time.

Boneripple and Cicadastar's reminiscing bring about a surge of memories, both light and heavy, to her mind. She had met Lichentail in those marshes. Had learned what calling something hers felt like. But she had also lost, and lost and lost in them.

Hazecloud was lingering now, silent as a mouse while she felt as distant as the clouds. "No blood to be spilled when you could simply starve." Came her quiet agreement to the mottled tom's lament. Her voice sounded hollow, lacking any of it's usual warmth.
જ➶ The moment that they seem to catch Cicadastar's attention is the moment she tenses. Her eyes never look at his, keeping them on the ground before her as he starts to speak and each thing he says makes her heart run cold. How he can say these lies with such certainty makes her wonder if they had ever lived in the same group. If they had even been friends at all. They were only starving after the Pine Colony had settled in their forests. Only at each other's throats because of those cats overhunting and running off their prey. He says it as if they had always been rabid and at each other's throats beforehand. As if they lived like desperate beasts unable to hunt beyond the marshes. Pure folly. She is only correct in one thing, and it shocks her. She knows she has not been raised up on toad and crowfood. Back then her hunts had been filled with a variety of things as she learned to hunt and to grow. Less turbulent waters? Saved more cats lives? All these battles, these attacks on different clans that have been happening is less turbulent somehow. She disagrees.

If anything these battles and deaths are more unnecessary than before. Her anger she can feel rising and yet she keeps it in because she can not say anything. She can not. For what will it matter when they will believe him over her. They will always think he is right despite everything. Her maw twitches before it curls into a small smile, jagged at the edges. She doesn't need to be here to hear this, does she? And with Hazecloud's agreement she finds her limit. "Well, I better be off. Brittlenose is going to take me hunting and I'm sure he is waiting for me." Her legs shift as the long legged femme pushes up and she dips her head before stepping away from the group entirely and trotting up to a younger tom before leaving out of camp.

-- out
Boneripple is already gone, and as Saltsting watches her go he cannot help but consider the weight of her words against the others that speak. It is strange that she should find Cicadastar's presence so disruptive as to leave entirely. Were he someone else, perhaps her departure would mean something more. He resolves to question Fallinglight of its meaning at a later date. He does not deign to follow. Instead, dark eyes turn towards the earth beneath his paws. "You are correct that I do not remember a time before the pine colony shared this forest. From my birth, all I recall is loneliness. Even within the marsh, I did not know the company that I do now." Saltsting and company– incongruous ideas, like ill-fitting puzzle pieces forced together, yet the edges have worn to a soft connection. He is as much his presence now as he is who he had once been. A small kitten fed by his mother's paws. The others cared, certainly, yet they were not the protective force that they had become now. They had not the organization to save everyone.

"Perhaps one day, many moons from now, we will again see the peace that Boneripple recalls. Whether or not it was the truth of the time or a memory tinged by love for what was, we will have to cling to that hope, will we not?" There is something ancient about the young warrior's eyes for that moment. He thinks of his father, and the shame that his mother had been subjected to for her love to him. He thinks of words spat at borders in a needless waste of breath, and of claws tinged with blood that need not have been spilt. The clans were a solution, imperfect as they were, yet far better than what once was. "I had known only conflict in my youth. Now, at least, we hold something better."

As he had told the marsh-blooded warrior: it was not their place to know StarClan's mind. All they may do is make something good of what they were given. It is terribly foolish of him to hold onto this hope as he does. "Thank you, Cicadastar. Hazecloud. Your thoughts are appreciated."

  • ooc:
  • saltsting. formerly named idk yet.
    —— cis male. he - him // they - them. unoffended by others. 11 moons old. riverclanner.
    —— sexuality unknown. seems rather impossible to form close relationships with at first.
    —— half pine + marsh heritage. his father being a skyclan kittypet is general knowledge.
    —— earned his warrior name early despite a,, slight disagreement with cicadastar over it.

    Being the son of a kittypet, there is much there that Saltsting has inherited. From the sharp, angular profile of an Oriental Shorthair to the trim, glossy coat– he may as well have been his father's clone were one to not look too closely. He is a dark black smoke with a smattering of low white, particularly on his paws and muzzle, as well as very dark brown eyes he inherited from his mother.
  • "speech"