This is hardly the perfect time for this, not the ideal situation she had imagined in her head for what is supposed to be a happy moment but it is necessary. Taking an apprentice had been something she had been thinking of for a while now, and now it was more important than ever before. Not only was there the impending threat of the monsters plaguing their territory wiping her and all her knowledge out in one fell swoop, but there was the other infliction that she was suffering, the one that she had not recognized at first but had slowly been putting the pieces together for. She wanted distance, wanted to hide herself in the medicine cats den in her nest, to build it up and make it bigger, more comfortable. It was an infliction that made her lose the contents of her stomach after a meal, making her both ravenously hungry and nauseous at the same time.

Her tail flicks methodically behind her as she watches the clan rise from their makeshift beds. She hadn't slept a wink after talking to Magpiepaw. He had said he wanted to shoulder the burden with her, but was she truly making the right choice? Was this the correct path for him and were his shoulders strong enough to bare such a heavy weight? She hopes so...

"Sh-ShadowClan please- please listen. I have an announ-announcement I have to-t-to make" she waits for the sleepy eyes to all turn to her, curiosity dragging their paws forward. Their gazes burn on her pelt. She had never been one who appreciated attention, but this was something that needed to be done. Her own gaze searches for a familiar gray pelt in the crowd, her rock, her support. Her mate. "I'm- In a couple of moon I'll be- I'll be expecting kits" it was no secret whos they were, and it probably would not come as a surprise to her mate either. She had not gone out of her way to hide her symptoms from him, after all. She waits patiently for their voices to quiet again before continuing "Because of- because of this- among other things- I'll be needing a uh- an apprentice" it is hard to tear her eyes away from Granitepelt, but she finds another familiar face in the crowd, emerald eyes resting on midnight fur and she offers him a warm smile. "Magpiepaw has- has agreed to- to learn the ways of medicine and thus he will- he will be training under me from now on" She gestures with her tail for the tom to step forward and when he does she would press her nose to his, surprised to find that she has to tilt her head up in order to reach. When had he gotten so big? When she pulls away she opens her mouth and is the first to chant his name "Magpiepaw! Magpiepaw!" she calls out, urging the rest of the clan to greet their new medicine cat apprentice and follow suite.

// @Magpiepaw huge congrats to rai again!!! You and Magpiepaw are going to be absolutely amazing!

Granitepelt has been prepared for this dual-edged blade of an announcement. He comes to stand behind his mate, coiling his body in a half-circle around hers, as she addresses their Clan. She is not one to keep secrets from him—especially about the new cats who will be joining their den. The first of them he is not happy about, but he supposes it could’ve been worse. It could’ve been Ghostpaw.

His stoic expression melts into one of smug pride as Starlingheart announces her pregnancy. Magpiepaw’s promotion is a small price to pay for the guarantee his kits will be born into the world. He pads closer to her and rests his muzzle against hers, green eyes flashing with challenge as he surveys their Clanmates. “ShadowClan will be blessed with strong, healthy kits in just over a moon’s time,” he asserts, his tail reaching for Starlingheart’s so they can twine together. “Magpiepaw’s help will be appreciated, I’m sure, as Starlingheart begins to show.” He does not cheer for the new medicine cat apprentice at first, seeming content to focus on the good half of this news—but when his mate begins to chant his name, he adds a reluctant voice to it.

Magpiepaw is an intrusion, but their kits—their kits will ensure she cannot be taken from him.




Stumpyspots refuses to treat the announcement of kits as anything less to be estatic about. ShadowClan may not be in the best position, but they’d come up with a plan to rid of the bears in time… By the time Starlingheart’s litter was upon the world they’d have a nursery to play in, not the cold and swampy tunnel underneath the thunderpath.

