
it's killing me
Feb 20, 2023
Mid-morning, a sweet spring-time breeze making the newly budded leaves flutter against each other - bright green splashed with gold in the sunlight. Bird-song filtered through the trees, promising companionship to a particular sky-bound apprentice. Her fluffy tail waggled behind her as she climbed up and up, a mocha banner to a not-so-impressed cat below.

"Chickadeepaw, you get down here this instant! Do you hear me?!" Her mentor squealed below, grounded by distinct lack of climbing ability that Chickadeepaw had chosen to exploit today. Singing Frog had come from the marshes and knew little about climbing trees and with her squat form, she was loathe to learn anytime soon. Her apprentice shared none of her reservations about the trees, however, and had taken it upon herself to sneak out of camp before her mentor had gotten the chance to fetch her. She just wanted to stretch her legs! And really, she wasn't even that far out of camp, so what was the big deal?

She pulled herself up onto the closest branch and peered down at the now blustering she-cat, who had begun pacing the roots of the tree, all while her tirade continued: "The third time this week, oh stars, you are so lucky I haven't told your mother about this! You are in so much trouble when I get you down, do you understand?! Howlingstar is going to hear about this, this time around she will! You are in big trouble, missy, big!"

Chickadeepaw scrunched up her face and stuck out her tongue. She wasn't even that far up! "You're gonna have to get me first! Why don't you come up here yourself? It's way more fun than being on the ground!"
"Got her, Barkjaw!" Stormypaw hollers, landing on a branch just above her denmate's head. Back at camp, everyone heard Chickadeepaw was missing, many assuming she'd slipped out undetected. Her mentor, dutiful as always, of course volunteered her and himself to help her poor mentor wrangle her. And while Stormypaw's a bit of a troublemaking rebel herself, she must admit the much younger apprentice isn't going about it in the best way. She wouldn't be surprised if she remains camp-bound for a quarter-moon for this stunt and the way she back-talks to her mentor.

Branch wobbling beneath her, the highly skilled climber stalks closer to the trunk and sends a smirk down to Chickadeepaw. "Sorry, squirt! Ya got caught!" Flashing her teeth in a well-meaning chuckle, she peers up at Barkjaw to see what he may do.

// mentor tag @BARKJAW

"gonna send poor singing frog straight to the elder's den," nightbird chuckled, staring up into the branches above. it was funny now, to watch the warrior scramble and shout from below. however, the insubordination from the chocolate furred apprentice was concerning to say the least. she was still young, but singing frog would need to put an end to whatever was going on before escapes to climb trees turned into something more.

she looked up again to see stormypaw scaling the tree with an impressive prowess. wouldn't be long until the silver girl was knocking birds right from their nests. she sends an impressed glance to barkjaw, but just sat silently. there was no reason for her to step in, especially with both mentors present. but that didn't mean she wasn't interested in how this whole fiasco would end up playing out.
[ ☾✩ ]


Little Wolf tilts her head upwards towards the sky to watch as Chickadeepaw scales the branches above. It makes her think of her own kits in SkyClan, or well kit. A pang of grief weighs heavy on her heart as she thinks of her poor daughter but she quickly pushes it away in favor of watching Stormypaw scale up the tree after her. The apprentice's mentor is calling for her to get down and Little Wolf does not blame her for not wanting to go up there after her. Tree climbing was no easy feat, after all. Little Wolf herself surely wasn't capable of doing such a thing.

She lets out a chuckle at the lead warrior's words. "If she doesn't die of a heart attack first" she adds as she continues to watch the scene unfold before her.

// @RAGWORTPAW apprentice tag!



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Disobedient apprentices, there was little in this world that got Prickleflower’s fur in a bigger knot. To see her lead warrior and Little Wolf jesting around the situation make her forehead weighted in anger. Did they not know their laughter and mockery of Singing Frog’s fret would only encourage Chickadeepaw to not listen to her?

