private rabbit in the moon /𓆝/ camper kittypet

Dec 1, 2022
𓆝​ 𓆟 did don't do, don't you too, won't what we
𓆝​ 𓆟 He be Me, I be They, They be We

"fluffykins" & 18 moons & agender & they/them/it/its & kittypet

It js far from the first time the twolegs have brought cats back with them from their travels - yowling away from metal and plastic cages for freedom. The creature knows this fact well - they would, wouldn't they, given they too we're once plucked unceremoniously from their riverside home and dumped within smooth walls. At first, the kittypet thinks nothing of the newcomers - the twolegs travel often, taking them along with them for the ride. But theres something... odd about it this time, something familiar about the scene beyond their own memories.

Amber eyes blink, staring steadfastly upon the makeshift door that separates them, jaws parting as the creature takes in the scent. Theres two of them now, it observes - filling his once peaceful solitude with paniced mewls. Unceremoniously, it toppes from soft cushion onto hard floor with a loud thump- its never been graceful, this creature; more at home within the tides than striding upon land. Long legs carry a figure painted in fire and ice forwards, sunlight reflecting off bright pink contraption wrapped 'round their frame.

They wobble and they waddle as they-high step their way over, turning owl-eyes upon the strangers. And then they beam - a sharp thing, tinged with both pity and genuine joy.

" Moonpaw! " it chirps - qnd oh, it might not be moonpaw anymore it reqlizes. Time passes strnagely here, when sometimes days go by without glimpse of the outside where at others they find themselves so far from home the seasons have turned backwards. Still, its unimportant in the end, and so they only hum.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

H E Y - H O , - W H E R E - D I D - Y O U - G O ? - D I D - Y O U - W R I G G L E - O R - R O L L ?

// @Moonbeam & @turtlepaw just your friendly designated campground kittypet ♡
FIsh of the Day: muskie
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There were not very many rooms within this twoleg monster, built more for travel than comfort, and Moonbeam found herself having been in most of them in her short time here, trying to find a way to escape. There had been one that had been closed off, that she hadn't had access to until now and though she didn't go into it - sticking as close as possible to the apprentice at her side to try and help her as well was the most important thing - she hadn't expected from that room to come a familiar face.

The sound of her name - well, her old name - caused the medicine cat to turn to look, eyes wide in fear at first before the familiar face washed over her and she found her ears pricking as a small sigh of relief filtered through here. "Oddfish?" She'd speak out, questions running through her mind as she looked towards the other. "We thought you were dead... have you been here this whole time?" It wasn't accusatory, it wasn't upset, it was genuine curiosity at the sight of a familiar face in such a difficult situation. "Do you- do you know how to get out?" Maybe not, if it had been here this whole time maybe Oddfish too was trapped.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
come along with me

Turtlepaw had recently found purpose in this strange land. She knew Moonbeam was older than her, but she couldn't stand the thought of her medicine cat being injured by the hairless beast that captured them. She had appointed herself as Moonbeam's personal bodyguard during their imprisonment. Anytime the twoleg lumbered over, Turtlepaw would puff her fur up as much as she could and spit and hiss at them until they left them alone. It had worked every time so far. Snakeblink would be so proud!

The apprentice had been resting with closed eyes, taking comfort in the warmth from Moonbeam's flank. She was slowly drifting off, head bobbing and breath slowing, when Moonbeam's old name is called and she's snapped her from rest. Turtlepaw leaps to her feet and assumes her usual defensive stance, ready to fight off anyone who came close. When Moonbeam's responded in a familiar tone, she paused. Who was this? They smelled like kittypet and bounced around the monster's interior with ease. Oddfish was certainly a clan name, but they weren't RiverClan at all.

"Are you a kittypet?" She blurted. She was eager to know if it knew a way out, but her own curiosity was ready to burst from her chest. Their twoleg smell, their clan name, and their RiverClan build made her head spin trying to place what exactly it is.

  • speech color
  • TURTLEPAW she/her/hers, apprentice of riverclan, 7 moons (ages every 1st)
    stocky silver charcoal tabby. tail is a stub. energetic, naive, dim
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / roughhousing and wrestling encouraged / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by muddly@/muddly on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Crying
Reactions: Kangoo