To Granitepelt and Starlingheart she purrs, ”Congratulations!” she has no reason to doubt the ashen toms words. Their children will be strong and welcomed additions to the clan. Then she looks to Magpiepaw, Starlingheart’s newly announced apprentice. What an honor it must be, to be called upon by the medicine cat to learn how to heal and become closer with StarClan? She casts the Tom a smile, for what little its worth, she approves of the choice.
Frostbite blinked. Not even a moon ago he had guessed that Starlingheart could be carrying kits because of Poppypaws outburst of some kind of secret.

He didn't expect to be right.

"Congratulations." He says To Starlingheart with a smile, completely ignoring Granitepelt.

He hoped these kits took after their mother. Shadowclan doesn't need anymore crabs. No- crabs were better tempered than Granitepelt. He would have to compare him to another ill tempered creature. A badger maybe.

He looked over to Magpiepaw as he was announced to be her apprentice. He wondered about it.... But he didn't doubt the strange tom.

"Congratulations to you too, Magpiepaw."

He just hoped everything went well. And that he didn't get eaten by birds or something.​
hearing that starlingheart is expecting invokes an immediate visceral reaction, muscles tense beneath short fur as if trying to contain the revulsion that shuddered throughout her entire body from being too noticable. their poor medicine cat was not at fault for this rather it was directed moreso at the parasitic leech that clings to her side, wherever starlingheart goes you'll be certain to find that ashen snake lurking close behind with a scowl flashing at anyone who got too close.

following the news of her pregnancy comes the choosing of a medicine cat apprentice, someone who will help shoulder the duties when she is unable too and the name that is called makes geckoscreech suck in a sharp breath. of course, it had to be the bird obsessed child but maybe he'll prove himself to be a decent healer with starlingheart's guidance. "congratulations." she's finally able to force out the word, addressing mostly starlingheart and magpiepaw while a small facade of a smile curls at the corners of her lips in order to appear atleast somewhat supportive.

He bumbles along behind Starlingheart dutiful and sits while she gives her announcements, he expected her to speak of her kits; it was good news after all but he wasn't expecting his new position to be something worth of an announcement though he supposed it was good to inform cats. He hoped Rainecho was alright with it, he liked her even if their time together had been cut short by his broken tail. Magpiepaw straightens up his posture somewhat, hoping to look a little more astute and unslouched so at the very least he seemed more capable but he much prefered his head lower to the ground.
If he is being truthful and he always is; he doesn't care if his clanmates feel a particular way about his new duties as he cared only for Starlingheart's opinion as it was to help her specifically. His adoration for her came first, though he did offer a quiet nod toward Stumpyspot's kind smile in his direction; he'd always liked the older she-cat, her smushed in nose and likable demeanor envoked a sense of joy in passing, quite unlike most of the rest of ShadowClan who sought to only wallow about in their negativity. Frostbite's pointed congratulations to him specifically has him raise his head and he nods politely; the pale white tom's blessing was worth a fair bit more than most.
Granitepelt moves to the medicine cats other side and he glances at him briefly as he hears his name cheered, he doesn't have much of an opinion on Starlingheart's mate but he trusted her judgement and he seemed fine; perhaps a little too clingy but...who was he to talk when he spent most his time prior nosing about her den anyways.
"Thank you. I'm gonna learn where kits come from." The apprentice chirps plainly, wholely unprepared for what exactly that entailed.

Echoing throughout the onerous tunnels is a soft-spoken summons from the clan's medicine cat. Black-capped ears would swivel to receive Starlingheart's words, before he rises upon precarious paws and heads her way with the rest of his displaced clanmates. As to what the youngest of Briar's kin sought to disclose to everyone, what with the clan's haywire state of affairs, Smogmaw's curiosity mingles with a tinge of apprehension. He doesn't know what to expect at this rate. Each and every event of the past smattering of days has betrayed his expectations and left him wary about what twist or revelation might come next. Thus, he pauses near Geckoscreech's flank, seating himself uncomfortably, and yearning for a modicum of stability in the she-cat's coming announcements.

