twolegplace RABBITS LAY EGGS? // discovery in garden


Like A Hurricane
Sep 20, 2022

You know what, twolegplace wasn't all that bad! Gale actually found himself thriving in the concrete maze of buildings, and with his wounds healed he was finally capable of exploring his new world at full capacity. His range was slowly starting to extend into the suburban neighbourhoods and away from the alleyways behind the restaurants and takeaways, where the bins had provided ample food during the harsh end of leafbare. But there wasn't much adventure to be had around there, so he hoped to find the mental stimulation he craved elsewhere. That's when he decided to delve into the risky business of hopping in and out of various gardens.

It was pretty great at first since he was able to watch other cats, kittypets and loners alike, go about their business, but it was when he began coming across twoleg cubs and various dogs that things started to go pretty sour. Still, he pressed on with his travels until finally dropping down into a particularly large garden. Like, really big! Though he was pleased to see that there were no dogs around, but there was something hopping about between the bushes and decorative trees.

A giant white rabbit!

The thing was hopping and skittering about placing brightly coloured objects down in various locations all over the garden before disappearing back inside the stone den. Gale couldn't resist investigating the odd items, and his confusion only deepened when he recognised them to be somewhat egg-shaped. "Rabbits leave... eggs? HUH?!" Was he going mad? Surely not, but who could be certain. Still, he swiftly found enjoyment in batting the strange eggs across the grass, especially since something was rattling inside in a pleasing manner.

"That is news to me, friend." He spoke through the tall fence, appearing a few seconds later atop it. Hunched over with the white of his torso showing, Zorro remained a gargoyle on that stand as he assessed the sight before him. The bobtail saw no rabbit, and had to wonder if the stranger was having delusions of home to have imagined such a thing. That was what clan cats ate right, rabbits? And birds, and mice. Though he'd indulged in the latter two, lapines were a foreign taste to the loner. He could only hope rabbits tasted better than birds, whose feathers stuck in one's teeth like needles and the umami flavour was enough to make him gag when he wasn't desperate for sustenance. At least eggs were somewhat tastier. He watched as Galeforce whipped a paw at one such egg, blue-grey eyes shooting open as a little jingle came from it. He leapt down to join the exile, bounding towards a different egg and trying to sink his teeth into it. Zorro couldn't get past the shell, his canines grinding against it and leaving paper-thin scores of white. This... this wasn't a real egg, was it? His two-toned ears grew hot with embarrassment.

He swiped at the damaged egg, instinctively following it as it bounced across the garden, its rattle intoxicating. An obsidian paw was placed atop the faux egg, usually sharp gaze dilated with excitement. "I can't imagine Twolegs will be best pleased about us messing with their eggs." Zorro called out, casting a side-eyed glance towards the towering home. The Twolegs he'd once been with were beautiful souls, but even they would find irritation in feral cats making a mess, he thought. With a smirk upon his maw, the red-ribboned tom let a glint of mischief settle in his eye. "But I'm sure they would not notice if one or two went missing. Do you stay in one place, friend? Rabbit's eggs would make for great decoration if you did." Zorro doubted it, one fixed location seemed dangerous, opened one up to attacks from rogues who wanted your hunting space. Perhaps Galeforce would surprise him. His mind temporarily taken off of the game in front, he peered curiously towards the WindClanner, waiting to see if he would take his advice, or let the Twolegs keep ahold of their precious bunny eggs.


For a brief moment Gale looked somewhat dumbfounded as a voice came to be, at first without a face to match it. That is until the fellow made his appearance atop the fence. For a few moments he gawked at the other tom before the allure of the plastic egg absorbed his focus once more and sent him into a frenzy of play as he chased the thing across the soft grass. All in all he just didn't seem too concerned about Zorro's presence, not deeming him to be a threat or anything to ruffle at.

"You know, I really should take a couple. Yew would love to see 'em!" Gale was quite taken by the idea of stealing a couple of the brightly coloured objects for his little temporary home behind the takeaways. It wasn't like he cared if the twolegs got pissy over losing a few. However, despite his best attempts to work his jaws around the egg he simply couldn't get it to stay in his mouth. "Though I dunno how I'm gonna get it back to the alley where I'm currently living. It's not like I can just bat it all the way there. Got any ideas?"