Prickleflower strides up to Singing Frog and aims to comfortingly brush up against her flank before shooting a look as sharp as daggers up at Chickadeepaw. Shes unsurprised to see Stormypaw hovering above her, that girl was far from better… Prickleflower might’ve just thought the tabby put Chickadeepaw up to it if the younger apprentice hadn’t already pulled this stunt two times prior. ”It’s a wonder Wrenflutter let you out of the nursery! You bring shame to ThunderClan with your insolence.” If anyone was going to bring a firm, solid paw down onto these apprentices anyone could bet their tail it’d be the chocolate and white tabby. ”Howlingstar ought to give Singing Frog a new apprentice, her skills are wasted chasing a fur-ball like you around the forest.” Her voice is sharp and whiny, and despite the apprentice’s youth she does not hold back. Perhaps some venom would knock her into shape? Not once does Prickleflower’s gaze waver from Chickadeepaw, her nose wrinkles as if to dare the apprentice to further disobey.
Daffodilpaw sits nearly near the crowd, ears craning towards the noise. It hadn't exactly slipped under the radar that Chickadeepaw left camp on her own (again, as some of the warriors before her add exasperatedly.) And given her tracking skills, the pale pointed she-cat figured she would be of use in trying to find the newly minted apprentice. They found her, with or without Daffodilpaw's help, and now the young apprentice simply listens as they try to usher the fledgling out of the tree.

Prickleflower's words earn a wince from Daffodilpaw, though the apprentice doesn't say much in defense of Chickadeepaw. Someone has to find sense in the youth - perhaps the older she-cat would do exactly that with her version of tough love. She cranes her mostly blind gaze up, towards the tree tops, and tries to make out the shapes of the felines trapped there. It doesn't take long before she posits, "... She knows how to get down, right?" Surely no ThunderClan apprentice would scale a tree without knowledge of safely jumping down, right? Even Chickadeepaw wouldn't be that reckless... right?​
Chamomilepaw seats himself beside his littermate, having followed after Daffodilpaw to make sure she didn't get into any sort of trouble (not that his sister was a troublemaker, he simply worried for her given her strained vision). Sage green eyes scan over the gathered mentors and apprentices before focusing on the topic, or subject, at hand. Chickadeepaw had caused quite a stir in camp and now it seems she is putting on a show of how not to treat one's mentor. He feels a pang of sympathy for Singing Frog as the land-bound mentor calls up to her disobedient apprentice.

Much like Daffodilpaw, Cham winces at Prickleflower's words. He vows to never upset her lest he earn himself the same sharp tongued lashing. Hopefully Prickleflower's venom soaks into Chickadeepaw's defiant ears and the apprentice learns a thing or two. As for Daffy's thoughtful posit, Chamomilepaw hums softly and eventually nods. "Singing Frog did say this was the third time this week, so I would guess this isn't Chickdeepaw's first time up a tree," the fawn ticked tom murmurs in reply before adding, "and if it is, Stormypaw is in the tree as well. I'm sure she could offer Chickadeepaw some help." Maybe. Possibly. Cham doesn't know Stormypaw all that well yet but he figures in a situation like this any help would be freely given.
Chickadeepaw almost laughs with delight when Little Wolf and Nightbird make themselves known - see, Singing Frog? Some cats have humor and style and fun. This wouldn't be a problem if you weren't such a stick in the mud! Ha-ha-ha-ha-

oh wait.

The branch the apprentice is balancing on sways slightly as Chickadeepaw turns to look at Stormypaw and her mentor - best climbers than she at the present moment. Rats! Her squinty golden gaze narrows into a disgruntled glare as she's cornered into descent. What a bunch of bores! One paw at a time, more careful than she had been going up the tree, she makes her way back to the ground - none too keen on being carried like a kitten by the older apprentice.

Once back down on solid earth, she gives Prickleflower a sour look. "Howlingstar should give Singing Frog a rock an apprentice, she'd be happier doing nothing!" Despite the quick tongue, Chickadeepaw's ear grow hot at the she-cat's words. Ugh! Did her stupid mentor have to bring along the whole clan this time? She was gonna get down eventually!



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Prickleflower hadn’t though that Chickadeepaw wouldn’t know how to get down, but it makes no difference in her anger. If she didn’t, today would be the day she learned, an added consequence to her delinquency. Gaze unmoving, she watches the apprentice travel all the way down from the tree and onto the earth. The young kit shoots Prickleflower a sour look and makes an insulting comment about her mentor, a mistake. With no hesitation she raises a paw and aims to cuff Chickadeepaw’s ear, ”Howlingstar has already given her a rock for an apprentice it seems!” Prickleflower snaps, baffled by the apprentice’s audacity and tongue. She does not mean to overstep Singing Frog’s authority and Chickadeepaw’s apprentice, but she clearly needed help, Prickleflower wasn’t going to leave her in the deep end. ”I suggest not leaving camp anymore without your mentor’s permission, or we’ll talk to Howlingstar about putting you back in the nursery where you belong. The warrior was unwilling to lose this battle, Chickadeepaw will listen.