Starlingheart begins her sermon, and without delay, the deputy's intense glare welds to the tom who'd gone and infected ShadowClan's medicine cat. The slate-coloured strands of Granitepelt's sorry figure twist and knot with shameless abandon. A parasite who clings onto the girl like ivy, imposing upon her the same path of ambivalence that caused their last healer to turn tail and abandon them. Eyes then flit back towards Starlingheart with a glint of censure. Should her future kits decide to run away from camp, will she join them as her fickle aunt had done? Will she remain staunch in the critical role that she plays in the clan, or will young love blind herself to the weight of her responsibilities?

Frustration churns within him, though he puts a stern effort in to subdue it as the announcements drawl onward. It would seem the news of Granitepelt's carousal wasn't the only topic of the day.

To his mild surprise, Magpiepaw is denominated as her new apprentice. Muddy hues shift towards the midnight-furred feline, and his nose scrunches up at the idea of trusting this ditzy nitwit with his life. If given the choice between dying a slow and painful death, or a collection of herbs that Magpiepaw had chosen with their best judgement, Smogmaw would have to think twice. Nonetheless, it'd be a poor look on his behalf to outright renounce the second of Starlingheart's choices today. So, he nods his head in silent congratulations, and upon catching the kid's remark about kitting, he emits a single chortle. "Good luck with that," says the deputy simply, before dipping his head toward Starlingheart in acknowledgement, and strolling to where he'd been hunched up before.

This clan is chock-full of hopeless mouse-brains. Then again, when hasn't it been?


More kits and a new medicine cat apprentice, the tabby kitten had never pondered a rank in medicine, the life of a warrior seemed to interest him more. He definitely did not know how kits came about, his own mother having passed shortly after he was born.
Hearing everyone say their congratulations, Stormkit doesn't want to feel left out.
"Congratulations!" the tabby chirps in, his gaze naive and happy. Pausing on Magpiepaw's words, he realized he wasn't the only one who didn't know, was this some guarded knowledge? Once hed asked a couple queens and they had chuckled and avoided answering. He doubted anyone here would tell him, so Stormkit stays close to hear, just in case someone lets the secret slip.
The news that Starlingheart would be having kits soon brought a smile to Yarrowpaw's face. More kits were a good thing - of this, he was sure. Between Forestshade and Starlingheart, the nursery would be bustling in a few moons' time. Hopefully we'll be out of here by then. thought Betonyfrost's son with a twinge of apprehension. The Thunderpath tunnel was no place for kittens - he was glad he was an apprentice, now, and that he had Leafjaw to rely on and to take him out into the territory as a whole. Yarrowpaw grinned at the medicine cat and Granitepelt, mrowing a "Congratulations!" that was truthfully meant, even if he found Granitepelt's attitude to be rather unpleasant most of the time. The second announcement also seemed like a good thing - Starlingheart taking on an apprentice meant there'd be more paws available to help when ShadowClanners got injured, right? And even if Magpiepaw was a little strange, there was no indication he'd be a bad healer. Yarrowpaw flashed the black-and-white tom a look he hoped was encouraging, his blue eyes bright.
siltcloud | 13 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
That awful feeling is back - jealousy. She watches with dull green eyes as their medicine cat speaks, and really she doesn't understand - can't. What is it about starlingheart that makes her brother care for her? She only sees a pathetic shadow, pone who can't even cure or heal when it truly matters. And now they're starting a family - having kits. Will siltcloud ever get to have that? Mind can't help but wander back to conversations from long ago, of kissing and other such things her clanmates seem to take for granted. Back then no one had come to mind - she'd been alone, thought she'd always be alone. This time, a certain cat does come to mind - and she flushes beneath dust hued fur, pelt prickling as thoughts of kits running around the nursery enter her mind. "congratulations..." she murmurs slowly, determined not to dwell upon such meaningless realizations. And yet- what if...
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